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(A)*The Psychological Parent (B)*The Psychological Adult

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Presentation on theme: "(A)*The Psychological Parent (B)*The Psychological Adult"— Presentation transcript:

1 According to Harris, Three psychological persons can be found within each person:
(A)*The Psychological Parent (B)*The Psychological Adult (C)*The Psychological Child

2 The Psychological Parent, Adult, Child
They are present all of the time, They take turns dominating according to different situations. There is an appropriate time and place for each psychological person, but you need to figure it out!!! The goal is to achieve balance among all three!!!

3 (A) The Psychological Parent:
Represents the taught concepts in life The psychological parent: Pressures Blames Finds faults Gives orders Domineers The parent is: Strict Uncompromising Inconsistent Protective

4 The Psychological Parent
In the psychological parent are found: In regard to others the parent: Laws Protects (overly) Regulations Dominates Sanctions Blames Prejudices Finds fault Taboos Threats Social pressure Sources of the parent are: Parents Teachers Older Children TV

5 (B) The Psychological Adult
Represents the thought concepts The psychological adult Figures things out Solves problems Weighs consequences Understands Thinks things through The adult is: Aware Creative Responsible Thoughtful

6 The Psychological Adult
In the psychological adult are found: In regard to others the adult: Understands Values Ideas Trusts Realities Loves Truth Sources of the adult are: Experience Examined data from the parent or the child

7 (C) The Psychological Child
Represents the felt concepts The psychological child: In the psychological child are found: Plays Cries Pouts Explores Laughs Spontaneous Demanding Curious Jealous Charming Carefree Playful Pouty

8 The Psychological Child
In the psychological child are found: In regard to others the child: Enjoys Wishes Fears Uses Feelings Manipulates Guilts Takes advantage of Delights Frustrations Sources of the child are: Felt reactions to people and experiences


10 Moral Decision Making created by Lawrence Kohlberg
Levels Preconventional- Focus on myself (stages 1&2) (Most children reason on this level) Conventional- Focus on the group (stages 3&4) (Kohlberg claims that most people reason on this level) Postconventional- Focus on values & principles message of Jesus Christ is to make decisions from the heart (stages 5&6)

11 Pre Conventional Level
(A) Stage 1: Punishment or Obedience I submit to authority figures because of the physical consequences for me if I don’t. (B) Stage 2: Personal Usefulness Something is right if I get something out of it.

12 Conventional Level (C)Stage 3: Good Boy or Nice Girl
I do something to get the approval and praise of others. I conform to group standards of what is right or wrong. (D)Stage 4: Law and Order I obey the rules of the system to maintain right order. Right behavior consists in doing my duty.

13 Post Conventional Level
(E)Stage 5: Social Contract Right action flows from general principles agreed on in a society and on personal values. I should work to change a law if it will help make society more self-respecting. (E)Stage 6: Personal Conscience I make my decisions based on ethical principles that apply to all persons everywhere- justice, equality, the dignity of every human life.

14 HARRIS & KOHLBERG (A)*The Psychological Parent
Makes decisions in Stages 3&4 (B)*The Psychological Adult Makes decisions in Stages 5&6 (C)*The Psychological Child Makes decisions in Stages 1&2

15 KOHLBERG & HARRIS Pre Conventional Level- focus on myself
stages 1&2 psychological child Conventional level - focus on the group stages 3&4 psychological parent Post Conventional level- focus on values stages 5&6 psychological adult

16 HARRIS SKITS Create a REAL teenage moral dilemma and solution with your group Each psychological person must be represented at least once Make sure the adult has a WOW statement! (Words Of Wisdom) Remember to keep it real!!! Make this a real learning experience! While in the audience, your responsibility is to figure out who is the PARENT, ADULT and CHILD! There will be a 50 point quiz!!!

17 HARRIS SKITS On the paper provided,
Write the title of your group and the names and roles you will be playing! Skits will begin We will review and then… QUIZ woo hoo!

18 KOHLBERG SKITS Create a REAL teenage moral stage with your group
Each person must be represented at least once Remember to keep it real!!! Make this a real learning experience! While in the audience, your responsibility is to figure out which stage is being presented! There will be a 50 point quiz!!!

19 KOHLBERG SKITS On the paper provided,
Write your names and the STAGE of your group Skits will begin today and continue, We will review and then… QUIZ woo hoo!

20 Harris and Kohlberg What have you learned from these theories?
Sometimes we see people doing something Sometimes we hear people saying something But we don’t know why!! We are too quick to judge!! Be careful and gentle!!! We need to respect each other!


22 Kohlberg Review (A1)(B2)(C3)(D4)(E5/6) name that stage!!!
Peer pressure; Follow the leader or crowd It’s the rule!!! Doing my duty Make decisions from your heart I can’t do that! I’ll get into trouble!! You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours!!! Talk the talk & walk the walk What’s in it for me???

23 Harris Review PARENT ADULT CHILD name that psychological person!!!
Values and Truth Playful and Jealous Regulations and over protective Figures things out, Thinks it through Pressures, blames, finds fault Manipulates and takes advantage of Understanding, Trusting, Loving

24 Body Mind Spirit A Parent B Adult C Child A Stage 1 B Stage2 C Stage 3
D Stage 4 E Stages 5/6

25 MORALITY Bible Buddy Activity
on the paper provided, write out moral decisions for each of the stages of moral development Harris psychological persons

26 MORALITY A Parent B Adult C Child A Stage 1 B Stage2 C Stage 3
D Stage 4 E Stages 5/6

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