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Moral Development Supplemental Slides. Moral Development— Kohlberg’s Levels and Stages PRECONVENTIONAL LEVEL Stage 1: punishment-obedience orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Moral Development Supplemental Slides. Moral Development— Kohlberg’s Levels and Stages PRECONVENTIONAL LEVEL Stage 1: punishment-obedience orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moral Development Supplemental Slides

2 Moral Development— Kohlberg’s Levels and Stages PRECONVENTIONAL LEVEL Stage 1: punishment-obedience orientation Stage 2: instrumental-exchange orientation CONVENTIONAL LEVEL Stage 3: good child orientation Stage 4: law-and-order orientation POSTCONVENTIONAL LEVEL Stage 5: social-contract orientation Stage 6: universal ethics orientation 2

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4 4 Moral Development Lawrence Kohlberg contended that moral thinking likewise proceeds through a series of stages – from a preconventional morality of self-interest (gains rewards, avoids punishment) – to a conventional morality that cares for others and upholds laws and rules (gains approval, does duty; obeys because rules exist) – to (in some people) a postconventional morality of agreed-upon rights or basic ethical principles.

5 Preconventional (birth to adolescence) Stage 1- punishment and obedience orientation – Self-centered – Rewards, punishment – Will not admit intentionality Stage 2- instrumental-exchange orientation – Aware of perspective of others – Reciprocal-exchange of favors 5

6 Conventional (adolescence to young adulthood)- other focussed Stage 3- good child orientation – Being nice to gain approval – People judged by intentions of their behavior Stage 4- law-and-order orientation – Takes into account larger perspective- society – One’s duty to respect law and order 6

7 Postconventional (adulthood)- develop own standards of right and wrong/abstract Stage 5- social-contract orientation – Appreciate underlying purposes of laws – Interests in majority versus individual – OK to steal drug to save a life Stage 6- universal ethics orientation – “right” is determined by universal ethics – Human dignity, nonviolence, freedom, equality – Regardless of whether agree, will conform 7

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