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DHI Software Evolvable Software Products in the World of Water Thomas Bech Karl J. Hollenbeck

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Presentation on theme: "DHI Software Evolvable Software Products in the World of Water Thomas Bech Karl J. Hollenbeck"— Presentation transcript:

1 DHI Software Evolvable Software Products in the World of Water Thomas Bech Karl J. Hollenbeck

2 Agenda DHI Water & Environment DHI Software Challenges

3 Denmark - Australia, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, USA - Brazil, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam Knowledge of water to value and welfare

4 DHI is an independent, self-governing research and consultancy organisation (non-profit) DHI builds competence and promotes technological development relevant to the water and the environment DHI has ongoing activities world-wide DHI has a total staff of about 560 DHI Water & Environment

5 DHI’s Mission We transform knowledge of water into value for customers and welfare for the global community We provide solutions by applying and integrating core competencies within a management and societal context

6 DHI’s Vision We aim to be: ! The world’s preferred source of specialist knowledge within our core competencies, striving to influence global agendas within water and environmental management ! The world’s leading supplier of hydroinformatic tools. Our technology shall make a difference and set global standards

7 DHI’s Profile Research/DevelopmentProduct/Problem Solution Consultants Universities DHI Water & Environment Authorities Donor Organisations Sector Research Institutions Industry/Business Researchers/In-depth ExpertiseConsultants/Broad Expertise

8 Gross Turnover by Type of Activity

9 DHI Software Products MOUSE MIKE 21 MIKE BASIN MIKE SHE MIKE 11 MIKE 3 LITPACK MIKE SWMM MIKE NET Modelling the World of Water

10 DHI Software What happens if the sea bed rises 0.5 m somewhere in the Indian Ocean ?

11 Software Products DHI provides front-end software products within 3 product lines: !Water in the marine environment !Water resources !Water in the city - Desktop Software for Windows PC’s 23

12 Clients !Consultants !Authorities (municipality -> Government) !Universities !Research Institutions

13 Marine Software Modelling Systems for Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries, Bays, Coastal Areas and Seas Professional Engineering Software Packages for Free-Surface Flows MIKE 21, MIKE 3, LITPACK….

14 MIKE 11 /MIKE FLOOD Dynamic modelling of rivers, reservoirs, floodplains, detailed water quality assessment. MIKE BASIN Regional environmental assessment, GIS information management. Integrated analysis of rivers & groundwater,wetlands, irrigation systems. MIKE SHE MIKE 21C River Morphology Water Resources Software

15 URBAN Software - MIKE Urban GIS Functionality Hydraulic Models

16 DHI Software – The figures Sales budget 2006: roughly 55 mio DKK Income from product sales funds: !“The black figures” (60 %) !Marketing & Sales !Service & Support !IT Infrastructure !Development (2006 budget: 11 mio DKK)

17 Software Development Centers DK - Hørsholm: !Marine Software !Urban Software !Water Resources Software CZ - Praha: !Development resources available to all areas – but primarily used by Urban Software CN – Shanghai !Development resources available to all areas

18 DHI Software Drivers and Challenges …

19 Challenge: 20 years of History

20 Challenge: Keeping up with technology !New platforms and technologies !64 Bit computing !Multiprocessor / Multicore systems !New OS !GIS platform !.NET framework !Development Environments !Etc.….

21 Challenge: Market Demands !Diverse markets (and clients) !Diverse demands – in terms of features and technology !Ideas come from: !Customers directly !The DHI offices !The consultancy departments

22 Development Drivers !Offices and Agents: !Sell COTS to clients !Offices and Consultants: !Sell Consultancy Services !Sell ”Decision Support Systems”

23 Challenge/Trends We are moving from dealing with !Single, isolated problems To !Complex, multi-disciplinary issues Symptoms !Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Decision !Reports -> Operational Systems !Models -> Information Systems -> Decision Support Systems

24 Example: Hydropower DSS The user: Operates the hydropower facility The user want a system that:  Provides the predicted revenue from power sales for the next 48 hours, with a given release strategy.  Provides the predicted revenue from power sales for the next 48 hours, with a altered release strategy, power prices and precipitation rate (what if scenarios)

25 Example: Hydropower

26 DSS Key Characteristics !Data integration across domains, types and sources !Combines, aggregates, analyses data !Presents information useful for decision making !Keywords: Integration – Analysis – Presentation

27 Challenges Summary !Dealing with 20 years of history !Keeping up with technology !Balancing drivers: COTS-Technology-Consultancy !Dealing with DSS: Openness and Integration across product lines !Dealing with all of the above in an organisation with 5 development centres, some of which are more focused on projects

28 Questions How do we organize our assets (code), so that we are capable of dealing with all challenges ? What methods should we use ? What is in the ”Kernel” and what is not ? …

29 Contact Details Thomas Bech Karl J. Hollenbeck

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