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John Locke v. Thomas Hobbes

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1 John Locke v. Thomas Hobbes
Two Theories on Government

2 State of Nature DIFFERENCE Locke: State of relative peace
Hobbes: State of war!

3 Status of Men in the State of Nature
Similarity: Men are equal in a state of nature Difference: Men are equal for different reasons Locke: Men are created equal in eyes of their creator. All have reason. All can universal understanding of natural rights and law Hobbes: Men are equal because the weakest is capable of killing the strongest and because all men believe they are just as smart as his fellow man which facilitates greed and competition

4 Men as Rational Creatures?
SIMILARITY Both men believe men enter into a social compact (create a government) because it is in their self-interest and will advance their condition

5 Purpose for Government’s Existence
SIMILARITY Men create government to secure their lives and property State of nature requires additional regulation - natural law is not enough

6 HOW Government is Created
SIMILARITY Men give up the total freedom they have in the state of nature to live under rules DIFFERENCE Locke: Men willingly give up SOME of their freedom to the government Hobbes: Men willingly give up ALL of their freedom to the government

7 Type of Government Established
DIFFERENCE Locke: A legislative body containing representatives chosen by the very people who created it Hobbes: An absolute monarchy or dictatorship

8 SOURCE of Government’s Authority
SIMILARITY The people!!!!!!!! Known as “social contract”

9 Right to Alter / Abolish Government
DIFFERENCE Locke: “where law ends, tyranny begins” If representatives violate laws of nature, they can be overthrown and men will revert to a state of nature Hobbes: “where no law, no justice” If you remove the government, men will revert to a state of war - this is not in their self-interest.

10 Human Nature DIFFERENCE
Locke: men are intrinsically good (tabla rusa) but flawed They are capable of restraining these flaws and governing themselves Hobbes: men are intrinsically evil Self-aggrandizing creatures require external control

11 World Views / Life Experiences
DIFFERENCE Hobbes: exiled from England in 1640s during English Civil War Witnessed worst of humanity Locke: Published his work after the “Glorious” or “Bloodless” Revolution (1680s) Power was transferred from Catholic monarch to a Protestant monarch without violence and a Bill of Rights was established

12 Which author had the greatest impact on American government?
Who do you agree with? Which author had the greatest impact on American government?

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