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COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Followership in Leadership Studies: A Case of Leader-Follower Trade Approach Petros G. Malakyan, PhD Department of Leadership.

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1 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Followership in Leadership Studies: A Case of Leader-Follower Trade Approach Petros G. Malakyan, PhD Department of Leadership Studies Indiana Wesleyan University

2 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Abstract -The absence of followership from the leadership literature. -The review of the major leadership theories: 1.Leader-focused nature of leadership studies 2.Static understanding of leadership (noun vs. verb) 3.A need for a new paradigm: a non-static approach to leadership and followership. -Introducing the Leader-Follower Trade (LFT) approach: an organic vs. static approach to leadership-followership. -Leadership and followership as exchangeable and tradable functions and roles.

3 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES -Dissertation: Christ-like Leadership: Theological and Missiological Foundations of Leadership and Development (An Armenian Case Study). School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1998. -Christian Leadership International, Inc. (USA); National Leadership Institute (Armenia), 1999-2008. -Taught first class on Followership in Ethiopia in 2009. -Peter G. Northouse (2004). Leadership: Theory and Practice (3 rd ed.). Sage Publication. -Began working on this article since 2007. Personal Journey with Followership

4 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES The review of 16 major theories and models of leadership. The result indicates the following: Most theories on leadership have been leader-focused or leader-centered. Followers in most leadership theories have not been the subject of study or research. The static paradigm of leadership has created a social segregation: leaders and followers as separate identities. Followership in Leadership Studies

5 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES A new paradigm for leadership studies: Leading and following as separate human functions and roles vs. leader and follower separate human identities. A Case of Leader-Follower Trade (LFT) Approach Studying leadership and followership as one continuum.

6 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Leadership-followership processes occur in relationships and leading-following functions are exchangeable behaviors in human relationships. Thus, leaders and followers trade their functions from leader to follower and from follower to leader in order to develop their intrapersonal perspectives, foster interpersonal relationships, and maximize mutual effectiveness. LFT Approach defined:

7 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES From the perspective of LFT approach, influence between the leaders and the followers is always mutual (“influence” talk). Leadership traits do not make one superior over a person who has followership traits (trait approach). The leader needs to obtain the follower’s skills and vice versa, because true effectiveness is measured by one’s ability to function both as a leader and a follower (skills approach). LFT Approach in Leadership Studies

8 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES The leader-follower, follower-leader, and follower-follower relationship and task behaviors (style approach). Leaders learn to follow in one and the followers learn to lead in another situation (situational approach). Promote leader and follower mutual effectiveness (contingency theory). LFT Approach in Leadership Studies

9 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Making leadership a shared experience with the followers to foster attitudinal and behavioral change, improvement in performance, and willingness to cooperate with the leader (path- goal theory). Turning the three phases of the leader-member dyad (the stranger phase, the acquaintance phase, and the partner phase) into a three- phase developmental process for each group member between the positional leaders and followers (LMX theory). LFT Approach in Leadership Studies

10 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES The leader and the follower are transformed into a new functional reality: the leader becomes a follower and the follower becomes a leader, which may offer solutions to the problems in transformational leadership of lone-ranger mentality, psychological influence, elitism. If a person is charismatic by nature, then regardless of his/her functions, that person may well be not only a charismatic leader but also a charismatic follower. LFT Approach in Leadership Studies

11 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Leaders within the team learn to follow and followers learn to lead through the functional trade in order to maximize the group effectiveness (team leadership). Leaders and followers not only share their leadership roles, but also – followership (shared, collective, and distributed leadership). LFT Approach in Leadership Studies

12 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES A leadership of followers where leaders are expected to serve rather than to be served, and the servants are expected to lead (servant leadership). No better or worse personalities of the psychodynamic research, both behavioral functions (leading and following) are acceptable and cannot be viewed as better or worse. LFT Approach in Leadership Studies

13 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES It seems unethical to ignore followership ethics in relation to leaders and followers themselves(leadership ethics). If a person in a follower role has a talent or a skill to lead then she or he should be encouraged to lead out of his/her authentic self (authentic leadership). LFT Approach in Leadership Studies

14 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Find ways in which leader-follower relationships may enhance interpersonal as well as intercultural effectiveness in global organizations(intercultural leadership). Leadership and followership functions are gender neutral. Regardless of one’s gender, one may function as a leader or as a follower based on one’s personal preferences and strengths (gender and leadership). LFT Approach in Leadership Studies

15 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES In one situation the person playing a leader role may hold her or his followers accountable, in another – hold leaders accountable while playing the role of a follower (mutual accountability). Summary: leadership and followership are processes that occur in relationships and both functions are exchangeable behaviors in human relationships regardless of one’s gender, ethnic, cultural or social identity. LFT Approach in Leadership Studies

16 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Feasibility of the LFT approach Low Competency High 1 Resistant- Avoidance 4 Enthusiastic- Engagement 2 Apprehensive - Avoidance 3 Inquisitive - Avoidance Low Willingness High Figure 1: The feasibility quadrants of the LFT approach

17 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 1.Human beings are born with abilities to lead and follow. Subsequently both are valuable and useful human behavioral functions. Conclusion and Recommendation 2.The concepts of a “leader” or a “follower” as nouns and separate human identities do not exist and seem rather myth. Thus, the non-static paradigm of the LFT approach to “leading” and “following” as verbs seems more natural and authentic to every individual regardless of their social status.

18 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 3.Leadership and followership traits and skills are valuable human functions and cannot independently exist. Both skills and abilities are attainable through education and thus deserve attention. Conclusion and Recommendation 4.Leadership and followership are not static concepts or behavioral functions. In one situation a person may function as a leader and in another – a follower or both.

19 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 5.As the leader influences the follower, the follower correspondingly influences the leader. Thus the questions always remains, “Who is influencing who and who is leading who?” Conclusion and Recommendation 6.Leadership and followership are situational. Individuals may constantly exchange their leadership and followership functions.

20 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 7.In organizational settings, leadership and followership have traditionally been perceived as separate roles. However, both roles may be exchangeable based on one’s giftedness, behavioral preference, expertise, and the situational needs. Conclusion and Recommendation 8.The LFT approach is based on the mutual influence through both (1) change of leadership style or behavior and (2) change of functions in order to make leadership and followership a shared experience.

21 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 9.The skills, inner dispositions, and followership qualities do not come naturally. Thus, followership along with leadership must be taught and developed in both leaders and followers from educational institutions to diverse community and work environments. Conclusion and Recommendation

22 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 10.If human behavioral functions, such as leading and following, are contingent upon or shaped by the cultural characteristics, then these behavioral functions must be studied from leader-follower perspective without falsely separating them into two independent functions. Conclusion and Recommendation

23 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 11.In order the LFT approach be successful in personal and organizational levels, one may acquire disposition of high moral conscience and competency for high performance. Conclusion and Recommendation

24 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Integrative scholarship: To study leadership and followership together, as “the two sides of the one coin.” Recommendation for further study and research Leadership-followership: Intrapersonal and interpersonal dimensions: There seem to be an urgent need for a holistic understanding of how one’s intrapersonal processes and interpersonal relationships affect his/her leadership and followership behavior.

25 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Recommendation for further study and research Leadership-followership as functions and roles: Foreseeing a workplace where its members constantly shift their leadership and followership functions and roles based on their personal preferences, strengths, competencies, and expertise toward personal effectiveness and group productivity.


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