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MRS. WITHERS/ MRS. GOODRICH ENGLISH 9 Novel Terms and Characters To Kill a Mockingbird.

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Presentation on theme: "MRS. WITHERS/ MRS. GOODRICH ENGLISH 9 Novel Terms and Characters To Kill a Mockingbird."— Presentation transcript:

1 MRS. WITHERS/ MRS. GOODRICH ENGLISH 9 Novel Terms and Characters To Kill a Mockingbird

2 Novel Terms Fiction  Not based in fact  Example: To Kill a Mockingbird Regionalism  Literature that focuses on the characters, dialect, customs, topography, and other features particular to a specific region.  Example: TKAM is an example of regionalism because it demonstrates the habits and patterns of the South

3 Novel Terms Coming of Age  This type of literature deals with children turning into adults after experiencing an important life event  Example: TKAM is an example of a coming of age story Satire  When writers poke fun at serious institutions like education or religion  Example: Lee pokes fun at the educational system with the use of Miss Caroline

4 Novel Terms Protagonist  The main character of the story. Often known as the “hero” or “good guy”  Example: Atticus Finch Antagonist  The character who goes against the main character. Often known as the “bad guy”  Example: Bob Ewell

5 Novel Terms Setting  The historical moment in time and geographical location where a story takes place. Where and when a story takes place.  Example: The setting of TKAM is Alabama during The Great Depression Plot  The events that make up the story.  Example: There are two plot lines in TKAM

6 Novel Terms 1 st Person Point of View ( POV)  The narrator is in the story Hint: Look for words such as “I” or “me”)  Example: Scout is the narrator of TKAM. We know this because she tells us the story from her POV 3 rd Person Point of View  The narrator is NOT in the story (Hint: Look for words such as “he” or “she”)

7 Novel Terms Dynamic Character  Someone who undergoes an important, internal change because of the action in the plot.  Example: Jem is a dynamic character because we see his motivations change and grow Static Character  Someone who does not undergo any change during the story  Example: Atticus is a static character because he does not change (always represents morality)

8 Novel Terms Round Character  This character’s actions may be a surprise because it is unexpected (they have undergone development)  Example: Mrs. Dubose’s actions surprise us (she does things out of character) Flat Character  Uncomplicated characters whose actions do not surprise us  Example: Bob Ewell is an evil man and always does evil things

9 Novel Terms Internal Conflict  A conflict of the conscience/mind  Example: Scout struggles with the idea of racism and justice throughout the novel External Conflict  A struggle between a character and an outside force  Example: Scout has a problem with Francis Hancock saying negative things about Atticus’s character

10 Novel Terms Simile  A comparison of things using “like” or “as”  Example: The ladies were like soft tea cakes with frostings of sweat and sweet talcum Metaphor  A comparison of two things.  Example: “This school is like a jail!”

11 Novel Terms Symbol  An object that represents a larger idea or concept  Example: The mockingbird is a symbol of innocence. Hyperbole  An exaggeration used for effect or humor  Example: I have a million hours of homework!

12 Novel Terms Personification  Attributing human characteristics to a nonhuman object  Example: The Radley house was droopy and sick Theme  The message an author wishes his to convey to his audience  Example: Lee stresses that everybody deserves compassion, regardless of color, money, or place in society

13 Novel Terms Irony  Verbal  Situational  Dramatic

14 Novel Terms Tone  The author’s attitude towards a subject (what they say and how they say it)  Example: Lee uses a bitter tone when she speaks about racism Mood  The feeling a reader gets when reading.  Example: Mood can change depending on the author’s tone

15 Novel Terms Juxtaposition  Placing two things side by side to highlight the differences  Example: The Ewells and Cunninghams are introduced in the same chapter in order to highlight their differences

16 Characters Jean Louise “Scout” Finch  The narrator of the story  She ages from 6 to 9 during the story. Jeremy “Jem” Finch  Scout’s older brother.  He ages from 10 to 13 during the story

17 Characters Atticus Finch  Jem and Scout’s widowed father  Maycomb County lawyer Arthur “Boo” Radley  The neighborhood recluse

18 Characters Calpurnia  The Finch family housekeeper Maudie Atkinson  Lives across the street from Jem and Scout.  She loves to garden and often speaks with the children

19 Characters Charles Baker “Dill” Harris  Scout and Jem’s neighborhood friend that comes to visit every summer

20 Characters Bob Ewell  The Ewell family patriarch  Allegedly spends his welfare checks on alcohol Mayella Ewell  Tom Robinson’s 19 year- old accuser

21 Characters Tom Robinson  Husband and father of three  Accused of raping and beating Mayella Ewell

22 Characters Aunt Alexandra  Atticus’s older sister Mrs. Dubose  A cantankerous old woman who teaches Jem and Scout a lesson about bravery

23 Characters Heck Tate  Maycomb’s sheriff Miss Caroline  New to teaching and Maycomb County  Scout’s first grade teacher

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