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Word 1 ◦ WR: Ceph/o ◦ S: -algia ◦ Cephalgia. Word 1 ◦ Pain in the head (Headache)

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Presentation on theme: "Word 1 ◦ WR: Ceph/o ◦ S: -algia ◦ Cephalgia. Word 1 ◦ Pain in the head (Headache)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word 1 ◦ WR: Ceph/o ◦ S: -algia ◦ Cephalgia

2 Word 1 ◦ Pain in the head (Headache)

3 Word 2 ◦ P: An- ◦ S: -esthesia ◦ Anesthesia

4 Word 2 ◦ Without (loss of) feeling or sensation

5 Word 3 ◦ WR: Cerebr/o ◦ S: -al ◦ Cerebral

6 Word 3 ◦ Pertaining to the cerebrum

7 Word 4 ◦ P: Hemi- ◦ S: -plegia ◦ Hemiplegia

8 Word 4 ◦ Paralysis of half the body

9 Word 5 ◦ P: Sub- ◦ WR: Dur/o ◦ S: -al ◦ Subdural

10 Word 5 ◦ Pertaining to below the dura mater

11 Word 6 ◦ WR: Encephal/o ◦ S: -sclerosis ◦ Encephalosclerosis

12 Word 6 ◦ Hardening of the brain

13 Word 7 ◦ WR: Neur/o ◦ S: -it is ◦ Neuritis

14 Word 7 ◦ Inflammation of the nerve

15 Word 8 ◦ WR: Myel/o ◦ S: -cele ◦ Myelocele

16 Word 8 ◦ Protrusion of the spinal cord (spina bifida)

17 Word 9 ◦ P: Poly- ◦ WR: Neur/o ◦ S: -pathy ◦ Polyneuropathy

18 Word 9 ◦ Disease of multiple nerves

19 Word 10 ◦ WR: Neur/o ◦ S: -asthenia ◦ Neurasthenia

20 Word 10 ◦ Nerve weakness

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