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Map Projections.

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1 Map Projections

2 Students must be able to identify and understand the following projections.
Mercator Polar Robinson

3 Mercator Projection Most Accurate in the tropics
from Cancer to Capricorn Most Distortion at the North and South Poles

4 Mercator Projection Used for: Locating Latitude and Longitude
Sea Captains use it for navigation at sea

5 Mercator Projection Characteristics: All lines are at 90 degree angles
Simplest to read Accurate direction Distorted size, distance, shape


7 Robinson Projection Most Accurate at the equator
Most Distortion around the outer edges

8 Robinson Projection Same characteristics as the Mercator except:
lines of longitude are curved shapes at the poles are flat and not as distorted used mostly in classrooms--one of the most accurate maps


10 Polar Projection Most Accurate at the poles
Most Distortion around the outer edges

11 Polar Projection Used for navigation of air planes

12 Polar Projection Characteristics:
Distances and direction are accurate from the center along the longitude lines. Size and shape are accurate at the center of the map





17 Distortion is evident near the top and bottom of the projection.
Types of Maps Conic Projections A conic projection is a map made by projecting points and lines from a globe onto a cone. The cone touches the globe at a particular line of latitude along which there is very little distortion in the areas or shapes of landmasses. Distortion is evident near the top and bottom of the projection.

18 Types of Maps Gnomonic Projections A gnomonic projection is a map made by projecting points and lines from a globe onto a piece of paper that touches the globe at a single point. Gnomonic projections distort direction and distance between landmasses. Gnomonic projections are useful in plotting long-distance trips by air or sea.

19 Types of Maps Gnomonic Projections Great circles are imaginary lines that divide Earth into two equal halves. On a sphere such as Earth, the shortest distance between two points lies along a great circle. Navigators connect points on gnomonic projections to plot great-circle routes.

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