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 Use your personality and style to be successful! Jennifer Greenwood Career Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: " Use your personality and style to be successful! Jennifer Greenwood Career Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1  Use your personality and style to be successful! Jennifer Greenwood Career Specialist

2  The main goal for the presentation is to help students gain a better understanding of how their personalities influence the way they relate to the world around them- specifically to possible career options  At the conclusion of the lesson, students should know their Myers-Briggs Type Indicator what each Type means how they can use this to inform their career choices

3  The Myers-Briggs is a personality assessment that takes into consideration four aspects of an individual’s personality o Introversion/Extroversion o Sensing/Intuitive o Thinking/Feeling o Judging/Perceiving  The assessment I brought today is an abbreviated version of the original

4  You will each receive an assessment and a score sheet.  Rather than indicating your response on the assessment, simply write your responses on the score sheet.  Follow the numbers carefully to ensure accurate results.  Remember, there are no wrong answers. Just choose the response that is most ‘right’ for you.

5  For each column, total the number of As you wrote on your score sheet. Do the same for your B responses  There will be two final scores for each column- one for As, one for Bs  In the first column, if you had more Bs (the introvert score), write an I in the blank beside “INTROVERT/EXTROVERT”  Follow this pattern until you have a 4 letter type  If your A & B responses are tied in one column, write both letters in the blank

6  Personality is on a continuum. Chances are, you did not get a zero in any of the Letter categories. This means you are not entirely Extroverted or entirely a Perceiver.  You may have been in a certain category by only one or two points. That means you aren’t highly differentiated in that type, and may find a career in the other Letter Type that is a better fit for you.

7  There are 16 possible combinations from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.  Your “Type” is a general way of describing who you are and how you relate to the world around you.  Today, we will look at careers that may be a good fit for your Letter Type.

8  This is a general overview. By no means is this meant to be used diagnostically. The career options and learning styles are not exhaustive lists, and are only meant to give you an idea of a few options you may want to consider.

9 Introvert  You prefer to focus on your inner world  You gain energy from alone time  You tend to prefer smaller groups and are seen as introspective  NOT the same as shyness or reclusiveness Extrovert  You prefer to focus on the outer world  You feel rejuvenated by being around people  You find you are best able to solve a problem if you can talk it out with someone

10 Sensate  You use your senses to gather information  You focus only on the basic information you take in  You notice facts and remember details Intuitive  You prefer to interpret and add information  You focus on that ‘gut feeling’  You learn best by thinking about possibilities instead of hands-on experience

11 Thinker  May prefer to make a pro/con list  When making decisions you prefer to first look at logic and consistency  Rules are rules, no exception Feeler  When making decisions you first look at the people and special circumstances  Values and beliefs are more important than rules  Relationships are more important than rules

12 Judger  In dealing with the outside world you prefer to get things decided  You seem to prefer a planned or orderly way of life, like to have things settled and organized, and like to bring life under control as much as possible  You may, inside, feel flexible and open to new information  Do not confuse Judging with judgmental in its negative sense about people and events. They are not related. Perceiver  In dealing with the outside world you prefer to stay open to new information and options  You seem to prefer a flexible and spontaneous way of life, and like to understand and adapt to the world rather than organize it. Others see you as staying open to new experiences and information  Inside you may feel very planful or decisive

13  Using the handout, find your Letter Type.  Read through the description, and decide how well it seems to fit with how you see yourself.  Are any of the careers a surprise?  Have you considered any of the careers already?  Look through other categories –do you see anything that feels like a better fit?

14  Start researching. o How much education will you need? o Where can you find training?  Will you need to go to college? o Have you prepared for the ACT? o Have you taken the ACT? o You’ll probably need financial aid... FAFSA Scholarships

15  The main goal for the presentation is to help students gain a better understanding of how their personalities influence the way they relate to the world around them- specifically to possible career options  At the conclusion of the lesson, students should know their Myers-Briggs Type Indicator what each Type means how they can use this to inform their career choices

16  Please complete an Exit Slip –I will collect them as you leave class! Want to discuss further? Come see me! Jennifer Greenwood Career Specialist C-3 Wed-Fri

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