What you need to know and do to genuinely get the long term unemployed into sustainable employment Recro Consulting – CESI LGA 19 th January 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "What you need to know and do to genuinely get the long term unemployed into sustainable employment Recro Consulting – CESI LGA 19 th January 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 What you need to know and do to genuinely get the long term unemployed into sustainable employment Recro Consulting – CESI LGA 19 th January 2011

2 Agenda Introductions Why we are where we are Recro – the hypothesis Let’s be realistic here…. Where we start from Paradigm shift The employer perspective and business case – think like an agency The Life You Want Looking forward – what can you do Case Studies

3 Recro – the hypothesis Background LSEB stats 20% - 30% is success? Driven by the contract The shift to outcome based funding Employer cost and need Designed to fail Who is going to do something about it?

4 Einstein “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

5 Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done Anon

6 IndividualsEmployers Local Sub-regional National Regional Skills Alliance Sector Skills Councils Jobcentre Plus National OFSTED HEFCE QCA UK Commission for employment and skills Small Business Service UFI/ learndirect National SFA Quality Improvement Agency London Mayor Skills and Employment Board LDARegional SFA Local SFAs New Deal for Communities Business Link Investors in People Jobcentre Plus & Providers Connexions 33 Local Authorities Local Strategic Partnerships Other Training Providers Specialist Colleges Schools & 6 th Form Colleges FE colleges Jobcentre Plus Employment Zones Universities Learndirect centres DBISDWPDfEHMT Universities DCLG Train to Gain Brokers Employers & Employer Organisations Trade Unions & Professional Associations IAG Partnerships Skills Academies City Strategy Pathfinders Source: LDA, September 2010 The employment and skills system is complex…

7 Where we start 3 types of business Sit in the problem Personal accountability and responsibility Create a paradigm shift

8 Paradigm shift


10 Source: Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

11 The Life You Want © Personal breakthrough, motivation and employment programme Creates a real paradigm shift in belief and behaviours Supplemented with coaching / mentoring programme Mitigates risks for employers Ensures people are fertile to training and committed to changing their lives Barriers removed Committed to a career plan of their choosing

12 What an employer wants A solution to a business issue Cost effective, efficient and reliable Need good, motivated, reliable candidates Career / industry awareness, employer branding / attraction Exactly the same as from any other agency or attraction partner

13 This is what it should look like

14 Families into Work – LB Haringey

15 What they say “This has opened my eyes to what my life is really like and the changes I want to make” “I have learnt more in the last few hours than on all the other employment programmes I have ever done” “This course has re-instated my self belief and given me more confidence and self worth” “This programme has made me very happy and confident. People around me have noticed the energy and power in me”

16 Going forward Work Programme Early Intervention Child Poverty Place Based Budgeting Other pilots Deal in the business of reality!

17 Q&A Contact: john.mcdonough@recroconsulting.co.uk Mob: 07837 663 969 www.recroconsulting.co.uk

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