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Addressing Youth Employment and Skills Issues Thursday 9 th May 2013 James Farr, Acting Director, Skills & Employment, New Economy.

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Presentation on theme: "Addressing Youth Employment and Skills Issues Thursday 9 th May 2013 James Farr, Acting Director, Skills & Employment, New Economy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Addressing Youth Employment and Skills Issues Thursday 9 th May 2013 James Farr, Acting Director, Skills & Employment, New Economy

2 Background Number of JSA claimants aged 16-24 is declining (-18%) but more young people are staying unemployed for longer than a year (+21%) 23,200 Youth JSA claimants, plus 8,400 IBA/ESA & 10,290 LPIS Youth Unemployment - biggest labour market challenge in Greater Manchester (GM) GM Skills and Employment Partnership: voluntary collaboration of employers, providers, local authorities and government agencies Working on behalf of the LEP and GM Combined Authority Including on the development and implementation of GM’s City Deal

3 What we are doing in GM Call for action from the GM Local Enterprise Partnership Calling on employers to support young jobseekers by; Recruiting a young person: A £750 grant to employers that take on a young person into an apprenticeship or a job with training (+ NAS Age grant, £1500 or Youth Contract, £2275) Volunteering as a mentor: Connecting young jobseekers with trained mentors Offering a work experience placement or linking with a school: Enhanced IAG activity is being implemented through the City Deal

4 Greater Manchester Apprenticeship Hub LEP GM Combined Authority Skills & Employment Partnership Hub Working alongside mainstream funded system (EFA, SFA, DWP, ESF etc) City Deal Apprenticeship Hub (£6M) – gap funding City Deal Tax Incentives Pilot (£2.8M) Greater Manchester Commitment to Youth Employment (£4M) Employer Ownership Pilot (£8.6M Round 1) apprenticeships focused

5 Addressing Market Failure Market FailureResponse of Apprenticeship Hub Low volumes of apprenticeships at level 3+ and low penetration of key growth sectors Provider development programme – supporting training providers and colleges to develop / deliver new apprenticeship frameworks and enter new markets Lack of impartial IAG and limited knowledge of the apprenticeship route City Deal – enhanced IAG activities, engaging with schools and 6 th forms and a focus on apprenticeships at all levels SMEs perceive skills system as complex and disjointed Employer Ownership of Skills – ensuring that Greater Manchester’s training system delivers the skills that employers need in their workforce Low recruitment into apprenticeships for young unemployed Provider development programme – supporting training providers and colleges to develop and deliver high quality Traineeships GM Commitment - Work trial & grant to employers of £750 that take on a young unemployed person as an apprentice Unfilled apprenticeship vacanciesIAG activities, Traineeships, GM Apprenticeship Marketing and Communications Strategy

6 Youth Employment: Next Steps ILM offer – jobs with training for the long term unemployed Devolving Youth Contract funds Enhanced childcare offer for young lone parents Efficient employer engagement through Apprenticeship Hub Business engagement in schools

7 Reflections Drive the agenda Importance of governance – a mandate to act Partnership working – using local expertise, co- production Gap funding to enhance capacity

8 Thank You e: t: 0161 237 4485 w: http://neweconomymanchester.com

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