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GUSTAR (AN INTRODUCTION). Gustar = “to like” Me gusta = I like… Use this structure when talking about only ONE thing or ONE activity.

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Presentation on theme: "GUSTAR (AN INTRODUCTION). Gustar = “to like” Me gusta = I like… Use this structure when talking about only ONE thing or ONE activity."— Presentation transcript:


2 Gustar = “to like”

3 Me gusta = I like… Use this structure when talking about only ONE thing or ONE activity

4  Me gusta tu mochila.  Me gusta el burrito.  Me gusta el gato.  Me gusta tu casa.  Me gusta SJHS.

5 Me gustan = I like… Use this structure when talking about MORE THAN ONE thing or activity

6  Me gustan las mochilas.  Me gustan los burritos.  Me gustan los gatos.  Me gustan los perros. *Also note = use the article with nouns after gustar.

7 To say DON’T LIKE: - Place the word “no” before “me gusta(n)” - OR use the phrase “me disgusta(n)” No me gustan los examenes. Me disgutan los examenes. No me gusta la clase de matemáticas. Me disgusta la clase de matemáticas.

8 1. I like your dad. 2. I like the class. 3. I like the classes. 4. I like your parents. 5. I don’t like the book. 6. I like pens. 7. I don’t like pencils.

9 Te gusta(n) = You like

10 Le gusta(n) = He/She likes

11 Nos gusta(n) = We like

12 Les gusta(n) = They/You all like

13 1. We like cats. 2. Do you like cats? 3. My dad likes my teacher. 4. My parents like the school. 5. The students don’t like the textbook.

14 1. Hablar 2. Beber 3. Comer 4. Viajar 5. Estudiar 6. Leer 7. Dibujar 8. Caminar 9. Correr 10. Escribir 11. Escuchar 12. Mirar 13. Jugar 14. Practicar 15. Hacer


16 1) I like cats but I don’t like dogs.

17 2) Do you like cats or dogs?

18 3) We like parties!

19 4) My dad likes Fords but my mom likes Hondas.

20 5) I don’t like homework! (la tarea)

21 6) My teachers like smart students.

22 7) I like to play soccer. My friends like to play Xbox.

23 9) Do you like books?

24 10) We don’t like the Spanish textbook. It is boring.

25 Download and Complete: “WS – Gustar and Classroom Vocab.”

26  Write 6 sentences telling what you like and don’t like to DO (activities, verbs).  Write 6 sentences telling what THINGS you like (nouns)

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