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Your 2 nd Debate. The Debate Unit Part II  Define terms and recognize ways to do so.  Investigate your proposition.  Define the controversy.  Ask.

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Presentation on theme: "Your 2 nd Debate. The Debate Unit Part II  Define terms and recognize ways to do so.  Investigate your proposition.  Define the controversy.  Ask."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your 2 nd Debate

2 The Debate Unit Part II  Define terms and recognize ways to do so.  Investigate your proposition.  Define the controversy.  Ask Stock Issue questions.  Know the difference between the proposition and affirmative plan.

3 Define Terms  Make sure you define all necessary terms in your proposition in the affirmative to make sure both sides apply each argument to an agreed upon definition.  Prompt and precise terminology is essential to good analysis in debate.  The way you and your fellow debaters define the proposition determines the kind of information you will prepare.

4  The main responsibility for defining terms in a debate actually is for the affirmative.  In debate tournaments, the debate usually opens with a statement of definitions by the affirmative.  In classroom debate, it is a good idea for both sides to work together with a statement of definitions.

5 Ways to Define Terms of a Debate Proposition 1. Use some authority—a reference source, dictionary, or leading text in which there is a clear definition to agree with 2. Use an example to define a term 3. Define terms by negation—stressing what a term does NOT mean. 4. Delve into the derivation or origin of a term. You can break the term into parts and explain their individual meanings and from where the part originated 5. 5. You may compare/contrast a difficult or technical term with one that is more familiar. 6. Use one or a combination of the methods for each term.

6 Investigate Your Proposition  When you have identified and defined the problem, ask yourself the following questions:  How long have we had the problem?  What seems to have caused it?  What solutions, if any, have been tried before?  Why didn’t they work?  In what ways are conditions different now?

7 Define the Controversy  Pinpoint this by asking:  Why are you debating this particular topic at this particular time?  What is causing you or others to be concerned about certain facts, or to questions certain values, or to favor changing a certain policy?  What are the different views that people have of the positions?  When evaluating a topic, consider what is going on right now that makes the topic controversial?

8  To find out what all the sides of the controversy are, you should look into the history of the controversy. This can allow you to discover more arguments (pro or con) that have been used before.This can allow you to discover more arguments (pro or con) that have been used before. No matter what side you are on, this information could be useful when building your case or when pointing out the weaknesses in the other side’s case.No matter what side you are on, this information could be useful when building your case or when pointing out the weaknesses in the other side’s case.

9 Stock Issue Questions Is there a need for a change in the status quo?Is there a need for a change in the status quo? Are there problems in the status quo?Are there problems in the status quo? Will the affirmative plan solve the problems in the status quo? Is the affirmative plan practical? Will the affirmative plan work?Will the affirmative plan solve the problems in the status quo? Is the affirmative plan practical? Will the affirmative plan work? Is the affirmative plan the most desirable solution to the problem?Is the affirmative plan the most desirable solution to the problem?

10 Know the Difference between a Debate Proposition and Affirmative Plan   The proposition is like the architect’s drawing of what a house should look like from the outside when finished.   The affirmative plan is like a blue print that carefully outlines how the house is to be put together to look that way.

11  The affirmative plan then must show how the change stated in the debate proposition will be brought about and carried out.  By applying stock issue questions to your proposition, you can develop specific issues. To do this, substitute specific words from your proposition for the general stock issue terms status quo and affirmative plan.

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