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Here today from Trinity: Pastor David Bedford Chris Lincoln - Centre Manager Colin Gregg - Chairman Centre Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Here today from Trinity: Pastor David Bedford Chris Lincoln - Centre Manager Colin Gregg - Chairman Centre Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Here today from Trinity: Pastor David Bedford Chris Lincoln - Centre Manager Colin Gregg - Chairman Centre Team

2  In Gosforth there used to be three individual Christian churches on one High Street  Decided that they would combine, from a position of strength into a single Christian congregation  In 2000 this happened and then a period of combining the three congregations before consulting with the Gosforth Community  Appointed architect  Much consultation both within the Church and the Community  Eventually – about 18 months later the final plan  Then we needed to raise £3.25m


4  What was the vision of Trinity?  First and foremost to bring God’s love and the message of Jesus Christ onto the High Street by our example of service to the Community  Change the High Street back into a caring community High Street where people would stop, talk and care about each other  Help to re-build the economy of the High Street – more people onto the Street and they would shop  Add vitality, colour and vision to the High Street  To become a real partnership with as many people who use the High Street as possible

5  So how did we raise £3.25m – this includes the build, professional fees and fixtures and fittings  We had a vision, knew what we were going to do and did a great deal of planning – professional help - communication  Sale of the Churches - £1 190 000  Trusts and Foundations - £1 046 000  Congregational Giving and Fundraising £700 000  Grants from URC and Methodist Churches £204 000  Bequests £68 000  Loan £50 000  If God wants it to happen then with hard work, planning and organisation it will happen









14 So what have we got now ? A growing non-judgemental church with ragged edges with a congregation of 350+ A Christian presence in the middle of the High Street A dynamic Church Council with written 5 year goals – not left to our Staff Team – some copies are available from Trinity Stand Listening to and leading the community Up to 2500 people a week attending over 100 community activities Strong partnerships with local councillors, businesses and many community groups – details in handout from Trinity stand Helped in the start up of about 8 small businesses


16 Activities from the very young to the elderly Youth club, Brownies (x2), Guides Lunches for older isolated people Mother and toddler – and father and toddler (Sat am) Men’s Breakfasts Alpha and Challenging Lifestyles Keep Steady Adult Education Welfare Rights Yoga x 3 Hunts for children and families in shop windows Community History Pushy Mums, Music Bugs, Ballet School, Sing and Sign Talk to our Centre Manager – Chris Lincoln Just a few of the ‘activities’...........

17 Monthly Jazz series Monthly Lecture series Concerts – Salvation Army International Songsters Northern Sinfonia Chorus and Junior Orchestra Host business conferences – NHS etc Change the cafe to meet the competition Alter the main hall to be more like an events hall rather than a sports hall Seen as the centre of the community – Gosforth Mini Bus

18 What are we planning? JOE outreach Bar B Q Help to Lead a BID (Business Improvement District) for Gosforth Looking at setting up a Centre for Health and Well Being for isolated elderly and chronically sick people to GP’s Build a Town Square for Gosforth – Trinity Square – we have about £220 000 of £400 000 needed

19 What next for Trinity?

20 However at the centre of Trinity we wish: To bring God’s love to our High Street To help our neighbours

21 And in serving them be served.........

22 In loving them find love.............

23 And in knowing them know God......

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