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November 21, 2008 Worship Leading. What Is A Leader?  Defined in the following as the person who chooses songs, sets practice, leads the congregation.

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Presentation on theme: "November 21, 2008 Worship Leading. What Is A Leader?  Defined in the following as the person who chooses songs, sets practice, leads the congregation."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 21, 2008 Worship Leading

2 What Is A Leader?  Defined in the following as the person who chooses songs, sets practice, leads the congregation and team in general  Worship team is essentially a team of worship leaders  all bear responsibilities More on roles of worship team members later

3 What Is A Leader? (Cont’d)  Bill Hybels – Courageous Leadership Vision – picture that produces passion ○ Increases energy moving people into action ○ Increases ownership ○ Provides focus ○ Chris Tomlin, for example, studies his order of service for two hours, visualizing how each song leads the congregation closer to the Lord

4 What Is A Leader? (Cont’d)  Bill Hybels – Courageous Leadership Contagious passion Takes responsibility from God Maximizes responsiveness of God (prayer, fasting, etc.) Communicating vision through embodiment Communicate one-on-one, publicly

5 What makes a worship leader any different than any other leader?

6 Responsibilities of Worship Leaders  To be a worshipper throughout the week  To plan the worship program through sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading  To plan in a way that will make it easier to lead the worshippers to focus and honour God with a specific congregation Lead to worship God, focus on God (what is worship?) Worship Experience Know audience: generational, cultural, etc.

7 Responsibilities of Worship Leaders  To foresee key moments during the worship experience and plan appropriate responses to these moments (i.e. prayer, silence, song, etc.) Worship Experience  To rehearse with the worship team in a way that will prepare the team to play together musically and be of one mind in focus

8 Responsibilities of Worship Leaders  To set an example to the worship team and to the congregation as a model of a worshipper Barrier or Accountability?  To lead the worship in a Spirit-sensitive way, ready to be flexible to the Spirit’s leading and sense the congregation’s level of worship What is Spirit-sensitive?  Worship Experience

9 Keys for Worship Leaders  Respect for authority, submission to the leader  Willingness to learn  Mutual respect  Attitude of service What is the worship leader’s primary role?

10 Transparency vs. Leading  Should worship leaders be transparent? Point others to God Not a distraction, but a facilitator in communication Genuine, authentic, accountable Need to lead congregation, team in unison Can’t be overly consumed in own worship that others are lost Balance leading others and worshipping God yourself

11 Pastoral Responsibility?  Varies from church to church  Be clear on roles, responsibilities within your congregation

12 Worshipping While Worship Leading  Going through the motions? Not truly engaged? Lack of familiarity with music Lack of preparation Lack of private worship before leading corporate

13 Worshipping While Worship Leading  Tips Seek God Plan the worship set Practice the music Commit to God the worship set

14 Worship Leading During a Worship Set  Cues Saying which song is next ○ Helps AV, congregation ○ Not necessary all the time, but can be helpful Saying what next line is, going to chorus, etc. Stepping away from the mic Stand, sit, prayer, eyes closed, lift hands/voices, etc. To team

15 Worship Leading During a Worship Set  Transitions A little less conversation? ○ Do not distract  encourages, prepares... ○ Let songs and preacher do the talking Personal testimony/sharing ○ Demonstrates authenticity, models worship in private, relatable

16 Worship Leading During a Worship Set  Transitions Scripture reading ○ Truth from God, communication, understanding who He is and who we are in Him Introducing a song/lyrics ○ Helps congregation understand, gives more meaning to the song rather than just a tune

17 Worship Leaders and the Worship Team  Communication!!!  Scheduling practices  Giving music/set ahead of time Easier when you prepare and plan ahead of time Chord sheets Sheet music File/YouTube link to song Key

18 Other responsibilities  Book practice locations, times  Prepare PowerPoint/visual aides Cater to visual worshippers while reducing/eliminating distractions Are there clear guidelines? Visible? Too small? Too big? Colours visible or distracting? Background relevant or necessary? Enough copies? Projector available? Backups?

19 Some obstacles to worship leading  Inherited problems  Dominant personalities  Lack of backing from church leadership

20 Inhibitions  Can be a barrier to allowing congregation to worship Why, How do we worship?  Unnatural?  try, experience range of worshipping  Practice, prepare  Genuine

21 Should I be a Worship Leader?  Calling God doesn’t always call those who are equipped, but He equips those He calls  Recognition, appointment  Leadership skills  Interpersonal skills  Musical skills  Are you F.A.T.?  Faithful, Available, Teachable  Can continually improve!

22 References  Hybels, Bill. Courageous Leadership. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002.  Kraeuter, Tom. The Worship Leader’s Handbook: Practical Answers to Tough Questions. Hillsboro: Training Resources, 1997.  Muchow, Rick. “A Little Less Conversation: How Much Should A Worship Leader Talk?”. Christianity Today International/Journal. 2008.  Townend, Stuart. “How To Lead A Worship Team”. January 1, 2000.

23 Next workshop  Worship Experience  Friday, December 5, 2008 6:45PM in basement sanctuary

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