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AHSGE Social Studies Guide Updated 3-03-09 C. Johnson.

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1 AHSGE Social Studies Guide Updated 3-03-09 C. Johnson

2 What was the result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 as to who should decide the issue of slavery? The voters

3 What political party was formed in the 1850’s that supported the anti-slavery platform ( also, it is known as the party of Lincoln)? Republican

4 What government party opposed the expansion of slavery into the new territories? Republican

5 What famous court case upheld the right of slave owners as property holders and disallowed slaves to file court cases? Scott vs. Sanford (the Dred Scott decision)

6 What European movement starting in 1096 resulted in exposure to Middle Eastern and Asian goods (after a failed attempt to take away the Holy Lands from the Muslims)? The Crusades

7 What act passed by the Republican dominated congress ( during the Civil War) gave large land grants to states from the federal government in order to form colleges that would focus on agriculture, mechanics, and military tactics? The Morrill Land Grant Act of 1859

8 Which abolitionist (anti-slavery person) led the 1859 massacre at Pottawatomie Creek, KS and led the raid on the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry? John Brown

9 What was the southern economy based on before the Civil War? Agriculture ( mainly cotton)

10 How was the south’s economy different from the north’s economy before the Civil War? The south’s economy was mainly agricultural (cotton) The north’s economy was balanced with both industrial and agricultural

11 The large industrial cities of the 1800’s were located in what area of the country? The North

12 Southern states began to secede when _____ was elected president. Abraham Lincoln

13 What state was the first to secede from the union in 1860? South Carolina

14 Where was the first capitol of the Confederacy? 1 st Montgomery, AL 2 nd was in Richmond, VA 3 rd Danville, VA

15 What city is known as the cradle of the Confederacy? Montgomery, AL

16 What county in Alabama never seceded from the Union? The Free State of Winston (Winston County, Alabama

17 What state was actually split over the decision to secede and eventually became two states? Virginia ( West Virginia)

18 What European movement occurring between 1350 and 1550 resulted in new art, technology, and a return to classical thought? The Renaissance

19 What were the Spanish explorers called who searched for “God, gold, and glory”? Conquistadors

20 Who conquered the Incas in the early 1530’s? Francisco Pizarro ( You don’t want ink (Inca) on your pizza (Pizarro)

21 Who discovered the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola in 1492? Christopher Columbus

22 Who discovered the New England coastline in 1497? John Cabot

23 Which European discovered the Pacific Ocean in 1513? Balboa

24 What famous English document (signed in 1215 by King John I) was the beginning point for representative government and protection of individual rights (ex: due process)? Magna Carta

25 Who discovered Mexico for Spain in 1519? Hernan Cortes

26 What terms are used to describe the exchange of goods between Europe and the America’s after Columbus’s discovery? Columbian Exchange

27 What was one of the complaints listed in the Ninety-Five Theses? The Catholic Church’s selling of indulgences (Ex: If you steal something, you can buy indulgence and not have to pay for the sin after you die. This is not referenced in the Bible)

28 What European movement (started by Martin Luther’s posting of the Ninety-Five Theses in 1517) resulted in changes in the Catholic Church, the rise development of the Protestant churches, and religious wars? Reformation

29 What was the name of the first American settlement in 1565 by Europeans? St. Augustine

30 What was the first successful English settlement in the New World (1607)? Jamestown Major Crop was Tobacco

31 What was the 1619 legislature of the Virginia colony called (the first representative government in the New World)? The House of Burgesses Burgess is an old term for representative.

32 What religious movement occurred in the 1730’s and 1740’s in the colonies? The Great Awakening

33 What French philosopher came up with the idea of a three- branch government which creates a separation of powers? Montesquieu ( early to mid 1700’s)

34 What war started over a dispute concerning the Ohio Valley? The French and Indian War

35 What ended the French and Indian War? The Treaty of Paris of 1763

36 What war put the British/English into debt and forced them to tax and closely monitor the troops in Boston? The French and Indian War The French and Indians were allies against the British/English

37 Why were the Stamp, Townshend, and Sugar Acts unpopular with the people? They all created taxes

38 What acts were enforced by the British/English that were already in place in the 1760’s? The Navigation Acts

39 What did the Navigation Acts do? The caused a lack of free trade in the colonies during the time of British/English rule.

40 What was the main reason the American colonies protested against British rule? Taxation without representation

41 What occurred in 1770 that resulted in 5 colonists being shot and killed by British troops in Boston? The Boston Massacre

42 Who was the leader of the Sons of Liberty ( men for U.S. independence)? Samuel Adams (He was one of the leaders of the Boston Tea Party

43 What 1773 act of colonial protestation resulted in the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts being passed by the British parliament? Boston Tea Party Colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbor.

44 What was the first meeting called when 12 colonies sent delegates to Philadelphia to discuss British tyranny (and take action)? The First Continental Congress (1774)

45 Who served as the commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War (late 1775 to 1781)? George Washington

46 Who made the famous ride warning the colonists that the Redcoats were coming? Paul Revere The Redcoats were the British soldiers

47 The first skirmishes of the Revolutionary War occurred in what two Massachusetts’s town? Lexington and Concord in April 1775

48 What American colonist gave the famous speech stating, “Give me liberty, or give me death?” Patrick Henry He was trying to persuade people to fight for U.S. Independence in March 1775

49 What group sent the Olive Branch Petition and wrote the Declaration of Independence? Second Continental Congress (started in 1775)

50 What document was sent to King George III as a final attempt at peace by the colonists in July 1775? The Olive Branch Petition

51 What document was sent to the British informing them of colonial independence? The Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776

52 Jefferson used this idea (in the Dec. of Indep.), which allows for a people to overthrow its rulers if their natural rights are not longer being protested. It also implies that an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will. It is the___________. This is the Social Contract Theory

53 This Social Contract Theory as advocated by _________. John Locke: Two Treatises of Government in 1689 Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Social Contract in 1762

54 The Declaration of Independence states that the government exists to benefit its what? citizens

55 What two battles were the turning point in the Revolutionary War (resulting in France becoming our ally)? The Battles at Saratoga (Sept. – Oct. 1777).

56 Where were Washington’s troop encamped during the harsh winter of 1777-1778? Valley Forge

57 What was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War (Cornwallis surrendered to Washington)? Yorktown (Sept. – Oct. 1781)

58 What was the treaty called which gave the U.S. its independence from Great Britain? Treaty of Paris 1783

59 What was the first set of laws governing the U.S? Articles of Confederation This allowed the government to declare was and sign treaties, but did not allow the government to collect taxes.

60 What famous convention was held to replace the weak Articles of Confederation with a more centralized government? Constitutional Convention of 1787

61 The Constitution allows for power to be shared between the national government and the states. What kind of system is this? Federalism

62 What was the solution to the problem of representation at the convention called? Great Compromise (aka Connecticut Plan) This was a compromise between the Virginia (Big State) and New Jersey (Small State) plans.

63 What was the solution to the problem of how to count slaves for representation purposes? Three-fifths Compromise

64 The Opening paragraph of the Constitution (“We the people…”) is called what? The Preamble

65 The Constitution calls for a three-branch government creating a separation of …… Powers

66 What is the clause called which gives Congress broad powers? Elastic Clause

67 The Elastic Clause allows Congress to pass any laws that are ……. “necessary and proper”

68 A word for interpretation of the Constitution is called …. Strict Construction

69 A broad interpretation of the Constitution is called Loose Construction

70 Which U.S. president warned Americans about political parties because he felt it would weaken the national government? George Washington

71 Who warned Americans about competing political parties in his farewell address? George Washington

72 In what direction did the United States start to expand? The West

73 What ordinance dealt with the admittance of new states as equal to current states, territorial governments, and the prohibition of slavery? The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

74 What ordinance was passed in 1785 that divided territory in the old northwest into townships? The Land Ordinance of 1785

75 What papers were written by Jay, Hamilton, and Madison encouraging the passage of the Constitution? The Federalist Papers [They were for a strong national (aka federal) government]

76 What addition was made (because of anti-federalist demands, due to fears that the national/federal government was too strong) to the Constitution giving further protection for individual rights? Bill of Rights ( first 10 Amendments)

77 What two political parties emerged after the debate over ratification of the Constitution? Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

78 Who developed the economic plan for the U.S. during the 1790’s Alexander Hamilton

79 Who served as chief justice of the Supreme Court for 34 years (1801-1835) and helped shape a powerful national government? John Marshall

80 What famous 1803 Supreme Court ruling established judicial review? Marbury vs. Madison

81 What is judicial review? The power to declare laws unconstitutional or illegal

82 What animal was hunted and heavily relied upon by Plains Indians? Buffalo

83 What was one of the main reasons that the Native American population decreased? Their immune systems were not able to successfully fight the new diseases that Europeans brought to North America (ex: smallpox)

84 What action allowed President Thomas Jefferson to double the size of the U.S. in 1803? The Louisiana Purchase

85 Who did President Jefferson hire to explore the west from 1804-1806? Lewis and Clark

86 The U.S. fought the British again in what war? War of 1812 The Americans declared war on Britain on June 18, 1812 for a combination of reasons, including outrage at the impressment (conscription) of American sailors into the British navy, frustration at British restraints on neutral trade, and anger at alleged British military support for American Indians defending their tribal lands from encroaching American settlers.)

87 What law was passed by Jefferson that disallowed trade with other nations ( including Britain) and led to the War of 1812? The Embargo Act

88 What term was used to describe the British navy from forcing Americans into service? Impressment ( conscription – forcing men into military service)

89 What idea, originating from the 1840’s Jacksonian Democrats, is defined as the belief that God intends for the United States to stretch from coast to coast? Manifest Destiny (“ from sea to shining sea”)

90 Why did the U.S. fight Mexico (Mexican War) in 1846-1848? Land acquisition (California and New Mexico Territories

91 What War of 1812 battle resulted in the protection of Baltimore, Maryland and Francis Scott Key’s inspiring “Star Spangled Banner” (national anthem)? Ft. McHenry

92 What War of 1812 battle did Jackson defeat the Creek Indians in Alabama? Horseshoe Bend

93 What War of 1812 battle did Jackson defeat the British after a truce (The Treaty of Ghent) was signed? New Orleans

94 The post-War of 1812 years were called what (because of prosperity, one political party, etc.)? Era of Good Feeling

95 During the Era of Good Feelings, Henry Clay passed the Alexander Hamilton inspired ________ plan which set up the national bank, federally financed roads, and put in place tariffs? American System

96 What year did Alabama become a state? 1819

97 Which 1819 Supreme Court case ( under Marshall) ruled that the national bank was in fact constitutional? McCulloch vs. Maryland

98 What 1820 congressional agreement allowed Missouri to become a slave state and Maine to become a free state? Missouri Compromise ( Remember Misery for the slaves)

99 List four major trails used by settlers in the western part of the United States: Santa Fe Mormon Oregon California

100 What famous speech outlined American policy in 1823? Monroe Doctrine (South America was no longer up for colonizing; the U.S. would defend South American boarders)

101 Which 1824 Supreme Court case ( under Marshall) insured that the national government controlled interstate commerce? Gibbons vs. Ogden

102 What 1830 law passed by President Andrew Jackson forced the five civilized tribes of the southeast to evacuate? The Indian Removal Act (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole, considered civilized by white settlers during that time period because they had adopted many of the colonists’ customs

103 What event resulted in the Cherokees marching at gunpoint from Georgia to Oklahoma in 1838? The Trail of Tears

104 What country did Texas gain its independence from in 1836? Mexico ( Texas Revolution or War for Independence

105 What idea, originating from the 1840’s Jacksonian Democrats, is defined as the belief that God intends for the U.S. to stretch from coast to coast? Manifest Destiny (“from sea to shining sea”)

106 Why did the U.S. fight Mexico (Mexican War) in 1846-1848? Land Acquisition (California and New Mexico territories)

107 What famous meeting in 1848 called for women to demand greater equality and opportunity in the U.S.? Seneca Fall Convention ( Among may things, they wanted suffrage (the right to vote) for women,

108 Who hosted the Seneca Falls Convention? Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

109 What white abolitionist (person against slavery) from Massachusetts produced The Liberator? William Lloyd Garrison ( Remember: Lloyd the Liberator)

110 What black abolitionist from Maryland produced The North Star? Frederick Douglass

111 What was the purpose of the Underground Railroad (1810- 1850)? To aid the escaped slaves

112 What black woman used the Underground Railroad to help liberate at least 300 slaves ( many times to Canada)? Harriet Tubman

113 What religious movement in the early 1800’s influenced people to help others ( leading to all of these reform movements)? The Second Great Awakening

114 What were the communities called which tried to make a “perfect society”? Utopian communities

115 During the reform period of the 1830’s and 1840’s much of the public called for abstinence from what? Alcohol consumption (known as The Temperance Movement)

116 What woman led reform in prisons in the U.S.? Dorothea Dix

117 Who led the reform in education in the 1800’s? Horace Mann

118 Who founded the Mormon faith? Joseph Smith

119 Who led the Mormons to Utah? Brigham Young

120 What president is credited with establishing the spoils system? Andrew Jackson ( Under this system, the president appointed friends and campaign contributors to government position – from the saying “ to the victor belongs the spoils”).

121 South Carolina’s attempt to void the Tariff of 1832 was known as the _____________. Nullification Crisis

122 Whitman, Emerson, and Thoreau were writers of what movement? Transcendentalism (Transcendentalists’ core belief was an ideal spiritual state that transcends the physical and empirical and is only realized through the individual’s intuition, rather than through the doctrines of established religions.)

123 What congressional solution made California a free state and gave popular sovereignty to the New Mexico and Utah territories? Compromise of 1850

124 What was the main issue pertaining to the Compromise of 1850? The expansion of slavery to the western territories

125 What Harriet Beecher Stowe novel was published in 1852? Uncle Tom’s Cabin

126 What part of the solution in the Compromise of 1850 upset many northerners ( there were 5 parts of this solution)? The Fugitive Slave Law

127 What act supported by Stephen Douglas gave popular sovereignty to two territories just west of Missouri? Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

128 Where was the first American Civil War battle? Fort Sumter (January 1861, near Charleston, SC

129 what did Lincoln suspend in April 1861, that deprived many citizens of the civil rights? The Writ of Habeas Corpus ( Latin for “you (should have the body,” this enabled the police to arrest someone without real evidence)

130 What was the first major battle of the Civil War? First Bull Run (July 1861, aka First Battle at Manassas, because it was fought near Manassas, VA

131 What was the name of the first battle fought on Northern soil? It was also the single bloodiest day of the Civil War The Battle of Antietam (Sept. 1862) aka Battle of Sharpsburg, Maryland and Antietam Creek

132 What was the most famous of the Black military units to fight in the Civil War? 54 th Massachusetts

133 What act passed by the Repub lican dominated congress (during the Civil War) gave large land grants to states from the federal government? Homestead Act of 1862

134 What did Lincoln pass of Jan. 1, 1863 granting freedom to slaves in the Confederate states in re- bellion? Emancipation Proclamation

135 What major three-day battle did the Confederates ( under Lee) lose in Pennsylvania? Gettysburg (1863)

136 What was important about the battle in Gettysburg in July 1863? It ended General Lee’s invasion of the north

137 What battle in Mississippi resulted in a complete blockade of the South by the Union? Vicksburg July 1863

138 What famous speech was given by Lincoln at a consecration ceremony where he reminded Americans of the basic ideal, “All men are created equal (meaning that all people should be treated equally)” The Gettysburg Address November 1863

139 What union general captured Atlanta and continued southeast to Savannah destroying everything in his path in the later part of 1864? General Tecumseh Sherman (known as Sherman’s March to the Sea) (He didn’t destroy Savannah.

140 Sherman inflected an estimated $100 million worth of damages on the South with the ________ policy. “Scorched earth”

141 Where did Robert E. Lee surrender to Grant in 1865? Appomattox Courthouse

142 What was the program called that returned southern states to the Union, rebuilt the South’s in- frastructure, and attempted to protect the rights of the free blacks? Reconstruction

143 What is a change to the Constitution called? Amendment

144 What amendment abolished slavery? 13 th

145 What amendment guarantees protection of the laws for all citizens? 14th

146 What amendment gave the vote to African American males? 15 th (The 13 th, 14 th, and 15 th amendments are known as the Civil War Amendments)

147 What were the laws called that were passed by southern states in an attempt to restrict the rights of newly freed slaves and keep them in a subservient position? The Black Codes

148 What were northerners called who moved to the South, voted Republican, and were scorned by southerners after the Civil War? Carpetbaggers (Think: You need bags when you move)

149 What were southerners called who voted Republican after the Civil War? Scalawags ( The term basically means “rascal”.

150 What southern secret society emerged during the Reconstruction that harassed, tormented, and killed blacks demanding equality? Ku Klux Klan ( The name probably came from the Greek word kuklos, meaning circle. Klan was an alliterative version of clan, thus Ku Klux Klan suggested a circle, or band of brothers,)

151 What major communication advancement was made in the mid 1860’s? The Transatlantic Cable was laid, making communication by telegraph possible be- tween North America and Europe

152 What mean served as president during reconstruction and whose legacy ( as president) is remembered as being very corrupt? President Grant ( elected in 1869) He was the Union General during the Civil War

153 Custer and his cavalry were destroyed by the ____ at the 1876 Battle of _________. Sioux Battle of Little Big Horn

154 Who was the leader of the Sioux nation at the Battle of Little Big Horn? Sitting Bull

155 What group of people had government because of the discovery of gold in California in 1849, the Homestead Act in 1862, and the transcontinental railroad in 1869? problems with the United States Native Americans

156 What informal, unwritten agreement be- tween Republicans and Southern con- gressmen resulted in Republican Rutherfod B. Hayes winning the presidential election in 1876 and Reconstruction ending (meaning that federal troops would leave the South)? Compromise of 1877

157 What were the laws called passed in southern states after Reconstruction that stripped the African Americans of basic rights like voting? Jim Crow Laws

158 The poll taxes and literacy tests were designed to make it more difficult for blacks to do what? Vote

159 What typed of farming existed in the south after the war where farmers rented land to grow crops? Tenant farming

160 What type of farming existed in the south after the war where farmers forced to share crops with landowners? Sharecropping

161 What 19 th century technological innovation led to the rapid settlement of the western territories? Railroads

162 What industry caused western boom towns to spring up? Mining

163 Many Native Americans were forced to live on ____________. Reservations

164 What great Apache leader surrendered to the U.S. in 1886? Geronimo

165 What act did the U.S. government attempt to settle Indians on plots of land to farm? The Dawes Act 1887

166 What event resulted in over 200 armed Sioux Indians being massacred by U.S. troops in 1890? Massacre at Wounded Knee

167 What were the settlers called who staked legal claims to land in Oklahoma? Boomers

168 What were settlers called who staked illegal claims to land in Oklahoma? Sooners

169 How was the plow improved during the late 1800’s? It was able to plow several furrows at the same time.

170 Why did the open ranges, used by cattle disappear? Barbwire

171 How did cattle ranchers move beef back to the eastern markets? Long cattle drives Train

172 What types of new equipment was developed for farming in the late 1800’s? Cornhuskers Corn binders Steam powered threshers

173 What were 3 complaints farmers had in the late 1800’s? Crop prices Tariffs Deflation

174 How did the farmers organize themselves to fight big business in 1867? Farmer’s Alliance (This organization became the Populist Party. They wanted to use silver (not just gold) as a backer).

175 What was the name given to the farmers who organized themselves politically during this period ( 1860’s)? The Grange ( It started in 1867, and had its peak between 1890 and 1950.

176 What area of the U.S. increased in population after the complet- ion of the transcontinental rail- road in 1869? The West

177 Who invented the telephone in 1876? Alexander Graham Bell

178 Who invented the light bulb in 1879 and made other discover- ies in the area of electricity? Thomas Edison

179 Who was the presidential can- didate in 1896 for the Populists? James Weaver

180 What two energy sources were used to power factories in the late 1800’s? Westinghouse and Alternating currents

181 What types of industry was Alabama involved in during the late 1800’s? Steel

182 What name was given to the captains of industry during the late 1800’s? Robber Barons

183 Who were 3 important captains of industry during the late 1800’s? Carnegie Rockefeller Dodd Morgan Stanford Vanderbilt Mellon Hopkins Fisk Ford

184 What theory was used to promote competition in the marketplace? Social Darwinism (Charles Darwin did not believe in Social Darwinism

185 What novelist wrote many fictional stories promoting the “rags to riches” theme beginning in 1867? Horatio Alger

186 Who was the African American who encouraged blacks to learn a trade and also founded the Tuskegee Institute in 1881? Booker T. Washington ( He believed that the economic equality would lead to social equality)

187 What African American Tuskegee Institute graduate was famous for his work as an agricultural scientist? George Washington Carver

188 What famous Supreme Court decision upheld segregation in 1896? Plessy vs. Ferguson – (It ruled that separate but equal was acceptable).

189 What idea was promoted by Andrew Carnegie in 1889, that stated the wealthy should give back riches to the community? Gospel of Wealth

190 The U.S. joined European nations in a race to conquest smaller, “uncivilized” nations to gain access to their resources and markets (economic control). This was known as ____________. “Age of Imperialism”

191 What was the purpose of imper- ialism? To expand a country’s power, by gaining economic control of another.

192 Why did colonial powers com- pete for control of Africa? Their Natural Resources

193 What territory was annexed by the U.S. in the Pacific Ocean in 1898? Hawaii

194 What war did the U.S. become involved in during 1898 because of the sinking of the USS Maine off the coast of Havana, Cuba as well as Spain’s unwillingness to give Cuba its independence? The Spanish-American War

195 What name was given to the sensationalistic (exaggerated) journalism that served as a major cause of the Spanish-American War? Yellow Journalism

196 What group of volunteers did T. Roosevelt lead in the famous charge at the Battle of San Juan Hill? The Rough Riders

197 What group of lands did the U.S. gain control over as a result of winning the Spanish- American War? Cuba Guam Puerto Rico Philippines

198 What canal in Central America was built during President Roosevelt’s office which led him to force Columbia to give Panama its inde- pendence in 1904? Panama Canal

199 The completion of the Panama Canal in 1914 allowed what two bodies of water to connect? The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

200 What movement in the late 1800’s promoted change in government, business, and social welfare? Progressivism (famous American Pro- gressive Party members: Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt

201 What president introduced im- portant conservation methods to preserve millions of acres of western lands? Theodore Roosevelt (Republican and Progressive president in 1901, because of McKinley’s assassination.)

202 What addendum to the Monroe Doctrine was made by Roose- velt justifying intervention in South American nations that were in trouble? Roosevelt Corollary

203 What did T. Roosevelt call journalists who were intent on exposing corruption in slums and prisons, factories, insane asylums ( as they were called at the time). Sweatshops, mines, child labor land unsanitary conditions in food processing plants at the turn of the century? Muckrakers

204 What novel was highly acclaimed for exposing problems in the meatpacking industry? by socialist Upton SinclairThe Jungle by socialist Upton Sinclair

205 What muckraker wrote an expose (tell all book) on Standard Oil in 1904? Ida Tarbell

206 What types of labor problems did early unions try and correct? Unsafe working conditions Low wages Shorter working hours

207 Who was the African-American who encouraged blacks to seek social justice and equality and was an early leader of the Niagara Movement and the NAACP? W.E.B. DuBois (pronounced DuBoys)

208 How did President Taft’s foreign diplomacy differ from Roosevelt’s? Dollar Diplomacy

209 What three parties entered a candidate for president in 1912? Republicans Progressives Democrats

210 Who won the election of 1912? Woodrow Wilson (Democrat)

211 What 1913 amendment to the Constitution introduced an income tax? 16 th

212 What 1913 amendment made the election of senators by popular vote? 17 th

213 What 1919 amendment introduced prohibition as a national law? 18th

214 How did Wilson change the banking system in the U.S. in 1913? Established the Federal Reserve System

215 What act was passed during Wilson’s tenure that was intended to break up monopolies? Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914

216 What was the purpose on anti- trust laws? To prevent businesses from having exclusive control over markets (aka- a monopoly)

217 What commission was set up by Wilson in 1914 to monitor the practices of businesses? Federal Trade Commission (promoted fair competition

218 Bt 1915, the boll weevil (insect) caused farmers to stop growing what crop? Cotton ( many starting planting peanuts)

219 What were the long term causes of the First World War? Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

220 What was the immediate cause of WW1? The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

221 Why did the U.S. enter the war? Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, examples are the sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Note’s promise (It was a message sent by Germany to Mexico telling how Germany was going to Restart unrestricted submarine warfare. It also offered Mexico United State’s land in return for their help.)

222 What types of technological innovations were used in WW1? Tanks Airplanes Submarines (sub improvements caused them to become tremendously effective.)

223 Who came up with the idea of the tank? The British

224 What type of technological innovation did the German’s bring to WW1? Submarine (The English term U-Boat for a German submarine come from the German word for submarine, ‘U-Boot’, it- self an abbreviation for Unterseeboot (‘undersea boat’)

225 What type of fighting took place in WW1? Trench warfare ( mainly on the Western front, between the English Channel and the Swiss border)

226 Who were the Central Powers? Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire

227 Who were the Allied Powers? France Britain U.S. Russia Italy

228 What acts contributed to the Nativist hatred immigrants especially during and after WW1? Espionage and sedition

229 Name several groups of people who benefited from the diminished workforces during WW1? Women African-Americans Mexican-Americans

230 War bonds were used by the U.S. to fund which war? World War I

231 What treaty ended WWI? The Treaty of Versailles

232 The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to pay _________? War reparations (payments for starting the war)

233 What organization would the nations of the world join together to ensure security and peace for all members? The League of Nations

234 Which president supported the League of Nations? Democrat Woodrow Wilson

235 Which United States political party rejected the League of Nations? Republicans

236 Which country refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles because the League of Nations was in- cluded in it? United States

237 What was the intense fear of communism and other extreme ideas that gripped the U.S. during the 1920’s known as? Red Scare

238 What trial, in which two immi- grants, were given an unfair trial due to their ethnic background and were eventually put to death? Sacco and Vanzetti

239 Name the summer in 1919 in which workers’ strikes erupted in about 25 cities nationwide: Red Summer ( called that because of people’s fear that the strikers were communists.)

240 What amendment gave women the right to vote in 1920? 19 th

241 The 19 th amendment caused the United States to become more what? Democratic

242 By 1922, this organization’s membership had grown to about 100,000 and by 1924 to 4 million. What was this organization called? Ku Klux Klan

243 Name the migration of blacks from the South to the North for jobs? Great Migration

244 A number limit set up by laws to limit things such as annual im- migration is called ________. Quota

245 What type of immigration was banned altogether in the 1920’s? Asian Immigration

246 What were the technological innovations in the 1920’s? Cars Planes Home Appliances

247 What was the literary awakening of the African- Americans during the period from 1919 to the 1930’s called? Harlem Renaissance

248 Who were the major writers of the Harlem Renaissance? Claude McKay Countee Cullen Langston Hughes Zora Neale Hurston Jessie Fauset

249 Who were the major musicians of the Harlem Renaissance? Billie Holiday Duke Ellington Count Basie Louie Armstrong Bessie Smith

250 Who was the African American author of Their Eyes were Watching God? Zora Neale Hurston

251 What kind of music grew out of African American music in the South, especially ragtime and blues? Jazz

252 What are some of the character- istics of the “Roaring 1920’s”? Model T (automobile) Flappers (wild girls) Jazz Music

253 The 1920’s is referred to as the __________ Age. Jazz (basically the time between WWI and the Great Depression in 1929)

254 Who is known as the “Father of the Blues”? W.C. Handy

255 What were the illegal bars called that flourished during prohibition? Speakeasies

256 What was the name of the case concerning the teaching of the theory of evolution in the classroom called? The Scope’s Trial of 1925

257 During the Great Depression farmers were unable to repay their debts for land and machinery because of _______. Falling Farm Prices

258 This practice allowed investors to purchase a stock for only a fraction of its price (10-15%) and then borrow the rest. What was this known as? Buying on Margin

259 What name was given to the severe economic decline that lasted from the stock market crash on “Black Tuesday,” October 29, 1929 until the U.S. entry into WWII in 1941? The Great Depression

260 Why did President Hoover take little action during the Great Depression? He thought things would correct itself. He believed in Adam Smith’s laissez-faire idea.

261 What were the houses made out of cardboard paper or scrap metal called? Hooverville’s ( named for President Hoover)

262 What was the name of the region in the Great Plains where drought and dust storms took place for much of the 1930’s? Dust Bowl

263 What program did Franklin D. Roosevelt push during his first 100 days in office? The New Deal ( a sequence of programs and promises he initiated between 1933 and 1938 with the goal of giving relief, reform, and recovery to the people and the economy of the U.S. during the Great Depression.)

264 What did Franklin D. Roosevelt create in response to critics who said he was not doing enough for the ordinary Americans? The Second New Deal

265 What were FDR’s babies or “alphabet agencies”? CCC Social Security TVA SEC CWA WPA FDIC AAA

266 What New Deal program insured bank deposits up to $5,000? FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

267 What public works project was created in 1933 to help farmers, created job and supply hydro- power (cheap electricity)? TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) It was criticized because it caused flooding and erosion

268 What program put over 2.5 million unmarried men to work? CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)

269 What program gave jobs building or improving roads, parks, airports, and other facilities to the unemployed? CWA (Civil Works Administration)

270 What program provided old-age pensions, disability payments and unemployment benefits? Social Security ( FICA is what you see on your check stubs. It stands for Federal Insurance Contributions Act. The act calls for this “social insurance” to be funded through dedicated payroll taxes.)

271 Which act created minimum wage? Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

272 During the period for WW I to the start of WW II, the American foreign policy was one of _____. Isolationism

273 What conference did Britain and France agree to let Hitler have the Sudetenland? Munich Conference 1938

274 What is giving in to someone’s demands in order to keep peace called? Appeasement

275 France and Britain ______ Hitler in hopes of avoiding war in Europe? Appeased

276 What invasion on September 1, 1939, began WW II? Poland

277 Who were the Axis Powers in WW II? Germany Italy Japan

278 Who were the Allied Powers in WW II? U.S. Britain France USSR

279 A German tactic in which tanks, soldiers, and moving trucks rapidly attacked and were there before the enemy had time to react were called ___________. Blitzkrieg (Think about a blitz in football)

280 What country began to expand in the Pacific and controlled most of China by 1940? Japan

281 What happened on December 7, 1941 that caused us to enter into the war? The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

282 When did the internment of Japanese Americans in the U.S. occur? WW II

283 What women’s organizations during WW II allowed them to participate in the military? WASP WAVES WAC’s

284 The American government responded to shortages in resources during WW II by issuing _________. Rations ( sugar, gas, and etc.)

285 What battle was the turning point of WW II in the east? Stalingrad

286 Who was the leader of the U.S. during WW II? FDR ( F. Roosevelt)

287 Who was the leader of the USSR during WW II? Stalin

288 Who was the leader of Germany during WW II? Hitler

289 Who was the leader of Great Britain during WW II? Churchill

290 Who was the leader of Italy during WW II? Mussolini

291 What battle in June of 1942, was Japan unable to launch any more offensive operations in the Pacific? Midway

292 The best known D-Day is June 6, 1944 – the day on which the Battle of ______ began, which was the beginning of the Allies effort to liberate/free mainland Europe from Nazi/Axis occupation during WW II. Normandy

293 What were the Japanese suicide planes called? Kamikazes

294 What was the name of the top secret project to create the atomic bomb? Manhattan Project

295 Who was the U.S. military leader in Europe during WW II? General Eisenhower

296 Who was the U.S. military leader in the Pacific during WW II? General McArthur

297 What were the places called where prisoners of war and political prisoners were confined? Concentration Camps ( very harsh conditions)

298 What WW II event did the German’s imprison millions and kill nearly 6 million Jews? Holocaust

299 Where did the U.S. drop the atomic bombs after President Harry Truman’s order? Hiroshima, Japan ( on Aug. 6, 1945) and Nagasaki, Japan (on Aug. 9, 1945) (By the end of 1945, almost 220,000 people had died because of the bombs and exposure to radiation.)

300 On what day did WW II end? September 2, 1945 ( Japan was the last to sign the Instrument of Surrender. It did so 6 days after Nagasaki was bombed.)

301 Why did suburbs grow during the post WW II years? Because of the increasing availability of automobiles

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