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Where’s Math ? 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419.

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Presentation on theme: "Where’s Math ? 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where’s Math ? 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419

2 BREAKING NEWS: MATH GONE MISSING!!! Where has MATH gone?!?!?! No recent sightings have been reported in over 30 days!! If you have any information, please contact us immediately at 1-800-555- MATH.

3 No Number Sense

4 Faulty Mathematics

5 Temperatures without Math

6 Faulty Construction without Math

7 Cute…nice try…

8 BREAKING NEWS!!! Math is everywhere and yet, we may not recognize it because it doesn't look like the math we did in school. Math in the world around us sometimes seems invisible. But math is present in our world all the time--in the workplace, in our homes, and in life in general. When you buy a car, follow a recipe, or decorate your home, you're using math principles.

9 Probabilities and Games

10 Blueprints and Geometry

11 Music and Sound Waves

12 Money Matters and Banking…

13 Architecture and Careful Construction

14 Weather Maps and Temperature Records

15 Recipes and Yummy Food :)

16 Without math, very little science would be possible. Science relies on math both to describe predictions about the relationships between real-world phenomena and to test those predictions. Even fields like ethics rely heavily on mathematics (ethics draws on game theory specifically the prisoner's dilemma.The beauty of mathematics, however, is that it does not have to work only within the confines of the known real world. In the broadest sense, if scientists attempt to explain our universe, then mathematicians try to explain the workings of every possible universe. Clearly, mathematics has much more to offer than algebra, geometry, and functions courses you've had in school! game theory prisoner's dilemma

17 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What is portrayed in this pic/video/text slide show? –Open Ended Literal What was the first “Breaking News” announcement? –Literal

18 Q’s Continued Is it always obvious when math is present? –Literal/Analysis What are some of the affects of the absence of MATH? –Literal/Analysis

19 More Q’s Can you think of other things in life where math “behind the scenes” is crucial? –Synthesis What is your attitude toward math? –Synthesis

20 Final Q’s Can you see the importance of math in the standard curriculum? How affective is the argument that math is in everyday life, therefore we must teach it? –Evaluative How much does your perception of, attitude toward, and appreciation for mathematics effect how well you learn the necessary skills? –Evaluative

21 Share Your Enthusiasm Can someone share a time when you were extremely motivated to learn a certain math concept because you wanted to know how to do something specific, such as figure out how much money you could make in ten years if you put some savings in a CD or other special savings account? –Analysis

22 Reflect on Your Experience- and get enthusiastic!! :) Homework assignment: –Write a one to two page journal entry about your personal mathematical history. You may use a line graph to chart your progress…be creative :) –Express your attitude toward math, how you have used it in life, how you hope to be able to use it one day, how confident you feel using it in class as well as in class. –Please include any progress you have noticed in your abilities over the years as well as concepts that still frustrate you. For each concept that you still do not feel comfortable with, state how you plan to overcome that feeling this year. –Make sure that you include your expectations and goals for this year’s math class.

23 Special Accommodations For the hearing impaired Provide written script of video clip audio output Use hands while speaking Speak clearly and enunciate words properly Have desks arranged in a semi circle so all students’ faces may be seen for speech reading

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