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Essentials For Building A Profitable Ecommerce Business Robyn Anderson ecommerce Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Essentials For Building A Profitable Ecommerce Business Robyn Anderson ecommerce Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essentials For Building A Profitable Ecommerce Business Robyn Anderson ecommerce Consultant

2 ROBYN ANDERSON Co-Founder of Orange Collar Media Magento Gold Level Partner Consulted with over 100 ecommerce Merchants Developed & Managed Digital Strategy & Marketing Programs for OCM & Clients Owns Two ecommerce Websites

3 FOCUS AREAS Ecommerce Strategy Roadmap Platform Selection Internal Operations Marketing & Merchandising Customer Persona PPC Visual Merchandising Email Marketing Marketplaces Ecommerce Analysis Trends New Features Best Practices Conversion Analysis

4 ECOMMERCE STRATEGY Create a Road Map Select The Right Platform For Business Requirements Create A Solid Internal Process

5 CREATE A ROADMAP Check in Points 3, 6, 9, 12 Months Platform Selection Development Timeline Brand Identity UI & Design Data Strategy Feature & Functionality Outlined

6 SELECT THE RIGHT PLATFORM Shopify, Demandware, Hybris, Magento, Woo Commerce Robust & Flexible Merchandising Ability Does it Follow Best Practices Community Involvement- Developers & Users Costs


8 MERCHANDISING & SEARCH Can you rearrange the order that your products are shown? How do you add “featured” products or upsells? Does your platform come with advanced Search? Will you need to invest in 3rd party search tools like Nextopia or Celebros?

9 PLATFORM ECOSYSTEM Can you easily find developers? Are you locked in to working with one group? Are there tested and approved integrations and modules available for use? Can your platform disappear due to acquisition or buy out?

10 COSTS How will the platform you choose save you $? What is the total monthly cost to run your ecommerce business? Hosting Platform fee’s Support Daily maintenance

11 INTERNAL PROCESS/ OPERATIONS Logistics Strategy Accounting Inventory Order to Ship Branding Within Process Customer Service

12 MARKETING & MERCHANDISING Identify Your Customer Analyze Traffic Data PPC Inbound Affiliate Visual Merchandising Email Marketing Marketplaces

13 IDENTIFY YOUR CUSTOMER Persona Development Hobbies, Interests, & Passions Time of Day They Shop Where They Live Income Level Identify The Customer’s Buying Journey

14 ANALYZE DATA When are your traffic levels highest? Review Keywords & Search Terms Geographical Location Return visitors vs. New visits Mobile device traffic Traffic Sources

15 PAY PER CLICK Monitor & Evaluate ROI Search Engines & Your Industry Use a Call to Action in your Ad Make Sure the Landing Page is Relevant to the Ad Constantly Add New Keywords & Negative Keywords to Pinpoint Customer’s Search Criteria

16 INBOUND/SEO Content Meets Context Create Content Your Customer is Looking For Blog Social Media Management Create Downloadable Items Become the Trustworthy Brand

17 BUYERS JOURNEY AwarenessConsideration Decision AttractconvertCloseDelight

18 VISUAL MERCHANDISING Understand Buyers Journey Be Clear About Your Products- Descriptions & Price Quality Product Images Related Products, Customer Reviews, Upsell Opportunities Offer something! Free shipping, % off, Quality Guarantee

19 EMAIL MARKETING Email Marketing Clients Personalization Automated Work Flows Coupon Codes Subscriptions Exclusive Memberships/ Clubs

20 MARKETPLACES Affiliates Ebay Amazon

21 ECOMMERCE ANALYSIS Trends New Features Best Practices Support Conversion Analysis

22 TRENDS You’re Always Out of Style Personalization Clean Design Flat Buttons and Calls to Action Simplicity

23 NEW FEATURES Ecommerce Platform Ecosystem Loyalty Reward Points Gamification Exclusive Memberships Interactive Apps Enhanced Search

24 BEST PRACTICES Use your blog to answer your customers questions for search queries Write original Product Descriptions Use appealing Titles & Meta Descriptions for people not bots Make sure your site runs FAST…REALLY FAST Must be Mobile Connect as people not just a brand. Use an About us page with real information about the people behind the brand.

25 CONVERSION ANALYSIS Product Performance Purchase Funnel Performance A/B Test Competitor Analysis Analyze Pages with High Bounce Rates Design Trends Button color

26 REVIEW Essentials for building a profitable ecommerce business: Ecommerce strategy Marketing & Merchandising Plan Ecommerce Analysis

27 HOW HOSTWAY CAN HELP High Performance, Front-to-Back E-commerce Solutions Infrastructure Migration Optimization Support Administration


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