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For The 1 st Grade ….. Intermediate school Prepared by : Shorooq Rashid.

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2 For The 1 st Grade ….. Intermediate school Prepared by : Shorooq Rashid.

3 How can you look at your teacher, at the board ? With my eyes..

4 How can you listen to your teacher, or to the cassette ? With my ears..

5 How can you breathe and smell flowers ? With my nose..

6 How can you write ? With my hand..

7 Which hand do you use more ? Which hand do you use more ? According to our religion, we should eat and drink with our right hand..

8 How can you walk ? On my feet..

9 So, our lesson today is about..

10 My Body What do our bodies consist of ?

11 Allah has given us : a head hair 2 ears 2 eyes a nose a mouth

12 We have also : Shoulders 2 arms 2 hands a stomach 2 knees 2 legs toes

13 Look at this girl and tell me :  What colour are her eyes ?  What colour is her hair ?

14 Match parts of the body with suitable pictures : - 1. ear a- 2. mouth b- 3. nose c- 4. eyes d- 5. hand e- 6. foot f- 7. arm g-

15 Conversation : Saad : Mahir, how tall are you and how much do you weight ? Mahir : Why ? Saad : I want to check with this table. It show the right weight for your height. Mahir : I ’ m 150 centimetres and I weigh 60 kilos. Saad : let me see ! You have 10 kilos overweight. Mahir- : Maybe I need to exercise.

16 Table of The Ideal Weight

17 To ask about height, we say : How tall are you ?  e.g I am 140 centimetres. Or:  I am 1 metre 40.

18 What about your friend, how tall is she ?  She is (e.g.135) centimetres.

19 To ask about weight, we say : How much do you weigh ?  e.g. I am 35 kilos. How much does she weigh ?  She is 40 kilos.

20 Match the questions to their correct answers : 1. How old are you ? 2. How tall is your sister ? 3.How much does your brother weigh? He is 45 kilos. I ’ m twelve. She is 1 metre 30 I am from Madinah. I like science.

21 Application Say how tall are they ? 150 cm. 140 cm. 130 cm. Rana Wajd Fai

22 How can we thank Allah ? Saying “ Alhamdullah “ Avoid doing forbidden things.

23 What about you … ? How tall are you ? How much do you weigh ? Do you have an ideal weight ? Home assignment

24 Goodbye Thanks for your good listening See you in the next class Have a nice time

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