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Major Events and Trends in World History Modern World History Evening High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Events and Trends in World History Modern World History Evening High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Events and Trends in World History Modern World History Evening High School

2 Key Vocabulary Monarchy Aristocracy Democracy Renaissance Reformation Enlightenment Imperialism Industrialization Socialism Nationalism Revolution Communism Martin Luther Louis XIV Peter the Great Galileo John Locke Napoleon Karl Marx V.I. Lenin Joseph Stalin Mao Zedong

3 The Rise of Democratic Ideas The Legacy of Ancient Greece and Rome Judeo-Christian Tradition Democratic Developments in England The Enlightenment and Democratic Revolutions

4 The Rise of Democratic Ideas

5 Renaissance and Reformation in Europe Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance The Northern Renaissance Luther starts the Reformation

6 Renaissance and Reformation in Europe Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance

7 Renaissance and Reformation in Europe The Northern Renaissance

8 Renaissance and Reformation in Europe Luther starts the Reformation

9 The Muslim World Expands The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire The Mughals Establish and Empire in India

10 The Age of Exploration and Isolationism Europeans Explore the East China Rejects European Outreach Japan Limits Western Contacts

11 The Atlantic World Spanish Conquests in the New World Competing Claims in the New World The Atlantic Slave Trade

12 The Atlantic World The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade

13 Absolute Monarchs in Europe Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism France’s Ultimate Monarch Central European Monarchs Clash Russian Czars Increase Power Parliament Limits the English Monarchy

14 Enlightenment and Revolution The Scientific Revolution Enlightenment in Europe The Spread of Enlightenment Ideas The American Revolution and the Birth of a Republic

15 The French Revolution and Napoleon The Revolution Threatens the French Kind Revolution Brings Reform and Terror Napoleon Forges an Empire Napoleon's Empire Collapses The Congress of Vienna Convenes

16 Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West Latin American Peoples Win Independence Revolution Disrupts Europe Revolution in the Arts

17 Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West Revolution in the Arts

18 The Industrial Revolution The Beginnings of Industrialization Industrialization Spreads An Age of Reforms

19 An Age of Democracy and Progress Democratic Reform and Activism Self-Rule for British Colonies Expansion and Crisis in the United States Nineteenth Century Progress

20 The Age of Imperialism Imperialists Divide Africa Muslim Lands Fall to Imperialist Demands British Imperialism in India Western Powers Rule Southeast Asia

21 Transformations Around the Globe China Responds to Pressure from the West Japan Modernizes U.S. Economic Imperialism in Latin America The Mexican Revolution

22 The Great War The Stage is Set for War War Consumes Europe War Affects the World A Flawed Peace

23 Revolution and Nationalism Revolutions in Russia Collapse of Chinese Imperial Rule Nationalism in India and Southwest Asia

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