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Period 5: Industrialization and Global Integration (1750-1900) Olivia, Alexis, Payton, Shannon, Emma Early Bird.

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Presentation on theme: "Period 5: Industrialization and Global Integration (1750-1900) Olivia, Alexis, Payton, Shannon, Emma Early Bird."— Presentation transcript:

1 Period 5: Industrialization and Global Integration (1750-1900) Olivia, Alexis, Payton, Shannon, Emma Early Bird

2 Theme 1: Interaction between Humans and the Environment Demographic and environmental changes ●development of machinery (steam engine and internal combustion engine) ●increase in pollution ●people moved to cities to work ●indentured servitude from India and East Asia Olivia: 1

3 Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures Positives and Negatives of the rise of Western Colonization across the globe. ➢ European Colonization ○ Imperialism over Africa (Scramble for Africa) ➢ Indentured Servitude ○ Asian Cultures America ➢ Spheres of Influence ○ British controls China ➢ Enlightenment ○ Scientific beliefs instead of Religious Alexis 2

4 Theme 2: Development and Interaction of cultures -Reform -Social -Legal -Resistance -Revolutions -Rebellions -Racist Policies -Exclusion -Slavery -Nationalism

5 Theme 3: Causes and Goals of Revolution ● U.S.A o The Enlightenment o Independence from the crown ● France o Lost 7 Years War (1756-1763) - Debt o Harvest Decreased - Hail Storms ● Haiti o Social Equality (Creoles, Peninsulares, Slaves) o French Revolution ● Mexico o radical peasant demand for land reform ● Central & South America o Creoles wanted to break from Spain & gain more power ● China o Boxer Rebellion - Westerners and Christian missionaries o Taiping - corrupt gvt, taxes on farmers, secret societies S 4

6 S 5 Theme 3: Were Issues Solved or Unresolved? ● U.S.A o Taxation w/o representation o Declaration of Independence o Removed the power of the crown ● France o “Ancien Regime” - 3rd estate wanted more voice o Declaration of the Rights of Man o Monarchy -> Dictatorship -> Parliamentary Republic ● Haiti o Gained social reformation & equality ● Mexico o Peninsulares & Creoles remained in power ● Central & South America o Simon Bolivar helped gain independence -> left in turmoil b/c no formal gvt. ● China o Gained reforms - Christians/West out & land redistribution/removed Confucianism

7 Theme 3: State- building,Expansion,and Conflict ➢ Sepoy Mutiny (India) ○ Result British control over India ➢ Ideas of Enlightenment ○ John Locke, Adam Smith ➢ Natural Rights ○ John Locke ➢ Social Contact Theory ○ Government Laws in place for citizens to follow ➢ Self-Strengthening Movement

8 Theme 3: State-Building, Expansion, and Conflict Discuss the expansion of democratic ideals within societies around the world. Identify the limitations of these ideals. What forces suppress and what forces cause change to occur? ➢ Enlightenment Ideals ○ John Locke, Thomas Hobbes ➢ Nationalism ➢ Socialism ○ Utopian vs. Revolutionary ➢ Women Rights ○ Mary Wollstonecraft ➢ Communism ○ Karl Marx “Father of Communism”

9 State Building, Expansion, and Conflict Global commerce and technology ● railroads, steam engines, boats, telegraph Industrial Revolution ● China stepped down from economic power and Britain took over ● Africa and South America were heavily used for resources ● Creation of urban cities and suburbs Equality ● capitalism: less equal (gap between rich and poor) ● communism: more equal (government controlled big businesses, less competition) Olivia: 8

10 Other Key Objectives Identify the various forms of Western interventions used in Latin America, Africa, Asia, South Asia, and SE Asia. ➢ Latin America ○ Introduction of Christianity ➢ Africa ○ Cape Colony, Berlin Conference ➢ Asia ○ Russia: Peter the Great and Catherine the Great ➢ South Asia ○ India: cricket ➢ SE Asia ○ Western dress and culture for women

11 Other Key Objectives Analyze and then compare the reactions of the Ottoman Empire, China, India, and Japan to foreign interferences by the West upon their societies. ➢ Ottoman ○ Napoleonic Wars ➢ China ○ Opium Wars, Boxer Rebellion ➢ India ○ British refusal to westernize ➢ Japan ○ Matthew Perry

12 Comparing the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe and Meiji Japan -Struggling economically -Behind -Meiji Restoration - Westernization -Railroads -Matthew Perry -Catch up to other countries -Grow into a world power -Access to much of the world -Natural resources (Britain) -Factories -Urbanization -Steam engine -Controller of commerce -World power -New Imperialism Causes Phases Goals J WE

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