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Revolutions in Europe and Latin America An Age of Ideologies.

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1 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America An Age of Ideologies

2 Congress of Vienna 1815 Prince Klemens von Metternich Austrian politician and statesman and perhaps the most important diplomat of his era. Conservative ideas Restore the old order

3 Congress of Vienna – Restore the old Order Back to pre 1789 Appealed to peasants – tradition Bring back the monarchy – familiar Restore royal families and social classes – lower classes were expected to respect their social superiors. Talk of natural rights and constitutional government only brought chaos Sought to suppress revolutionary ideas

4 Congress of Vienna – Restore the old Order Monarchs should: Oppose freedom of the press Crush protests Send troops to help neighbors experiencing rebellion.

5 Liberals Middle class and bourgeoisie “bourgeoisie liberalism” Bankers, lawyers, politicians, writers, newspaper editors Governments should be based on written constitutions Against divine right and monarchy

6 Liberals Saw role of government to protecting basic rights – freedom of thought, speech, religion Only male property owners should have “vote” Universal manhood suffrage As business owners, often had differing goals from workers

7 Nationalists Groups based on nationalities and culture Goals were based on winning their own states and independence Gave people with a sense of identity Often bred intolerance and a sense of hatred against other nationalities

8 Revolts Early 1800s Balkans and fringes of Europe within Ottoman Empire Serbian Independence 1804-1813 Karageorge – guerilla war against Ottoman Empire Unsuccessful but sparked a sense of Serbian identity (that is still strong today)

9 Revolts 1814 – second Serbian rebellion Milos Obrenovic – more successful Turned to Russia for help Slavic and Christian Orthodox By 1830, Serbians win autonomy (self- rule) within Ottoman Empire

10 Revolts 1821 – Greek independence against Ottoman Rule National war, holy war, war of independence Won sympathy from west by 1830 – Greece is independent Pressured to accept a German king

11 Revolts Other Rebellions around Europe Metternich urged conservatives and monarchs to send troops to crush all uprisings and rebellions. Troops dampened the fires of liberalism and nationalism but could not smother them.

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