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__ % of all jobs are found through networking __ % want ads __ % people starting or creating their own jobs __ % by sending.

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Presentation on theme: "__ % of all jobs are found through networking __ % want ads __ % people starting or creating their own jobs __ % by sending."— Presentation transcript:

















17 __ % of all jobs are found through networking __ % want ads __ % people starting or creating their own jobs __ % by sending out resumes

18 80 % of all jobs are found through networking 12 % want ads 4 % people starting or creating their own jobs 4 % people starting or creating their own jobs 2 % by sending out resumes 2 % by sending out resumes


20 The 4 most important words I can teach you:

21 I need your help

22 How many of you have a linkedin profile?

23 Many employers look at your Linkedin profile before they read your resume!!

24 78% of hiring managers use Linkedin as their primary tool to find candidates

25 Go to the jobs tab on the top of your Linkedin Profile then click “find jobs” you will find 2 things there.. Jobs you may be interested in and that are relevant to the things listed in your profile And a place to search for jobs

26 When you search jobs you can see the connections you share. You can ask them to make an introduction for you.

27 Show search results for C++

28 Reach out to former classmates and co-workers

29 You can also go to the groups tab and search jobs there


31 Cut out articles that pertain to the person and or their profession

32 Congratulate people on their promotions

33 Follow up as it takes 7 no’s to get a yes

34 Call before 9 after 5 or lunch time

35 Call people back immediately

36 Send every client a thank you note

37 Get to a manager cold not only to jobs that are posted

38 The Hand Clap Story How many seconds to make a first impression? ___

39 The Hand Clap Story How many seconds to make a first impression? 6

40 Hand shake Eye contact

41 Hiring manager is nervous also

42 Name badge: Wear it on the ____ side

43 Name badge: Wear it on the right side

44 How should I dress?

45 How do you want others to perceive you as a business professional?

46 The Halo Effect

47 What are the first 3 things people look at when they first meet you? 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________

48 What are the first 3 things people look at when they first meet you? 1. Glasses 2. Shoes 3. Watch

49 2 FREE Videos???

50 My Kodak story

51 Remember the interviewers name

52 Stay on topics you know and you are comfortable with

53 Try to find out about the managers interests, then use them to your advantage

54 References: Make sure they know that a potential employer might be calling. Give them as much info as you can about the position you are interviewing for.






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