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2012- Road To Democratic National Convention.  The first Democratic National Convention to nominate the Democratic Presidential candidate was held in.

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Presentation on theme: "2012- Road To Democratic National Convention.  The first Democratic National Convention to nominate the Democratic Presidential candidate was held in."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012- Road To Democratic National Convention

2  The first Democratic National Convention to nominate the Democratic Presidential candidate was held in Baltimore, MD on May 21, 1832.  Delegates at the Convention elect the Democrat Presidential candidate.  The 2012 Democratic National Convention is in Charlotte, North Carolina during the week of September 3 rd, 2012..

3  A delegate casts the actual vote to nominate the Democratic Presidential candidate.  Both delegates and alternates attend the convention.  Costs for the 4-day convention are the responsibility of the delegate and alternate.

4  All registered Democrats in Arizona are eligible candidates for the position of an Arizona delegate.  In Arizona, delegates and alternates shall be elected at the Congressional District Caucuses in March. Which immediately follows the Presidential Nomination Caucus.

5  Summary of Delegates  Congressional District Caucuses & Presidential Preference Caucuses  State Convention  Affirmative Action Goals  Timeline  Cost Analysis  Tips on Becoming a Delegate

6  46- District Level Delegates  15- At-Large Delegates  6- At-Large Alternates Delegates  9- Party Leader & Elected Officials Delegates (PLEO)  10- Unpledged (PLEO) Delegates

7  Logistics  Statements of Candidacy  Right of Refusal  Voting  Vote Share Threshold  Presidential Preference Caucuses

8  Each District Level Caucuses will be held on Saturday, March 31 st, 2012.  Time and Location are TBD.

9  Statements of candidacy must be filed with the State Party Headquarters no later than 5:00pm on March 1 st, 2012.  No exceptions will be made as to this deadline.

10  Each Presidential campaign will have the right to remove any delegate who has pledged support to them and thusly, may not be elected as a delegate or alternate.  The official list of approved delegates for each Presidential candidate will be filed before the state caucus, on March 16, 2012 with the State Democratic Chair.

11  Participation in Arizona’s delegate selection process is open to all voters who wish to participate as Democrats.  Democrats voters are determined as all those registered on the voter checklist as Democrats with the Secretary of State by January 30, 2012.

12  Only those Presidential candidates receiving 15% of the vote share on March 31 st will be considered for National Convention delegates.  Vote share is considered by Congressional District.

13  Logistics  Statements of Candidacy  Right of Refusal  Delegate Election Order

14  The State Convention will be held on April 21 st, 2012.  Location is TBD.

15  Statements of candidacy must be filed with the state party no later than 5pm on April 6 th, 2012.  No exceptions will be made as to this deadline.

16  Each Presidential campaign will have the right to strike any PLEO delegate who has pledged support to them.  This will be completed before the caucuses.

17  The State Committee will then elect 9 Party Leader and Elected Official delegates.

18  The State Committee will then select 15 At- Large delegates and 6 At-Large alternates.  Selection of the At-Large delegates and alternates will be based on the Affirmative Action Goals set forth in the plan.

19  The State Committee will first vote on the add- on delegate.  This person is a distinguished party leader and is nominated by the State Party Chair.

20  African Americans4  Hispanic Americans21  Native Americans8  Asian/Pacific Americans2  LGBT Americans5  Americans w/Disabilities12  Young Americans19

21  March 1 st, 2012Statement of Candidacy for District Level Delegates Must be Filed  March 31 st, 2012Congressional District Caucuses & Presidential Preference Caucuses  April 6 th, 2012Statement of Candidacy for un-pledged, Pledged Party Leader and Elected Officials, and at large delegate or alternate Must be Filed  April 21 st, 2012Arizona State Democratic Convention  September 3 rd -7 th, 2012 Democratic National Convention

22 Airfare (Round Trip from PHX)$250.00 Hotel(5 days)$110.00-$125.00/night Food(6 days)$40/day Incidentals(6 days)$50/day Car RentalNot Necessary Taxi/Light RailTBD TOTALAt Least $1,500.00 Sunday, September 2 nd through Friday, September 7 th


24  District level statements must be filed by 5pm on March 1, 2012 with the State Party Headquarters.  You must be a registered Democrat in the district in which you file by the time of your filing.

25  Becoming involved with your local Democratic organization and your Presidential Preference candidate’s campaign is the best way to show that you should be a delegate.

26  This is a campaign. You should obtain a list of the PC’s (Precinct Committeeperson) in your district from the ADP (Arizona Democratic Party). Reach out and talk to them about why YOU should be a delegate.

27  If at the district level caucuses you are not elected as a delegate, you can still run for an At-Large or PLEO delegate position at the Arizona State Convention on April 21, 2012.

28  Ultimately, it is up to YOU to become a delegate to the National Convention.  If you have additional questions, please call 602-298-4200 or email at 

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