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Emergency Response Planning & Mass Casualty Ethics Session 13 YSU - Weapons of Mass Destruction Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Emergency Response Planning & Mass Casualty Ethics Session 13 YSU - Weapons of Mass Destruction Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emergency Response Planning & Mass Casualty Ethics Session 13 YSU - Weapons of Mass Destruction Course

2 Planning For... Notification Activation Deployment Scene Control Monitoring Demobilization Debriefing/Reporting

3 Notification 911 System Regular call-in Transfer of call from wrong agency Notification from other agency

4 Activation Radio systems Training on use Who to activate,when –Main staff schedules –Support scientists, geologists Routes and procedures for arrival

5 Deployment What assets are in the jurisdiction? Where are the assets? Where are most likely targets? How quickly can we get there? Who goes? Jurisdiction/turf battles and mutual aid.

6 Scene Control The incident command system is structured hierarchy designed to provide maximum control over emergency or disaster incidents, in a predictable manner.

7 Nerve Center The acting incident commander, usually the fire chief of the jurisdiction my set up operations in the field (for smaller emergencies) or in an emergency operations center (EOC) in larger emergencies.

8 When Planning the ICS... General Command Operations Planning Logistics Finance/Administration

9 Command Examples - Command IC, liaison officer, safety officer Responsible for oversight of incident Responsible for medical plan Responsible for interagency communication Responsible for communication to ops

10 Examples - Operations Manages the on-site ops (tactical) Ops makes it happen Requests expertise and equipment Ops director, section chiefs Special task forces –Strike team, SWAT, Bomb, CBRNI

11 Example - Operations Staging manager –At the ops center, requests new assets and assistance, is on hand to move equipment from cold to hot zone when necessary.

12 Examples - Planning Processes information – planning chief works with the incident commander. Resources Unit – logs in and out all assets Situation Unit – crunch data, predict Documentation – document ops Demobilization – check out people and assets

13 Examples - Logistics May consist of specialists in –Food preparation –Medical services –Special communications –Supply services –Mechanical support

14 Examples - Finance Administration chief – manage finances Time unit – measures the time personnel and equipment were active on-site for billing purposes. Procurement – finding and buying resources Cost –analyzes the cost of an incident response

15 What is a State of Emergency? A major disaster means any natural catastrophe or, regardless of cause,..., in any part of the United States, which in the determination of the President causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance under this Act to supplement the efforts and available resources of States, local governments, and disaster relief organizations in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused thereby.

16 How It Happens All requests for a declaration by the President that a major disaster exists shall be made by the Governor of the affected State. Such a request shall be based on a finding that the disaster is of such severity and magnitude that effective response is beyond the capabilities of the State and the affected local governments and that Federal assistance is necessary.

17 What Can Stafford Provide? Funds Meds, food and consumables Work services Contributions to non-profits Money for mitigation Money to rebuild federal buildings

18 Regardless of the Disaster There will be an EOC –Mobile –Stationary There will be a commander There will be an ops center

19 Recovery Know what might be available from Feds Know surrounding assets for reconstruction Mental health counseling Temporary essential services and education

20 Ethics In mass casualty events.

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