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Meet the Pet Protectors Gang These are the members of the Pet Protectors gang. SuperVet Sparky Amber Dodger Pickles.

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2 Meet the Pet Protectors Gang These are the members of the Pet Protectors gang. SuperVet Sparky Amber Dodger Pickles

3 SuperVet SuperVet works for PDSA during the day looking after sick and injured pets. By night he changes into a superhero, finding animals that need help. The Pet Protectors gang help him find pets that might need his help. SuperVet is caring, clever and adventurous.

4 Amber Amber is a very clever cat, she can always think of a solution to a problem. Amber is always on the computer and she loves technology. She lives in a fabulous house where she has a comfortable bed. Amber likes to play (even though she would never admit it), she loves chasing things and being on the prowl.

5 Dodger Dodger is a cool and trendy guinea pig. His favourite hobby is skateboarding. Dodger lives in a fantastic hutch and eats lots of hay. He is friendly and very active. He likes to keep up to date with events and what’s in the news.

6 Sparky Sparky the Dog is the youngest of the gang. He is very excitable and loves making friends. He is always on the go and always seems to have lots of energy. Sparky enjoys company and loves to go on long walks. To make sure Sparky has enough energy to help SuperVet he eats his dog food and has a rest in his comfortable bed.

7 Pickles Pickles used to be an overweight rabbit who never exercised and ate too much! When she was looked after properly, Pickles started doing lots of exercise and eating the right foods. She especially enjoys eating hay which stops her teeth from overgrowing. Pickles lives in a massive hutch where she has lots of room for her exercises and a nice comfy corner where she can go to sleep. Pickles really likes company and gets bored if she is on her own.

8 Now it’s your chance to see which member of the gang you are most like! Complete the quiz now! Which member of the gang do you think you are most like?

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