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Multiple Learning Styles, Single Learning System

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1 Multiple Learning Styles, Single Learning System
Presented by Dr. Sara Rofofsky Marcus Electronic Resources and Web Services Librarian Kurt R. Schmeller Library Queensborough Community College

2 Overview Who is Gardner What are Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Where can we do this? (in Sakai) When can we do this? Why should we do this? How should we do this?

3 Who is Gardner? Howard Gardner is a Professor of Education at Harvard University. He has conducted substantial research on the development of human cognitive capacities. In 1983, he studied intellectual capacities and established criteria to measure whether a talent was actually an intelligence. His research has revealed a wider family of human intelligences than was previously believed.

4 Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (MI)
Intrapersonal “the ability to construct an accurate perception of oneself and to use such knowledge in planning and directing one’s life” Interpersonal “the capacity to understand and interact effectively with others.” Verbal-Linguistic “the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings” Logical-mathematical “makes it possible to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complex mathematical operations” Visual-spatial “enables one to perceive external and internal imagery, to create, transform, or modify images, to navigate oneself and objects through space, and to produce or decode graphic information” Musical “evident in individuals who possess a sensitivity to pitch, melody, rhythm and tone” Naturalistic “observing patterns in nature, identifying and classifying objects, and understanding natural and human-made systems” Bodily-kinesthetic “enables one to manipulate objects and fine-tune physical skills” Taken from: Campbell, Campbell, & Dickinson, 2004, p. xx-xxi

5 Which MI Are You? Intelligence Type
How people demonstrate intelligence Intrapersonal (me smart) Self-awareness and a connection with one’s own feelings and thought processes Interpersonal (we/people smart) Awareness and sensitivity to the moods and motivations of others Verbal / linguistic (word smart) Well-developed language skills and a sensitivity to the sound, meaning, and rhythm of words Logical / mathematical (number smart) Ability to think abstractly in concepts and to discern numerical patterns Visual/spatial (art smart) Thinking in pictures or images or the ability to visualize abstractly Musical (music smart) Appreciation for or the ability to produce rhythm, pitch, and tone quality Naturalist (nature smart) Appreciation and ability for recognizing, sorting objects in nature Body / kinesthetic (body smart) Ability to use and control one’s movements or a sensitivity to handling and manipulating objects Taken from Follari, 2007, p. 78

6 Where Can We Do This? Sakai
Announcements Assignments Blogger Chat Room Discussion and Private Messages Drop Box Archive Gradebook Mailtool Modules Podcasts Polls Resources Schedule Syllabus Tests & Quizzes Web Content (webliography) Wiki

7 When Can We Do This? We are probably already doing some of these things, possibly without being aware. Discussion: Which technologies in Sakai (or another LMS) are you currently using? Which intelligences are served by these uses?

8 Why Should We Do This? 3 main reasons (from Green & Tanner, 2005)
Just as in an on-site classroom, online learners are individuals who have a range of experiences; each possesses his or her stronger or weaker intelligences An ‘MI-friendly’ course might attract more learners who find it more appealing on a conscious or unconscious level By using tasks related to more intelligences, we provide more variety in our courses, which makes them more attractive and memorable

9 How Should We Do This? Slowly and carefully. Begin with what you know
Start with small steps Think about what you already do, and how you can adapt it to meet another learning style

10 Strategies for the Intrapersonal Learner
Self-Esteem Enhances Setting and Achieving Goals Thinking Skills Journal Writing Getting to Know Oneself through Others Reflecting on the Wonder and Purpose of Life Self-Directed Learning

11 Strategies for the Interpersonal Learner
Collaborative Learning Conflict Management Learning through Service Appreciating Differences Developing Multiple Perspectives Local and Global Problem-Solving

12 Strategies for the Verbal-Linguistic Learner
Listening Speaking Reading Writing

13 Strategies for the Logical-Mathematical Learner
Teaching Logic Deductive and Inductive Logic Mathematical Thinking Processes Working with Numbers Sequencing

14 Strategies for the Visual-Spatial Learner
Pictorial Representation Visual Notetaking and Brainstorming Tools Visualization Visual Variety in Learning Materials Board and Card Games

15 Strategies for the Musical Learner
Listening to Music Warming Up to Singing Musical Notation Curriculum Songs

16 Strategies for the Naturalistic Learner
Improving Observation Perceiving Relationships Hypothesizing and Experimenting Naturalist Learning Centers Learning Naturally

17 Strategies for the Bodily-Kinesthetic Learner
Drama Creative Movement Dance Manipulatives Games Exercise Breaks Field Trips

18 Looking at Sakai and MI The intrapersonal learner best works alone. They enjoy asynchronous learning and time to ponder. The interpersonal learner enjoys group dynamics and live interactions. The linguistic learner thrives in the online environment due to the reading and writing involved. Be careful, this learner will typically explore all corners of your course. The logical-mathematical learner enjoys statistics, facts, ranking, analytical tasks, and connecting new input with prior knowledge. The visual-spatial learner will prefer visual input, such as illustrations, vide clips, charts, examples, and more. This type of learner will be the one most likely to request photos of fellow classmates and instructor. The musical learner will appreciate video and audio input, and wherever possible might even use rhyme or rhythm in their contributions. The bodily-kinesthetic learner will enjoy physical manipulations, possibly doing things off-line and reporting on them later. The naturalist learner will thrive in organizing and categorizing tasks, and those tasks that involve going beyond the confines of the virtual classroom into the natural world.

19 References Campbell, L., Campbell, B. and Dickinson, D. (2004). Teaching and learning through multiple intelligences. 3rd ed. Boston: Pearson. Follari, L. M. (2007). Foundations and best practices in early childhood education: History, theories, and approaches to learning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Green, C. and Tanner, R. (2005). Multiple intelligences and online teacher education. ELT Journal 59(4),

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