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The Holy Spirit Works Through the Lord’s Supper Lesson 11.

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1 The Holy Spirit Works Through the Lord’s Supper Lesson 11

2 What the Lord’s Supper Is  1. When it was instituted by Jesus: ______________________________  2. The visible elements: _______________  3. Together with these visible elements Jesus gives us ________________. These elements are “in communion” with each other.

3 What the Lord’s Supper Is  1. When it was instituted by Jesus: the night before his death, during the Passover Meal  2. The visible elements: _______________  3. Together with these visible elements Jesus gives us ________________. These elements are “in communion” with each other.

4 What the Lord’s Supper Is  1. When it was instituted by Jesus: the night before his death, during the Passover Meal  2. The visible elements: unleavened bread and grape wine  3. Together with these visible elements Jesus gives us ________________. These elements are “in communion” with each other.

5 What the Lord’s Supper Is  1. When it was instituted by Jesus: the night before his death, during the Passover Meal  2. The visible elements: unleavened bread and grape wine  3. Together with these visible elements Jesus gives us his body and blood. These elements are “in communion” with each other.

6 4. “Real Presence”“Transubstantiation”“Representation”

7 4. “Real Presence”“Transubstantiation”“Representation” bread and wine body and blood

8 4. “Real Presence”“Transubstantiation”“Representation” bread and wine body and blood

9 4. “Real Presence”“Transubstantiation”“Representation” bread and wine body and blood

10 Why Jesus Gave the Lord’s Supper  1. As a remembrance of his death for us  2. As a personal promise of forgiveness

11 For Whom is the Lord’s Supper?  1. For repentant disciples who are able to remember the Lord’s death and are able to examine themselves.

12 For Whom is the Lord’s Supper?  3. The following should not receive the Lord’s Supper: Those who…  1) ______________________  2) ______________________  3) ______________________  4) ______________________

13 For Whom is the Lord’s Supper?  3. The following should not receive the Lord’s Supper: Those who…  1) are not repentant Christians  2) ______________________  3) ______________________  4) ______________________

14 For Whom is the Lord’s Supper?  3. The following should not receive the Lord’s Supper: Those who…  1) are not repentant Christians  2) haven’t been instructed  3) ______________________  4) ______________________

15 For Whom is the Lord’s Supper?  3. The following should not receive the Lord’s Supper: Those who…  1) are not repentant Christians  2) haven’t been instructed  3) are unable to examine themselves  4) ______________________

16 For Whom is the Lord’s Supper?  3. The following should not receive the Lord’s Supper: Those who…  1) are not repentant Christians  2) haven’t been instructed  3) are unable to examine themselves  4) are not united in a common faith

17 Close Communion:  Two fellowships in the Lord’s Supper:  Vertical: ____________  Horizontal: ___________

18 Close Communion:  Two fellowships in the Lord’s Supper:  Vertical: with Jesus  Horizontal: ___________

19 Close Communion:  Two fellowships in the Lord’s Supper:  Vertical: with Jesus  Horizontal: with one another

20 Other Questions about the Lord’s Supper  1. Is it proper to use grape juice instead of grape wine, or leavened bread instead of unleavened? possibly, but we use what he used  2. Some churches use a large common cup for the Lord’s Supper and others use small individual cups. Is one better than the other? no

21 Other Questions about the Lord’s Supper  3. Why is it wrong to speak of the Lord’s Supper as a sacrifice instead of a sacrament? it is about what God does for us (sacrament)  4. Who may distribute the Lord’s Supper in a church service? anyone who is properly called to do so

22 Other Questions about the Lord’s Supper  5. How often should I receive the Lord’s Supper? generally, as often as it is offered  6. What may I want to do before and after receiving the Lord’s Supper? it is a good time for prayer and meditation

23 Other Questions about the Lord’s Supper  7. What if I am sick and can’t come to the Lord’s Supper? private communion is available  8. If I’ve wronged someone and haven’t tried to settle the matter, should I come to the Lord’s Supper? I should seek to settle things first (repentant sinners)

24 Other Questions about the Lord’s Supper  9. If my faith is weak, should I come to the Lord’s Supper? Yes, it strengthens weak faith

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