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Sacraments of Initiation Eucharist. The Eucharist The Culmination of Christian Initiation.

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1 Sacraments of Initiation Eucharist

2 The Eucharist The Culmination of Christian Initiation

3 Vocabulary Eucharist – The Mass or the Lord’s Supper, based on the Greek word for thanksgiving. It is the central liturgical celebration and was established by Jesus at the Last Supper. – Specifically to the consecrated bread and wine that have become the Body and Blood of Jesus Passover – The night the Lord passed over the houses of the Israelites marked with the blood of the lamb and spared the firstborn sons from death. A memorial remembrance of the deliverance of the chosen people from bondage in Egypt and their exodus to the promised land. – Prefigures the Eucharist Anamnesis – A Greek word for memory that refers to the making present of the Paschal Mystery. – In the Eucharistic Prayer it refers to the words of remembrance of Christ’s saving actions. Epiclesis – The invocation of the Holy Spirit unto the bread and wine to effect transubstantiation. It is part of the Eucharistic Prayer. Transubstantiation – The action of changing the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus

4 What is the Eucharist? The Sacrament that makes present the death and resurrection of Christ – A sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity – A Paschal banquet in which Christ is consumed The “Word of God” dwelling among us. – Logos, the word, “the word became flesh and dwelt among us” The Mass or the Lord’s Supper, based on the Greek word for thanksgiving. – It is the central liturgical celebration and was established by Jesus at the Last Supper. – Specifically to the consecrated bread and wine that have become the Body and Blood of Jesus

5 Theology of the Eucharist Signs of bread and wine – Symbolic of the gifts God has given us – Prefigured by the priest Melchizedek in OT – Tangible signs of God’s faithfulness and love Manna Miracle of the loaves – Drinking of wine in anticipation of the coming of the Messiah Changing of water into wine shows the presence of the Messiah Institution of the Eucharist – A sign of Jesus’ love – Prefigured in the Passover, Jesus becomes the lamb of sacrifice – The lamb suffers, dies but is resurrected. Jesus passes over death into life – A fulfillment of the hopes of the Passover – Appropriately instituted at the Last Supper, a celebration of the Passover

6 “ Do this in memory of Me” – Memory as in “memorial” – Church not only remembers but makes what Jesus did present to us today Thanksgiving – The word Eucharist comes from the Greek word meaning thanksgiving – Sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving for the Saving work of Jesus on the Cross The entire work of Creation – Thank God for all that is good, holy, beautiful and just in the world – Sending the gift of His Son » Redeemed, sanctified and made us worthy to call Him Father – Jesus unites Himself to us and leads us to the Father

7 Christ’s sacrificial memorial – Anamnesis Proclamation of the mighty works of God that are made present in our midst Sacrifice remains ever present in the Eucharist Christ’s body and blood is given to us. As members of the Body of Christ we participate in Christ’s sacrifice Our prayers, praise, sufferings and our work are united with Him The Church’s sacrificial memorial – The whole Church is united in the Eucharist Pope in his ministry as Peter Bishop in his shepherding of the diocese Unites us with the Church Triumphant and the Church Suffering We offer our selves to God, in Christ, with Christ and through Christ

8 The Eucharist in the Scriptures Old Testament – Manna/ The Bread of Life Eat and won’t die – Unleavened bread/ used at the Passover Prefigures Jesus’ passing from death to life – Melchizedek/ offering the gifts of creation Made perfect by Christ New Testament – Feeding of the multitude Sharing bread with the people – The Last Supper Institution of the Eucharist – St. Paul and the Eucharist Not an eyewitness, Jesus told him

9 Essential Elements Offering of the Wheat Bread and Grape Wine Prayer of Consecration over the offerings (Epiclesis)

10 The Eucharist, Then & Now In every age – The Eucharist has been the source and summit of the Christian life – The life giving source of all other sacraments and ministries – God acts to make us holy. We praise and worship God through Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit – We are united in praise with the heavenly Church – Sign of the “new and everlasting covenant”

11 Names of the Eucharist Eucharist The Lord’s Supper The Breaking of the Bread The Eucharistic Assembly The Holy Sacrifice The Holy and Divine Liturgy Holy Communion and Holy Mass

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