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S1: Pattern of mixed emotion manipulation In a moment you will read a short story. The main character is a girl in your age. Please read the story carefully.

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Presentation on theme: "S1: Pattern of mixed emotion manipulation In a moment you will read a short story. The main character is a girl in your age. Please read the story carefully."— Presentation transcript:

1 S1: Pattern of mixed emotion manipulation In a moment you will read a short story. The main character is a girl in your age. Please read the story carefully. Try to imagine yourself in the same situation and feel the emotions resulting from it.* * Version for women (translated from Polish)

2 Introduction: She is studying and living in your town. Her boyfriend left the country some time ago. The haven't seen each other for a while. It's difficult for them, because they love each other very much. In order to be close to each other once again, the boy is looking for a job near where she lives. The girl has just got news from him that he did not manage to get the job… The message means a great deal to her. In a while you will read her reaction. Read each sentence very slowly and carefully. Please try to empathize with the described feelings as intensely as you can. Try to imagine as if they were your own feelings.

3 Secondary mixed emotion condition (nostalgia): * In the presented supplementary material, all descriptions of emotional responses that are positively valenced sentences are marked red, while negatively valenced sentences are marked blue in order for the affective balance to be more visible (the participants read the whole text in a black color). What a pity he didn't get this job… He won't come after all. We'll still be far away from each other. I haven't seen him for such a long time... At least I have so many great memories. I remember our first trip to the sea. It was wonderful, we were so in love... We kept holding hands… Each moment together was pure happiness. It is a pity that those holidays are over. Now all we have are memories... I remember our walks to the beach. The smell of the sea air, the warm sun on our faces… I even remember the song that was with us then. The memory of those moments is so moving… We were joking all the time, fooling around, we were so inseparable… It’s a pity that those days are behind us. They're long gone... If only I could turn back time, even just for a moment, and live it through once again… Our first vacation together was wonderful... It was so long time ago. Amazing moments, that won't come back...*

4 Sequentially mixed emotion condition (sadness followed by love vs love followed by sadness ): What a pity that he didn't get the job. It's all over… We tried so hard but it's worth nothing. We will still be so far away from each other… It's so hard without him. We haven't seen each other for so long. It will never be the same as it was before he left… It's awful that I can't turn back time. I am overtaken by stronger and stronger feeling of hopelessness and apathy... I don't feel like doing anything. It's terrible, I want to cry... He's trying so hard so we can be close together… He's wonderful! When I'm thinking of him, my heart is full of joy. We understand each other so well… I love spend time with him. We have so much in common. I love it when we listen to the music, walk together, plan our trips to the sea… We're so close to each other. He is giving me so much warmth and caring. I'm so happy that we have each other. I would love to hug him right now.

5 Simultaneously mixed emotion condition (love and sadness blended each other): He's trying so hard so we can be close together… He's wonderful! What a pity that he didn't get the job. We haven't seen each other for so long. It's so hard without him. I would love to hug him right now. When I'm thinking of him, my heart is full of joy… We're so close to each other. We tried so hard but it's worth nothing. We will still be so far away from each other… It's all over… We have so much in common. I love it when we listen to the music, walk together, plan our trips to the sea…. I'm so happy that we have each other... It's awful that I can't turn back time. I don't feel like doing anything. I am overtaken by stronger and stronger feeling of hopelessness and apathy… He is giving me so much warmth and caring... We understand each other so well… I love spend time with him. It will never be the same as it was before he left… It's terrible, I want to cry...

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