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© 2008 Quinín Freire Food. FoodFood for a healthy life.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2008 Quinín Freire Food. FoodFood for a healthy life."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2008 Quinín Freire Food

2 FoodFood for a healthy life

3 Food CerealsVegetablesDairyFruits Oils and sweets Meats and legumes

4 Cereals

5 corn

6 bread

7 pastry

8 bread

9 corn flakes

10 rice

11 Vegetables

12 tomato

13 cucumber

14 cauliflower

15 eggplant

16 chili pepper

17 pepper

18 carrot

19 lettuce

20 Fruits

21 orange

22 banana

23 lemon

24 peach

25 apple

26 pear

27 Oils and sweets

28 olive oil

29 sunflower oil

30 soy oil

31 corn oil

32 cake

33 candies

34 popsicle

35 Dairy

36 milk

37 yogurt

38 cream

39 cheese

40 butter

41 shake

42 Meats and legumes

43 meat

44 chicken

45 sausage


47 fish

48 beans

49 Now it is your turn

50 Which group does it belong to? bread

51 Cereals

52 tomato Which group does it belong to?

53 Vegetables

54 sausage Which group does it belong to?

55 Meats and legumes

56 pear Which group does it belong to?

57 Fruits

58 butter Which group does it belong to?

59 Dairy

60 olive oil Which group does it belong to?

61 Oils and sweets

62 orange Which group does it belong to?

63 Fruits

64 bread Which group does it belong to?

65 Cereals

66 cheese Which group does it belong to?

67 Dairy

68 carrot Which group does it belong to?

69 Vegetables

70 The end © 2008 Quinín Freire

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