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2000 “More than two-thirds of direct marketers - including catalogers, TV shopping channels and membership clubs - currently conducting e-commerce are.

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2 2000 “More than two-thirds of direct marketers - including catalogers, TV shopping channels and membership clubs - currently conducting e-commerce are making money online” (Indiana) 1998 “eBay's stock soars 163% on its first day of trading” (Indiana) 1995 “Amazon sells it’s first book“(Indiana) 1986 “Senator Al Gore sponsors the Supercomputer Network Act. This legislation help launch support for research, technology transfer and e-commerce initiatives” (Indiana)

3  Easy  Quick  Things get shipped to your house  No lines to the register  Easier to find cheaper prices on all items  An Over Flow of choices

4  You don’t get to feel the physical product  Shipping Costs  “Security”(Khurana)  Delay between ordering and receiving products(Khurana)


6  hnology/12ecom.html?ref=ecommerce hnology/12ecom.html?ref=ecommerce › E-Commerce is affecting the Real Estate market.  It is forcing the broker or seller to post more information about the house online.

7 ,id:ecommerce_s ales,calc:&zoom=5&startDate=&endDate=&format=indexed&recessions=false

8 ,id:retail_sales,calc:&zoo m=5&startDate=&endDate=&format=indexed&recessions=false

9  Saves Money › You don’t need to open a physical store(Egypt) › You don’t need to hire as many employees(Egypt)  Time saver › The transaction are faster(Egypt) › You can use software to analyze buying habits and keep track of inventory(Egypt)  You can reach a global market

10  Google  Facebook  Groupon

11  Best Buy  Wal-Mart  Macy’s  JC Penny

12  Thank you!

13  Khurana, Ajeet. "Disadvantages of Ecommerce." Ecommerce. Web. 16 Apr. 2012..  Elogichick1. "E-commerce Security." YouTube. YouTube, 01 Nov. 2010. Web. 16 Apr. 2012..  Indiana University. "A Timeline of the Internet and E-Retailing: Milestones of Influence and Concurrent Events : Center for Education and Research in Retailing: Kelley School of Business: Indiana University." Kelley School of Business: Indiana University Bloomington. Indiana University. Web. 16 Apr. 2012..  Egypt E-Marketing. "How Does ECommerce Reduce Business Transaction Costs for a Typical Retail Store?" E-Marketing. Web. 16 Apr. 2012..  Twice. "Walmart Focused On Cost Efficiencies, E-Commerce." - 2012-04-16 20:45:09. Web. 16 Apr. 2012..  Steiner, Ina. "Best Buy Closing 50 Stores and Begins Hunt for New CEO." Independent News and Resources for Online Retailers. Auction Bytes, 16 Apr. 2012. Web. 16 Apr. 2012..

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