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Writing Your D.A.R.E. Essay
Let’s take a look at the rubric we will be using.
Requirements 5 Paragraph Essay ( Introduction Paragraph, 3 Body Paragraphs, & a Concluding Paragraph) At least 6 sentences per paragraph Outline Rough Draft Final Draft (Typed if time permits.) Final copy will be in cursive. Let’s take a look at the rubric we will be using.
Dare Essay Rubric- Whole essay Does it have five paragraphs? _______________ Is each paragraph indented on the first line? ____________ Did you reread for mistakes at least twice? __________ Did you have two friends read it to check for mistakes? ____________ Introduction Paragraph Does it include a thesis statement (main idea)? _____________ Does it have at least six sentences? _______________ Does it have a funny story, rhetorical question or interesting fact that will “hook” your reader? ____________________ Does it have a sentence that transitions smoothly into the next paragraph? ______________________ Detail Paragraph Does it have a topic sentence? ____________ Does it have at least six sentences? ___________ Does it stick to the main topic? ____________ Does it stick to the main topic? _____________ Does it stick to the main topic? ______________ Conclusion Paragraph Does it have a topic sentences? ____________ Does it remind the reader of your main points? ___________ Do you have a strong closing sentence that inspires readers? ___________ Do you have at least six sentences? ____________
Capitalization Is the first word of every sentence started with a capital letter? ____________ Is the pronoun “I” capitalized? ____________ Are any titles that come before a person’s last name capitalized? _____________ (Examples: President Obama, Dr. Smith) Are the important words in any titles of books, movies, magazines, etc. capitalized? ______________ Is the first word in a direct quote capitalized? ______________________ Are all proper nouns (names) capitalized? ________________ Punctuation Is there a period at the end of every statement? ____________ Is there a period at the end of all abbreviations? ____________ Is there a question mark at the end of every question? _________ Is there an exclamation point at the end of each sentence that shows strong feeling? ___________ Are commas used between the words in a series of three or more? _________ Is a comma used between the day and the year in a date? _________ Is a comma used between the city and the state? __________ Is an apostrophe used in possessives? (example: dog’s collar) _________ Is an apostrophe used in all contractions? ___________
First, let’s pick 3 things you learned from the D. A. R. E
First, let’s pick 3 things you learned from the D.A.R.E. program that you would like to write about. Affects/Effects Alcohol Use Affects/Effects Drug Use Peer Pressure & Media pressure Marijuana Methamphetamines Crack/Cocaine Inhalants Types of Drugs Eight ways to say NO Avoid violence Bullying Cigarette/Tobacco use Pick 3 that you want to write about.
Let’s start with your first paragraph.
Introduction paragraph Create an emotional (sad, funny, serious) story, question, or interesting or bold fact that HOOKS your reader. Explain you PURPOSE or background information for writing your essay. Create a THESIS STATEMENT that tells about your three points you will write about. Must have 6 sentences total. Transition smoothly to your next paragraph.
Read my example. Did you know that every four minutes a child is arrested for drug use? Did you know that by the end of eight grade, 52% of students have tasted alcohol, 41% have smoked cigarettes at least once, and 20% have tried marijuana? These startling statistics were shared by the U.S. Department Of Health and Human Services. That is why the D.A.R.E program is so important for the youth of today. D.A.R.E stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. Through the D.A.R.E program students are being taught to make good decisions, avoid violence, and most importantly, be drug free. Therefore, it is so important to stop young people before they start using drugs or using violence to solve their problems.
Discuss the Introduction Paragraph
Can you find the HOOK? What is my THESIS STATEMENT and what are the three points I will be discussing in my paper? Did my paragraph include a PURPOSE or BACKGROUND INFORMATION? Did I TRANSITION smoothly to the next paragraph?
Now let’s get started on our 3 detail paragraphs.
First, find your first point you chose to write about in your paper. Remember my 3 points were: Making good choices Avoiding violence Being drug free Get your plan/outline. Take a few minutes to list a few ideas about your first point that you will write about. This will guide the content of the paragraph. Think before you start writing your next paragraph. See my example:
Making Good Choices Saying No Picking Good Friends Peer Pressure
D.A.R.E decision making model: Define, Assess, Respond, Evaluate I have briefly outlined/planned what I want to write about in my next paragraph. Now I will use this list to help me start my sentences.
Remember our rubric about the requirements for the detail paragraphs
I will now start writing my 2nd paragraph about this main idea. Remember our rubric about the requirements for the detail paragraphs Detail Paragraph Does it have a topic sentence? ____________ Does it have at least six sentences? ___________ Does it stick to the main topic? ____________ Does it have a sentence that transitions smoothly into the next paragraph? ______________________ See my 2nd paragraph on the next slide.
Read my example of a detail paragraph.
The choices we make determine our future. The D.A.R.E. program teaches young people how to say “No” when they are offered drugs. Sometimes it’s best just to say “No thank you!” and walk away. Furthermore, a true friend cares about your health and would never resort to peer pressure. We must chose our friend wisely. The D.A.R.E. program discusses the qualities to look for when choosing a good friend, such as, honesty, compassion, the ability to compromise, loyalty, and trust. During the program students learn about the D.A.R.E. approach to making good decisions and problem-solving. This decision making model is Define, Asses, Respond, and Evaluate which can be used in many situations. Remember, our destiny is based on the choices we make.
Let’s Discuss & Flip Back to the Previous Slide to Answer the Questions
Did you see the paragraph’s topic sentence and closing sentences in red? Did I indent? Did I stick to the main idea, “making good choices”? Did I have at least 6 sentences to support my topic? Am I transitioning to my next paragraph smoothly? Now it’s your turn. Start writing your next three detail paragraphs. Each paragraph is about one of your 3 points. Before you start each paragraph outline or plan first. Remember what is required and leave my example up to help you.
Do not go to your last paragraph today (Concluding)
Do not go to your last paragraph today (Concluding). We will work on that paragraph another day. Edit and revise what you have written so far. Remember to use a dictionary to help with spelling. Turn in all work for safe keeping. If you lose it, you redo it!!!
Conclusion Must have a topic sentence
Use a transition word to smoothly change into your last paragraph Restate your three points from your thesis statement in a new way Leave the reader with something to think about. Impact their way of thinking. Make a pledge. Must have six sentences.
Read my example. In summary, the D.A.R.E. program reveals the dangers many young people are exposed to every day. By staying drug free, avoiding violence, and making good decisions young people are more likely to become successful, caring, and above all, healthy individuals. There are other choices besides drugs and alcohol, make a positive choice. Don’t become one of the sad statistics, follow the D.A.R.E. rules. I pledge to live my life drug free, never to hurt others by using peer pressure, and never to abuse alcohol. I promise to be a positive role model for others and to encourage my friends to stay away from drugs, tobacco, and violence.
Let’s Discuss Did I use a transition word? What was it?
How did I restate my three points from my thesis statement? Did I leave the reader with something to think about? What was it? What did I state in my pledge? Do I have six complete sentences? Indent?
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