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Delivering Higher Apprenticeships in a Research Led University Andrea Bath, Stephen Beck, Kerry Featherstone & Louise Woodcock.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering Higher Apprenticeships in a Research Led University Andrea Bath, Stephen Beck, Kerry Featherstone & Louise Woodcock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering Higher Apprenticeships in a Research Led University Andrea Bath, Stephen Beck, Kerry Featherstone & Louise Woodcock

2 Summary Background: Higher Apprenticeships, why us and why now. Our experience: developing Higher Apprenticeships presents a series of challenges Where we are now and what is coming next Group discussion

3 About Higher Apprenticeships Higher Apprenticeship On the Job /applying classroom based learning Academic Content e.g. Foundation Degree Practical Skills Training

4 Why now, why us? Sector requirements - growth and need for skilled workforce / attracting new entrants to an ageing workforce Employer expectations - in manufacturing and engineering looking for higher level apprentices and graduates National policy drivers for vocational education - inc. quality and availability of HAs with degree level education Expertise: Faculty of Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre Contributing to city and regional development

5 About the AMRC-TC Established in October 2013 to meet education and training needs of manufacturing sector, from entry level to PhD and CPD Currently has over 280 apprentices in learning Looking to meet demands of over 100 employers, including SMEs Aim to set the bar for work based education for manufacturing (content, accreditation, entry requirements)

6 The Challenges Promotion Articulating the value of HAs for employers Explaining the why and how of HAs to potential apprentices Explaining HAs to teachers, parents/carers and careers advisers, Content and delivery Responding to employer needs (inc. SMEs) Providing accessible and relevant learning Aligning with sector skills requirements Meeting the University’s academic quality standards Whilst keeping abreast of policy and funding developments

7 How this is different to TUoS business as usual Devising and delivering content with reference to professional bodies v direct employer lead More varied routes into degree pathway require new approaches to curriculum design and flexible approaches to learner development Requires mode of delivery to suit apprentice and employer needs and expectations, e.g. time away from the workplace for apprentice is different from full time degree student working part time as an addition rather than integral part of course

8 Where are we and what next Recruited second cohort of advanced apprentices (280 learners in 4 cohorts) Recruiting to our HA including Mechanical Engineering FD, first intake September 15 Developing new Foundation Degree in Manufacturing, with pathway through to BEng, and ideally to MEng

9 What we have learnt so far… Be clear about purpose and objectives Commit to building and sustaining partnerships Give time to keeping up to date with a changing policy and funding landscape Gain and maintain senior level support Be flexible but be clear re non-negotiables

10 Discussion If you were going to deliver HAs, what do you think would be your biggest challenges within and beyond your organisation…. For promotion and recruitment? For course content development and delivery?

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