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Tropical Rain Forest Located Near the Equator High Precipitation No Seasons Temperate Rain Forest Middle Latitudes High Temperature Moderate Temperatures.

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Presentation on theme: "Tropical Rain Forest Located Near the Equator High Precipitation No Seasons Temperate Rain Forest Middle Latitudes High Temperature Moderate Temperatures."— Presentation transcript:


2 Tropical Rain Forest Located Near the Equator High Precipitation No Seasons Temperate Rain Forest Middle Latitudes High Temperature Moderate Temperatures

3 The tropical rain forest receives the most annual rainfall of any land biome - 300 cm!

4 The tropical rain forest has the greatest biodiversity of plants and animals of all the land biomes.

5 Tropical Rain Forest PlantsAnimals Ferns Tall Evergreen Trees Orchids

6 Grasslands Temperate Tropical Moderate to Low Precipitation Two Types: Moderate Temperatures Located Near the Equator Middle Latitudes Moderate to high Temperatures

7 Prairies, savannas, steppes, and pampas are types of grasslands.

8 Grasslands have many grasses and few trees or shrubs.

9 Large herbivores and the large predators that prey upon them are common animals found there.

10 Desert Extremely Low Precipitation Extreme Temperatures A desert is very dry, but can be hot or cold.

11 Annual rainfall is below 25cm. Animals are active at night.

12 Desert Animals Plants

13 Temperate Deciduous Forest Moderate Temperatures Moderate Rainfall

14 Temperate deciduous forests have trees that lose their leaves during winter.

15 Organisms: white-tailed deer, squirrels, owls, and many plant species

16 We live in the temperate deciduous forest.

17 Taiga aka: Boreal Forest or Coniferous Forest Cold Temperatures Moderate to High Rainfall High Latitudes

18 A biome characterized by evergreen trees, very cold winters, and short summers is a coniferous forest.

19 Coniferous forest has trees that produce seeds in cones: pine, fir, hemlock and spruce are common examples of trees.

20 Tundra Extremely Low Precipitation Very Cold Temperatures As dry as a desert, but it’s always cold. Located Near the Poles

21 Tundra has permafrost, soil that is always frozen.

22 Organisms: caribou, polar bears, foxes, lichen, mosses, and small grasses.

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