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A Leap in the Park. Influencing life in and around the Bowland Deer Parks 1485 – 1603.

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Presentation on theme: "A Leap in the Park. Influencing life in and around the Bowland Deer Parks 1485 – 1603."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Leap in the Park

2 Influencing life in and around the Bowland Deer Parks 1485 – 1603

3 Who was Henry VII?  Henry was the great-grandson of the Duke of Lancaster, great-great- great-grandson of Edward III and one of seven children.Edward III  He was banished to France because Richard lll feared he might try to take the throne  In 1485 Henry gathered some support in England and landed in Wales.  Henry’s victory over Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth ended the War of the Roses  Age whilst King 28-52.  Married Elizabeth of York (daughter of Edward IV).Edward IV  Buried in Westminster Abbey.

4 The Battle of Bosworth Field 1485 Richard III Henry VII

5 The Battle and how Henry won  Richard gathered his 6,000 supporters and marched towards Ambien Hill. He hoped to meet and defeat Henry before he brought his army to London.  Henry approached with 2,000 men.  Richard waited with his men for four days.  Gradually Richard’s men began to lose hope and started to leave.  It’s thought that the Duke of Northumberland betrayed Richard and joined Henry.  Thomas Stanley, 1 st Earl of Derby, (and Henry’s stepfather) added his army to Henry’s fighters.  Richard left his high point and was slain.  Henry was crowned Henry VII of England.

6 Henry VII  After defeating Richard III he married Elizabeth of York six months later  They had four children: Arthur Margaret Henry Mary  He reigned from 1485 until his death in 1509

7 Connection to Bowland Deer Parks  Edward Stanley was a skilful soldier who had fought for Henry during the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485.  His family was well connected and were eventually strong supporters of Henry Lancaster (later to become Henry VII).  On the 1 st October 1485 Edward was appointed as Sheriff of Lancashire.  Appointed as Park Keeper in December 1487 by Henry Vll (Leagram {Laithgram) and Radholme Park). This was an unusual life time appointment.  Once appointed as the Park Keeper he lived at Hornby Castle.  Re-appointed sheriff in 1509.  Created Lord Monteagle in 1514.  Edward died in April 1523.  Find out more about this interesting man and the battles he fought in.  What can you find out about his time as Park Keeper  What does a Park Keeper do?

8 Who was next in line to the throne?  Arthur should have been next but he died at a young age.  He had married the Spanish princess Catherine of Aragon.  His younger brother, Henry, was next in line.  Arthur’s widow, Catherine of Aragon, became Henry’s first wife.

9 Henry VIII Henry took over the throne after the death of his father. By this time his elder brother had died. He was good at jousting and loved hunting. He was used to a life of wealth and power. He wanted a son and heir to the throne and married six times in the hope of achieving this. His 3 surviving children were: – Edward (the youngest) – Mary (the eldest) – Elizabeth

10 Edward VI  Edward became king in 1547 after the death of his father Henry VIII.  He was only nine years old when he became the king.  He reigned with the help of his advisors.  He died after only six years

11 Lady Jane Grey  Jane was the great granddaughter of Henry VII.  Edward VI wanted her to be queen after his death.  She was queen for only nine days.  She relinquished the crown and was executed.

12 Mary I  Mary reigned for five years (1533 to 1558).  She was an unpopular monarch.  She tried to return the country to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.  She married Prince Phillip of Spain.  She had no children.

13 Elizabeth I  Elizabeth ruled for 45 years (1558-1603).  She was judged to be a strong ruler with the courage of her father.  She returned the country to the Church of England teachings.  Some people think she was the greatest monarch England ever had.  Elizabeth never married.

14 Connections to the Bowland Deer Parks  King Henry VIII had granted Leagram for 40 years to Thomas Shireburne. The lease allowed him to enclose within the park. He sublet some land to John Waller of Chipping.  In 1558 Elizabeth l wrote a letter of complaint to Sir Richard Shireburne (master forester). What was this about?  In 1562 Queen Elizabeth gave Leagram to Lord Dudley. What did he immediately do? (The answer s can be found in the Leap in the Park Report Page 35)  Imagine that you are Sir Richard Shireburne and have to write a letter to Queen Elizabeth I to explain your actions after you have read her letter of complaint

15 The end of the Tudor line  As Elizabeth had no children, the crown passed on to the Stewart family.  In 1603 James I became king.

16 Henry VII (Tudor) ArthurHenry VIII Catherine of Aragon Mary Anne Boleyn Elizabeth Jane Seymour Edward VI Anne of Cleeves Catheriine Howard Cathering Parr Margaret James V Mary Queen of Scots James I (Stuart) Mary Lady Frances Brandon Lady Jane Grey

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