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Journey Through Renaissance Italy Holy Cross College Choir Tour May 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Journey Through Renaissance Italy Holy Cross College Choir Tour May 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journey Through Renaissance Italy Holy Cross College Choir Tour May 2006

2 Holy Cross College Choir Tour

3 The Choir Concert

4 What was the Renaissance? Renaissance is the Italian word for “rebirth” Re= Prefix for again Nascere= to be born Re-naissance=Re-birth

5 When was Renaissance? 1300s through 1550s After the “Middle Ages”

6 The Renaissance Began in Italy

7 Inspiration of the Ancient Romans Architecture- The Pantheon

8 Inspiration of the Ancient Romans Architecture- The Coliseum

9 Inspiration of the Ancient Romans Architecture- The Coliseum

10 Inspiration of the Ancient Romans Republican Ideals- The Forum

11 Inspiration of the Ancient Romans

12 Authors – Cicero Texts preserved by Muslims

13 Leaving Rome to Travel North… On the bus

14 Travel through the Countryside My roommate and I in Tuscany

15 Northern City-States A city state is a city with its own laws, government, and military, so it is like a tiny independent country

16 Florence


18 Florence- the Birth of the Renaissance


20 Wealth and Patronage Lorenzo de Medici

21 Ninja Turtles? No, I did not see the Ninja Turtles in Italy. But they do remind me of the Renaissance. Can you guess why? Michelangelo, Leonardo, Rafael, and Donatello were all famous Renaissance artists!

22 Renaissance Art Michelango’s David

23 Michelango’s Sistine Chapel Renaissance Art

24 St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome


26 Leonardo DaVinci’s Mona Lisa Use of perspective Part of “humanism”- belief in the worth of everyday individuals Renaissance Art

27 Compare it to Medieval Art… Appears two dimensional Mostly of religious figures

28 What happened next? The Renaissance spread North to other parts of Europe Its belief in humanism led to other major movements in history: The Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the Scientific Revolution

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