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Round 1 Round 2 Final Jeopardy Hapsburgs Ren-i- sance Explor- ation Counter Reform- ation $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Round 2 Final Jeopardy Home Age.

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3 Round 1 Round 2 Final Jeopardy

4 Hapsburgs Ren-i- sance Explor- ation Counter Reform- ation $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Round 2 Final Jeopardy Home Age – Time it’s all a Period $400

5 $100 1,1 Era from 1300-1500, sometimes called the “age of transition,” as it marked a period of innovation toward modern Europe from the Middle Ages.

6 $100 Home Renaissance

7 $200 Period between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, dating approximately 476-1450 CE. 1,2

8 $200 Middle Ages Home

9 $300 Period when the Catholic Church examined internal practices to combat the success of the Protestant Reformation. 1,3

10 $300 Counter-Reformation ScoresHome


12 $400 The explorations of Columbus, Cortez, and others brought this to Spain. 1,4

13 $400 Golden Age ScoresHome

14 $500 Territories and colonies administered directly by Spain in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. 1,5

15 $500 Age of Exploration ScoresHome

16 $100 Given by Charles VI just prior to his death (1740) allowing his daughter, Maria Theresa to inherit Austria and Hapsburg lands despite being a woman. 2,1

17 $100 Pragmatic Sanction ScoresHome

18 $200 A Catholic, he inherited the HRE after the abdication of his father, led the Spanish Counter-Reformation, but failed to invade England with his Armada. 2,2

19 $200 Philip II ScoresHome

20 $300 Ruled Spain from 1516-56, sacked Rome, and defended family lands from the Ottomans. He split the Hapsburg Spanish and Holy Roman lands b/w his son and brother. 2,3

21 $300 Charles V ScoresHome

22 The 1648 treaty ending the Thirty Years’ War (the Protestant rebellion against the HRE). $400

23 Treaty of Westphalia ScoresHome

24 $500 Ruler of the Netherlands who led a revolt for independence against Hapsburg Philip II of Spain. 2,5

25 $500 William of Orange Home

26 $100 Flemish painters who applied great attention to the details in their work, especially facial expressions. 3,1

27 $100 Van Eyck brothers ScoresHome

28 $200 European inventor of the printing press, which allowed books to be printed quickly and economically. This innovation aided the spread of Renaissance and Reformation ideas through Europe. 3.2

29 $200 Johannes Gutenberg ScoresHome

30 $300 Italian diplomat who lived from 1478-1529. Published The Book of the Courtier, the most famous book of the Renaissance, blueprinting the archetypical “Renaissance man.” 3,3

31 $300 ScoresHome Baldassare Castiglione

32 $400 Known as the father of Renaissance Humanism, he was a cleric committed to humanistic pursuits and careful study of the classics. 3,4

33 $400 Francesco Petrarch Home

34 $500 Renaissance scholars of classical Greek and Roman works of literature and thought who were great advocates of liberal arts education and the importance of the individual. 3,5

35 $500 Humanists ScoresHome

36 $100 Joint-stock company founded in 1602, with total control over trading (mainly in spices) between the East Indies and the Netherlands. 4,1

37 $100 Dutch East India Company ScoresHome

38 $200 A period of economic innovation that was a result of colonization and exploration between the late 15 th and early 18 th centuries. Rise of joint stock companies and the growth of mercantilism occurred during this time. 4.2

39 $200 Commercial Revolution ScoresHome

40 $300 Italian explorer commissioned to find a shorter route to Asia by sailing westward. Goal was to break away from the Portuguese hold on the Mediterranean Sea trade. 4.3

41 $300 Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus ScoresHome

42 $400 Second leg of the three-part trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas in which African slaves traveled across the Atlantic. This passage was cruel and fatal for many. 4.4

43 $400 Middle Passage Home

44 $500 Economic theory which dominated 16 th -18 th c Western Europe, held that a country’s wealth was measured by the amount of gold and silver it possessed. Led to fierce contest for metal riches through exploration and colonialism. 4.5

45 $500 Mercantilism Home

46 $100 According to the New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, he was the worst Pope. Known for his extreme decadence, and killing those who opposed him, he took indulgences to new “heights” to pay for his lifestyle and that of his children. 5.1

47 $100 Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI. Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI. Home

48 $200 Religious order created to strengthen support of the Church during the Counter-Reformation. Founded by Ignatius de Loyola (1534) the order of priests continue the commitment of good deeds to achieve salvation. Order is also known for it’s dedication to education. 5.2

49 $200 ScoresHome Jesuits

50 $300 17 th c movement w/in the Catholic Church opposing the Jesuits and advocating salvation through grace, not good works. 5.3

51 $300 ScoresHome Jansenism

52 $400 5.4 Summoned by Pope Paul III to define Catholic doctrine thwarting Protestant attacks on the Church. Doctrines were not reformed, but several corrupt practices were ended. Many of the reforms remained until late 1967.

53 $400 Home Council of Trent

54 $500 5.5 Demonstrating the significance of the printing press in disseminating Reformation ideas, this was compiled by Pope Paul IV, listing reading items considered “harmful” to faith or morals.

55 $500 ScoresHome Index of Forbidden Books

56 $100 Practice within RCC of the Middle Ages to gain power for a son who would not inherit family wealth and land because of birth order. 6.1

57 $100 Simony ScoresHome

58 $200 Calvinist belief that, at the beginning of time, God knew who would come to salvation through faith in Jesus and his death for all sinners. This concept remains a hot button among Protestant Christians. 6.2

59 $200 Predestination Home

60 $300 Luther’s revolutionary idea that every believer had the ability to read and interpret the Bible, that all people of faith were viewed by God as equals. Directly challenged the RCC position that this was only for priests. 6.3

61 $300 Priesthood of All Believers ScoresHome

62 $400 Luther’s central tenet that people are led to salvation only through inner faith in God. Directly challenged RCC teachings that a person’s adherence to rituals and good deeds earned them a place in Heaven based on their earthly works.. 6.4

63 $400 Justification through Faith Alone ScoresHome

64 $500 Luther’s list of complaints and reforms, including accusations against Johann Tetzel’s selling of indulgences. His protests spread through Europe quickly thanks to the printing press, igniting the Reformation. 6.5

65 $500 ScoresHome 95 Theses

66 More Reform Potpourri Explore & Colonize The Tudors English Civil War Between the Crowns $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Round 1 Final Jeopardy

67 $200 Edict of Nantes (1598) Edict of Nantes (1598) R1,1

68 $200 Signed by King Henry IV (FR) granting Huguenots limited political freedom, later revoked by Louis XIV in 1685 leading to massive emigration of the Huguenots to England and the Netherlands. Home

69 $400 R1,2 John Calvin

70 $400 Swiss leader of Protestantism and advocate of predestination who created theocracies in Swiss cantons. His ideas led to a large following in France, known collectively as the Huguenots. ScoresHome

71 $600 R1,3 John Tetzel

72 $600 Monk commissioned by Pope Leo X to raise money for the RCC and was sent throughout northern Germany to sell indulgences (official absolution for sin). Outraged Luther and other critics of the church igniting the fire of reformation. ScoresHome

73 $800 John Wycliffe R1,4

74 $800 14 th century critic of the RCC and it’s corrupt clergy, challenging papal infallibility, and other teaching. With Jan Hus, set the stage for the Protestant Reformation. ScoresHome

75 $1000 Diet of Worms 1521 Diet of Worms 1521 R1,5

76 $1000 ScoresHome Special imperial council called by HRE Charles V who, at 19, faced Martin Luther (40) ultimately excommunicating him for heresy against the RCC.

77 $200 Vernacular Languages R2,1

78 $200 Common speech of the masses ScoresHome


80 $400 Vulgate R2,2

81 $400 Latin translation of the Bible by Jerome (348-420 CE) and adopted as the standard version by the RCC. ScoresHome

82 $600 Millets R2,3

83 $600 Groups of religious and ethnic minorities who formed administrative units. These units were governed by laws particular to their needs within the Ottoman Empire. ScoresHome

84 $800 Hundred Year’s War R2,4

85 $800 War b/w England & France lasting 1337-1453 CE. France won the war and expelled the English from all FR lands except Calais. ScoresHome

86 $1000 R2,5 Holy Roman Empire

87 $1000 Political affiliation of Germanic and central European city states and principalities to perpetuate Latin Christendom. Did not include England or France. Emperors after the 14 th c were elected by seven electors representing the clergy and notable nouns. ScoresHome

88 $200 Treaty of Tordesillas R3,1

89 $200 Agreement b/w Spain and Portugal to divide the Atlantic Ocean from north to south so the two nations would not compete for the same lands. Spain was to explore lands west of the line while Portugal explored the eastern region. ScoresHome

90 $400 John Cabot R3,2

91 $400 15 th c English explorer who traveled to the coasts of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, and New England. His voyages led to England’s claim in North America. Home

92 $600 Henry Hudson R3,3

93 $600 Dutch sailor who searched for the NW Passage claiming much of Northern Canada while employed by the British. ScoresHome

94 $800 Sea Dogs R3,4

95 $800 Group of adventurous English sea captains who challenged Portuguese and Spanish sea trade supremacy and robbed foreign vessels of their valuables. Included: Sir Francis Drake, Sir John Hawkins, and Sir Walter Raleigh were among this ScoresHome

96 $1000 R3,5 Ferdinand Magellen

97 $1000 Portuguese navigator whose crew first circumnavigated the globe proving the world was round and the New World was not part of Asia. Credited for naming the Pacific Ocean b/c of it’s calm nature. ScoresHome

98 $200 R4,1 Last Tudor monarch, succeeding Mary I in 1558 and ruling until 1603. Lead the defeat of the Spanish Armada and developing England into a world power. Strengthened the English Protestant Church.

99 $200 Elizabeth I ScoresHome

100 $400 Bloody Mary R4,2

101 $400 ScoresHome Wife of Philip II (Spain) and Queen of England from 1553- 1558. Ruthlessly suppressed Anglicanism in her attempt to re-Catholicize England.


103 $600 Tudor King of England (1509-47). Established the Anglican Church, as the official Church of England, when the Pope refused to annul his first marriage to the niece of Queen Isabella of Spain. R4,3

104 $600 ScoresHome King Henry VIII

105 $800 Mary Queen of Scots R4,4

106 $800 ScoresHome Catholic cousin of Protestant Elizabeth I. She allegedly plotted with Spain’s Philip II to usurp the English throne. Elizabeth had her beheaded.

107 $1000 William Laud R4,5

108 $1000 ScoresHome Archbishop of Canterbury under Charles I (England) who tried to force the Scottish to use the English Book of Common Prayer. Later executed by Parliament during the English Civil War.

109 $200 Presented to James I of England by MPs in response to his absolutist tendencies. Held that King could not tax w/o Parliamentary consent, quarter troops in private homes during peacetime, declare martial law, or imprison a person w/o a definite charge. R5,1

110 $200 Petition of Right ScoresHome

111 $400 Supporters of Parliament including non-Anglican Protestants and Puritans, while the opposition also known as (Royalists) supported the King – largely Roman Catholics, Anglicans, and nobles. R5,2

112 $400 Roundheads and Cavaliers ScoresHome

113 $600 R5,3 Stuart son of James I, ruled England 1625-49. Had visions of being an absolute ruler and fought with Parliament over money, taking advantage of ancient taxes (i.e., ship tax) to avoid calling Parliament to meet. First European monarch to be beheaded by his own people.

114 $600 Charles I ScoresHome

115 $800 Special courts under England’s James I designed to punish political dissenters and Puritans. A symbol of absolutism dating back to Henry VII. R5,4

116 $800 Star Chamber Courts Home

117 $1000 Parliament convened by Charles I in 1640. It officially lasted twenty years and was involved in the civil war against Charles I. R5,5

118 $1000 Long Parliament ScoresHome

119 $200 Hunting chalet remodeled by Louis XIV thirteen miles outside of Paris to move the seat of power in France as well as lessen the power of the nobility, forced to live here several months each year. Ultimately this abode consumed 60% of all taxes raised. R6,1

120 $200 Versailles ScoresHome

121 $400 Tsar of the Russia’s 1682-1725, brought Western ideas to Russia, improving the army, introducing technology and forcing new fashion styles on his people. Transformed Russia into a major world power. R6,2

122 $400 Peter the Great ScoresHome

123 $600 Cardinal Richelieu R6,3

124 $600 Chief minister to Louis XIII (son of Henry IV). He worked to establish absolute rule and weaken the nobles and Huguenots, while raising up middle class by employing them as Intendents. ScoresHome

125 $800 War fought by European powers after the death of the last Hapsburg ruler of Spain in 1700, which left the throne to Louis XIV’s grandson. Ended with the Treaty of Utrecht (1713). R6,4

126 $800 War of Spanish Succession ScoresHome

127 $1000 English philosopher and other who argued that individuals have natural rights of life, political equality, and property that could not be violated by a political leader in a social contract. R6,5

128 $1000 John Locke Home

129 Final Jeopardy Question

130 Of those who ruled England, France, Prussia, and Russia, the five who were considered “politiques.”

131 Henry IV (France) Elizabeth I (England) Peter the Great (Russia) Catherine the Great (Russia) Frederick the Great (Prussia) Henry IV (France) Elizabeth I (England) Peter the Great (Russia) Catherine the Great (Russia) Frederick the Great (Prussia)

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