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8 million people 18 million people Urbanized area: red (high density) Metropolitan area: Central city + Counties that commuters come from.

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Presentation on theme: "8 million people 18 million people Urbanized area: red (high density) Metropolitan area: Central city + Counties that commuters come from."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 million people 18 million people Urbanized area: red (high density) Metropolitan area: Central city + Counties that commuters come from

2 8 million people 18 million people B___ W_____ Megalopolis

3 Concentric Zone Model 1__________________________________________ 2__________________________________________ 3__________________________________________ 4__________________________________________ 5__________________________________________ Describe zones. 1 2 3 4 5 D e n s i t y Figure 13-4

4 Concentric Zone Model - Burgess, 1920s Figure 13-4 1- CBD, mostly commercial, little r_________, little i_______ 2-Transition - industry & low rent residential (crowded, subdivided housing) 3-Working class homes 4- Better residences (bigger house with more bedrooms) - $ 5- Commuter zone (trains come from ___________, ____________) $ Describe zones. 1 2 3 4 5 D e n s i t y

5 Sector Model Figure 13-5 1__________________________________________ 2__________________________________________ 3__________________________________________ 4__________________________________________ 5__________________________________________ Describe sectors. High rent! 1 2 3 4 5

6 Sector Model ( not rings! __________ ) Hoyt (late 1930s) Figure 13-5 Describe sectors. 1_ CBD, mostly commercial, little r_________, little i________ 2_Industry & transportation 3_Lower Class housing (NOTICE what it is next to!) 4_Middle Class housing (more bedrooms) is next to______________ 5_High Class housing (high rent) $ is not next to_________________ D e n s i t y High rent! 1 2 3 4 5

7 Question: Concentric Zone Model OR Sector Model

8 Questions: Where is the CBD? Concentric Zone Model OR Sector Model

9 Question: Concentric Zone Model OR Sector Model OR Percent who are homeowners

10 Question: Concentric Zone Model OR Sector Model OR Multiple Nuclei

11 Multiple Nuclei Model Figure 13-6 1__________________________________________ 2__________________________________________ 3__________________________________________ 4__________________________________________ 5__________________________________________ Describe big areas & small nuclei. 1 2 3 4 5 6_______________ 7_______________ 8_______________ 9_______________ 7 6 8 9

12 Multiple Nuclei Model Figure 13-6 Harris, 1940s 1_ CBD, ( but also other “centers”- see 7!) 2_Light manufacturing (also wholesaling -warehouses) 3_Lower class housing 4_Middle class housing 5_High class housing (suburb) $ 7 6 9 8 1 2 3 4 5 6_Heavy manufacturing 7_Another CBD (edge) 8_Residential suburb $ 9_Industrial suburb What is next to: 7_______ 6_______

13 Peripheral Model Figure 13-22 1 __________________________________ 2 __________________________________ 3_________________________ 4_________________________ 5_________________________ 6________________________ 7________________________ 8________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 6 7 8 ____ way Road _____

14 Peripheral Model Figure 13-22 1__ Central City 2__ Suburban Residential Area 3__ Shopping Mall 4__ Industrial District 5__ Office Park 6__ Service Center 7__ Airport District 8__ Office & Shopping 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 6 7 8 Belt way Road Ring Harris, 1960s Edge cities

15 Central city + Urbanized area (density) + Counties that commuters come from are part of the MSA MSA: M_____________ S___________ A_________

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