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Life After 9/11: Muslims in America By Elaina Jones.

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1 Life After 9/11: Muslims in America By Elaina Jones

2 Remembering 9/11 New York City, New York September 11, 2001 8:17 am

3 New York City, New York September 11, 2001 9:52 am

4 The Terror

5 The Fear

6 The Confusion Text

7 Muslims Before 9/11 Maintained a relatively low profile. Muslims from around the world created tight-knit communities upon coming to America where they were able to live and worship. The most populated Muslim cities in the United States are Detroit, Los Angeles, and Houston.

8 Muslims After 9/11 Attracted a surge of unwanted attention. Viewed with racial hostility and subjected to discrimination. American tendency to lump people of different religions and cultures into one group.

9 Slightly more than one-third (35 percent) of Muslims in America are native-born.


11 “American creed of fairness was now supposed to mean that we ought to be judged not by our religion, gender, color, or country of origin but simply by the content of our individual characters” -Moustafa Bayoumi

12 The Result? Violence Misleading stereotypes Discrimination

13 Borat In 2006, Borat was released into theaters. About a journalist from Kazakhstan that travels to America. Along with refusing to board a plane after the 9/11 attacks, which he believes were the work of the Jews, Borat also pokes fun at conservative Middle East customs such as arranged marriages, the war in Iraq, and terrorism.

14 Bobby Rowe: Of course every picture that we get back form the terrorist or anything else; the Muslims, they look like you. Black hair and a black mustache. Borat: Yeah. Bobby Rowe: So we shave that dadgum mustache off, so you’re not so conspicuous, so you look like maybe an Italian. Or somethin’. Borat: Yes. Bobby Rowe: As far as people lookin’ at ya. I see a lot of people and think “there’s a dadgum Muslim, I wonder what kind of bomb he’s got trapped to him.

15 STEREOTYPES Adversely affect the way minority groups are viewed. The media’s role of negatively portraying the Muslim community. People develop an inaccurate perceotion of the Muslims culture and religion. Author John Tehrranian explains, “Middle Easterners have been irretrievably associated with Islam; they appear to hail from a decidedly unfriendly foreign land imagined to contain nothing but terrorists, obstreperous mobs chanting “Death to America” (69).

16 VIOLENCE Hate crimes are a prevalent part of our society. The safety of Muslims in American since the attacks of 9/11 has decreased significantly. In the first nine weeks after the attacks, the American-Arab Discrimination Committe reported over 700 violent incidents targeting Muslim Americans (Louise Cainkar).

17 In 2003 Cook County State’s Attorney Richard Devine reported that a 39 year old white suburban man approached a gas station attendee in Illinois. He asked the man what he was. The man said that he was “American” but the offender did not like the answer. He said again “No, where are you from?”. The worker said that he was from Moroccan decent, which angered the offender. The man was then attacked with a two-foot long machete. The perpetrator told the police he had just heard a news story on the radio about terrorism and lashed out at the first Muslim looking man he saw (Cainkar, 190).

18 “There are many people that have never [met] a Muslim or learned anything about Islam, and the only thing they know about Islam is that terrorists attacked the United States and did so in the name of Islam” -Melissa Rogers

19 IMPORTANCE: Undermine the core values of America. The Muslim community is rapidly expanding in the United States. “Christianity is in its dying days. Globally the faith of the future must be Islam”(401). “Through the incrase in migratory and population flows, more and more Muslims are living in societies that are not Muslim” -Olivier Roy

20 Muslim Legal Fund of America Everyone has the right to equal opportunities in life despite cultural and religious background. This includes the right to legal representation. These prejudices often lead to the unfair treatment of Muslims at work, school, public places, and through the legal system (MLFA). The Muslim Legal Fund of America is a non-profit organization that was established in 2001. They defend and support Muslim Americans in legal cases and put on events that educate others about Muslims. This organization has raised millions of dollars to protect the rights of Muslims and aim to promote legal equality in America. Strive to inform the public about the importance of the issues that Muslims face.

21 The Muslim Legal Fund of America is an organization that “supports cases and coalition efforts that seek to protect the process of law, the right to habeas corpus, religious freedom, prisoner rights, and other fundamental legal issues that go to the heart of our society's values. While the defendants or plaintiffs may be Muslim, the outcomes of these cases impact the civil rights and rule of law for all Americans” (MLFA).

22 The Muslim Legal Fund of America has built alliances with numerous organizations also dedicated to protecting the rights of Muslim Americans and educating the public about these types of inequalities. The National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms is one of the seven civil rights groups that the MLFA supports. The support and education that these two organizations have taken an oath to provide will change the future of America and the Muslim community within it.

23 Works Cited Abraham, Sameer Y., and Nabeel Abraham. Arabs in the New World: Studies on Arab-American Communities. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University, Center for Urban Studies, 1983. Print. Suleiman, Michael W. Arabs in America: Building a New Future. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1999. Print. Bayoumi, Moustafa. How Does It Feel to Be a Problem: Being Young and Arab in America. New York City: Penguin, 2008. Print. "Muslim Legal Fund of America." Muslim Legal Fund of America. Web. 15 May 2012.. Greenhouse, Steven. "Muslims Report Rising Discrimination at Work." The New York Times. The New York Times, 22 Sept. 2010. Web. 15 May 2012.. Cainkar, Louise. Homeland Insecurity: The Arab American and Muslim American Experience after 9/11. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2009. Print. "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan." IMDb. Web. 6 May 2012.. Roy, Oliver. "Globalized Islam: The Search for a New Ummah." The Globalization Reader. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. 396-400. Print. Jenkins, Philip. "The Christian Revolution." The Globalization Reader. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. 401-07. Print.

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