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Objectives Examine Russia’s isolation from W.ern Europe Discuss Peter’s goals for Russia.

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1 Objectives Examine Russia’s isolation from W.ern Europe Discuss Peter’s goals for Russia

2 Russia before Peter Serfdom (just like Feudalism) –Unlike W.ern Europe Russia still has Ruled by Boyars –nobles

3 Russia before Peter Isolated –Russia part of Eastern Orthodox Church not RC –Russia ruled by the Mongols cut off from Europe –Only seaport was Archangel

4 Peter the man Large man 6’8’’ 1 st part reign –Traveled W.ern Europe In disguise Had 2 major goals for Russia 1.Modernize Russia 2.Get warm H2O seaport

5 Peter increases his power Became head of Russian Church – What other King that we learned about was head of his countries church? Decreased Boyars power –not appointing them to high offices in gov’t. Created full-time standing army –modeled after European countries Greatly increased taxes

6 Peter modernizes Russia “Westernized” Increased the status of Women –Allowed women to be seen in public without veils Changed the calendar –Got rid of the Russian calendar and adopted the Julian calendar Advanced education –School for arts and sciences –navigation

7 Peter modernizes Russia Brought potatoes from western Europe Brought back the ideas of Mercantilism Created the first Russian Newspaper Changed the culture as well –Made men shave their beards and wear shorter coats

8 Expansion for a warm water port 1 st attempt – Get Azov on the Black Sea –Problem – owned by the Turks –Solution – attack them and take it –Outcome – Russians get it for several years than the Turks take it back

9 Expansion for a warm water port 2 nd attempt: Get access to Baltic Sea –Problem: owned by the Swedes –Solution: attack them and take it –Outcome: Russians win, in 1721 Russians get a piece of land on the Baltic Sea –Drained the swamp at the mouth of the Neva River built the town of St. Petersburg

10 English Constitutional Monarchy

11 Background Absolute to Constitutional Monarchy (1215-1603)

12 Magna Carta - 1215 a King John I  Forced to accept.  List of demands made by nobility. a limited the power of the king:  Established basic legal rights.  King must ask for consent to tax.  Accused must have jury trial.

13 Model Parliament, 1295 a King Edward I  Created a parliament  Of military leaders & nobility (whose not included?)  Ask their consent for new taxes a Established the principle “power of the purse”. a Radical new idea - any monarch to ask for anything!

14 The Elizabethan “Bargain” Parliament:  Would have the power to tax. The Monarch:  Had the royal power on foreign policy.

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