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EPC/RFID - Global Progress Bill McLeer EPCglobal US.

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1 EPC/RFID - Global Progress Bill McLeer EPCglobal US

2  2006 EPCglobal US Membership June 2006 Each EPCglobal member joins once in the location of their head office

3  2006 EPCglobal US Rapid growth continues October 2006 % Total Asia Pacific19319% Europe18118% Latin America283% ME & Africa151% North America59559% Total1012100% Breakdown: End Users = 59% Solution Providers = 41% In 36 countries

4  2006 EPCglobal US How Action Groups Work

5  2006 EPCglobal US Standards Development Structure Industry Action Groups (optional opt-in/IP) Retail SC FMCG/AFF HLSTLS?? Joint Requirement Groups (opt-in/IP) Technical Action Groups (opt-in/IP) Software Action Group Hardware Action Group Cross Industry Adoption & Implementation Groups (no opt-in/IP) Reusable Transport Item Data Exchange Sensors & Batteries Item Level Tagging Active Tagging Tag Data Requirements Business Drivers & Use Cases Adoption Programmes Implementation Sharing Information Discussion Groups (no opt-in/IP and open to everybody) Aerospace ChemicalAutomotive Consumer Electronics Requested Provision Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

6  2006 EPCglobal US Ratified Standards from Collaborative Efforts of Global Subscribers EPCglobal Standards are the product of the collaborative efforts of global Subscribers from many industries, who participate in EPCglobal Action & Working Groups. To date, we have ratified 5 Standards: –EPC Tag Data Standard (TDS) identifies specific encoding schemes for GS1 system keys like SGTIN, SSCC, GLN, GRAI, GIAI, DoD constructs of CAGE, DoDAAC and GID. –EPCglobal Tag Data Translation (TDT) Standard contains details of the structure and elements of machine-readable markup files and provides guidance on how it might be used in automatic translation or validation software, whether standalone or embedded in other systems. –Class 1 Generation 2 UHF Air Interface Protocol (Gen 2) Standard addresses physical and logistical requirements for passive-backscatter, Interrogator-talks-first (ITF) 860-960MHz RFID systems

7  2006 EPCglobal US Ratified Standards from Collaborative Efforts of Global Subscribers –Application Level Event (ALE) Standard specifies an interface through which clients may obtain filtered, consolidated EPC data from a variety of sources. –Object Naming Service (ONS) Standard specifies how the Domain Name Server System is used to locate authoritative metadata and services associated with a given EPC Manager Number. and provided background technical information to use in conjunction with your standards-based systems: –EPCglobal Architecture Framework: identifies the relationship between EPCglobal hardware, software, and data standards and the EPCglobal Network components –EPCglobal Certificate Profile: defines an X.509 certificate profile for use in the EPCglobal network.

8  2006 EPCglobal US Gen 2 - the global standard for UHF Costs and Performance Remaining regulatory issues are close to resolution –China –Europe - Frequency allocation and “Listen Before Talk” Wide ranging feedback –Gen 2 has exceeded expectations –Gen 2 is becoming the implemented global standard (UHF) ISO 18000-6 Type C now a published standard

9  2006 EPCglobal US Rapid progress continues 7 ratified global standards Network and security standards (supported by Architectural Review Committee Guidelines) Item level tagging - UHF and HF work groups –Other tag types to follow (EPCglobal is tag “neutral”) Certification services - confident technology use

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