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Present tenses Přítomné časy.

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Presentation on theme: "Present tenses Přítomné časy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present tenses Přítomné časy

2 Present tenses Present Simple Present Continuous
every day, every …, once a week, always, usually, never, sometimes, on Friday děj, kt. se pravidelně opakuje -s, do, don´t, does, doesn´t now, just now, today, at the moment děj, kt. probíhá právě teď be + …ing

3 Compare (porovnej) Mary plays the piano every day.
I go to the cinema every Friday. We usually do projects in English. Mary is playing the piano at the moment. I´m going to the cinema now. We´re doing the project just now.

4 Negatives and questions
She doesn´t play the guitar. She can´t play it. Do you have a shower in the morning? Sam and Tom don´t wear jeans. They don´t like them. She isn´t playing the guitar now. Are you having a shower now? Sam and Tom aren´t wearing jeans now.

5 Practise 1 My brother …………… his teeth every day.
a ´s cleaning b clean c cleans 2 I ….. my skirt now. a ´m not wearing b don´t wear c wears They …… their lunch at the moment. a have b having c ´re having cleans I ………………...….... my skirt now. ´m not wearing They ….……….… their lunch at the moment. ´re having

6 Ex 1 Complete the sentences
We ……. our grandma every Friday. (visit) My brother …… his bed now. (make) She ….. this book at the moment. (not read) Lucy always ….. a book in bed. (read) I ….. to the library twice a month. (go) I ….. to school now. (not go) I ….. to the sports centre now. (go)

7 Ex 1 Check your answers We visit our grandma every Friday.
My brother is making his bed now. She isn´t reading this book at the moment. Lucy always reads a book in bed. I go to the library twice a month. I´m not going to school now. I´m going to the sports centre now.

8 Ex 2 Find the mistakes Where lives he? Where does he live?
She doesn´t loves Paul. She doesn´t love Paul. They watching TV now. They´re watching TV now. My father read a newspaper on Sunday. My father reads a newspaper on Sunday.

9 Ex 3 Complete the sentences. Use am, is, are, do and does
….. she play tennis? Yes, she … Look! He … wearing pink jeans! … your parents drive to work? No, they walk. What ….. you doing now? I ….. reading.

10 Ex 3 Check your answers Does she play tennis? Yes, she does
Look! He is wearing pink jeans! Do your parents drive to work? No, they walk. What are you doing now? I am reading.

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