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Choose a category. You will be shown a brief passage or graphic (chart or timeline) and a multiple choice question. Click to begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Choose a category. You will be shown a brief passage or graphic (chart or timeline) and a multiple choice question. Click to begin."— Presentation transcript:


2 Choose a category. You will be shown a brief passage or graphic (chart or timeline) and a multiple choice question. Click to begin.

3 Unfamiliar Words 7th Grade Vocabulary Unknown Words 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Synonyms Antonyms Spelled Words

4 Read the sentence and decide which underlined word is NOT spelled correctly. Who’s pants are too loose at the waist? A.Who’s should be written whose. B.Too should be written two. C.Loose should be written lose. D.Waist should be written waste.

5 A. Who’s should be written whose.

6 Which sentence has an incorrectly spelled word? A.An amateur athlete does not compete for money. B.The couple strolled down the boulevard. C.The town needed a plan when their reservor went dry. D.I could afford the sweater when I used a coupon.

7 C. The town needed a plan when their reservor went dry.

8 Beginning tommorow, there will be an additional charge for extra pepperoni. A.Beginning B.tommorow C.additional D.pepperoni

9 B. tommorow

10 Which of the following sentences is correct? A.Besides ice cream, the store sells candy. B.Jane will not except her apology. C.Bob choose me for the captain of the team. D.Your parents will loose trust in you if you are not honest with them.

11 A. Besides ice cream, the store sells candy.

12 The word “corrigible” is an adjective meaning -that can be corrected. Which of the following prefixes added to the root word would change the meaning to -that cannot be corrected? A.abcorrigible B.incorrigible C.overcorrigible D.procorrigible

13 B. incorrigible

14 Use your knowledge of prefixes to determine the meaning of “reenlisted”. A.You have enlisted before and you enlist again. B.You don’t want to enlist. C.You are enlisting ahead of the normal time. D.You are not ready to enlist.

15 A. You have enlisted before and you enlist again.

16 The abbreviation “etc.” at the end of a list means ________. A.always faithful B.and other things like these C.going on for a long time D.please respond to this

17 B. and other things like these

18 from: “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore- While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door- “Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door- Only this and nothing more.” As we continue to read the poem we discover that the rapping was a raven. Poe later describes this bird as an “ungainly fowl”. Use your knowledge of prefixes to determine the meaning of the word “ungainly”. A.very gainly, graceful fowl B.again gainly, repeating fowl C.before gainly, arriving fowl D.not gainly, awkward fowl


20 Mr. Thomas told his students to preview their social studies chapter to predict what they thought the chapter would be about. What did he mean “to preview”? A.complete a concept map after reading B.draw a picture about the chapter before reading the chapter titles, pictures, and captions before reading the chapter D.define all vocabulary words before reading

21 C. read titles, pictures, and captions before reading the chapter

22 Brian was excited to find a bona fide arrowhead. An archeologist at the college verified it was real. What does “bona fide” mean? A.genuine B.fake C.ancient D.old

23 A. genuine

24 A.uninterested B.happy C.funny D.anxious What is the antonym for the word “excited”?

25 A. uninterested

26 A.arranged B.imposed C.scattered D.stacked Although it is a major mess, my bedroom is a place where I feel right at home. The covers of my rumpled bed are almost all on the floor. The books and papers and clothes strewn wildly on my desk leave no room for me to write - which I can’t do anyway because I don’t know where I put the chair (or my notebooks or my pen). Each time I go into my room, I blaze a new trail through all the stuff on the floor. I can barely even open the door to get in. How I love my room! The passage says that there are “many books and papers and clothes strewn wildly on my desk.” What word means almost the same thing as “strewn”?

27 C. scattered

28 A.happy B.calm, easy going C.flirtatious D.lively, spirited Sharon has a vivacious personality. She has many friends and is always talking, laughing, and having a good time. A synonym for “vivacious” would be ________________.

29 D. lively, spirited

30 A.system B.outlook C.advantage D.logic Which word is most nearly a synonym for “attitude”?

31 B. outlook

32 A.untrustworthy B.mean C.presumptuous D.accepted As the last track meet of the school year approached, Lamont wanted more than anything to win. He even began to think of ways to cheat in order to win. The announcement for team captains was made, and Lamont was a captain. He looked greedily at the students and chose those he thought would be the fastest and could win. He overlooked the bigger kids, reasoning that they would be too big to be fast. He became so overconfident after he chose his team that he began to skip practice and eat pizza and drink soda all day. What does the word “overconfident” mean?

33 C. presumptuous

34 A.valuable B.not helpful C.helpful D.entertaining What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? Watching television when you get home from school instead of completing homework is counterproductive.

35 B. not helpful

36 A.scheduled to be done later B.decided quickly C.decided immediately D.decided in advance Prince William of England is preordained to be the king someday. He is the oldest son of the Prince of Wales. The oldest son is always the heir to the throne. What does “preordained” mean?

37 D. decided in advance

38 A.10,000 pound kitten B.a floating kite C.1 brown egg in a dozen D.a talking parrot Use deductive reasoning to determine which is NOT possible.

39 A. 10,000 pound kitten

40 A.a time-consuming task done for enjoyment B.a carving done with a knife on a smooth surface C.a form of carving done to make objects smaller D.a form of sculpture created using a mold On long whaling voyages, many sailors used whale bone to carve what they saw at sea on scrimshaw, _________. Which phrase correctly completes the sentence and clarifies the meaning of scrimshaw?

41 B. a carving done with a knife on a smooth surface

42 A.catching the same illness as someone else catches B.pains that are similar to what someone else is experiencing but for no physical reason C.getting sick every morning because you are worried about someone D.becoming ill and in pain because you are so worried about someone that you cannot eat The wife’s pregnancy is a life-changing experience for the whole family. Many husbands become very involved and want to be very sympathetic. Some husbands even experience sympathy pains. They experience morning sickness right along with their wives. What are “sympathy pains”?

43 B. pains that are similar to what someone else is experiencing but for no physical reason

44 A.sideways B.calculator C.same D.opposite In order to check division problems in math, you have to use the inverse operation of multiplication. What does the content word underlined in the sentence above mean?

45 D. opposite

46 A.knuckles B.fingernails C.fingers D.wrist joint Determine the meaning of the underlined word by using context clues. Do you know how many bones are in the adult human body? There are 206 to be exact. Our hand and wrist account for twenty-seven of the bones. One set of bones in the hand, the phalanges, helps us to eat and do other useful things. Other bones in the hand are called carpals and metacarpals.

47 C. fingers

48 A.sound the word out B.look at words they know within the word C.look for the root of the word D.say the word parts in chunks What is the best way a reader quickly decodes the underlined word in the following sentence? The flowers were extraordinarily beautiful.

49 B. look at words they know within the word

50 A.looking for words within words B.sounding the word out C.looking for the root word D.context clues Renee uses the meaning within the sentence to decode unknown words when they arise. What vocabulary strategy is she using?

51 D. context clues

52 A.The Rangers don’t care about the safety of the hikers. B.The Rangers are very happy that hikers come to the park. C.The Rangers take the danger to the hikers seriously. D.The Rangers have a difficult job keeping hikers away from the waterfall. The Park Rangers know that hikers will not climb over the fence next to the waterfall. However, they are not cavalier about the danger and will take precautions for the safety of the hikers. Which of the statements below identifies the attitude of NOT CAVALIER?

53 C. The Rangers take the danger to the hikers seriously.

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