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Internet Safety James Fuller Internet Rules To Remember When asked by friends or strangers, online or offline, never share Account IDs and Passwords.

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2 Internet Safety James Fuller

3 Internet Rules To Remember When asked by friends or strangers, online or offline, never share Account IDs and Passwords. Don't reveal any personal identity information in your Screen Names, such as your birthday, hobbies, hometown or school. In any information exchange, like e-mail or chat, never give any personal information about yourself or someone else. Don't share photos of yourself, your family, or your home with people you meet online. Never open e-mails that come from unknown sources. DELETE them.

4 WHEN IN DOUBT: Always ask your parents for help. If you're not sure, log off.

5 Internet Pledge I PROMISE Never to give out my name, address, phone number, school name, any adult’s credit card number to anyone online. Never to arrange a face-to-face meeting with anyone I meet online. Never to go into chat rooms unless my parents say it’s okay. Never to open emails from someone I don’t know and never to go to links I don’t recognize. Always to tell an adult if I see anything online that makes me feel uncomfortable.

6 NOTHING you write on the Web is completely private. Be careful what you write and to whom.

7 How to tell if a site is okay? I would suggest asking a parent to have a look at the sites you are interested in learning about. They can probably tell you if the sites seem safe or not. No matter what sites you use, it's important to be aware of strangers. Strangers on the Internet are just like strangers in real life. Some of them are harmless and some of them are not. That's why it's important not to communicate with people on the Internet if you don't know them.

8 How can I be sure I’m safe? To protect yourself from online stranger danger or identity theft, it's best not to give out personal information to people who you don't know. That includes pictures of yourself, your name, address, email address, or telephone number. If you are unsure whether or not someone contacting you is a stranger or not, ask an adult-like a parent or teacher. If you can't tell if a site has a privacy policy or not, ask an adult to help you find out. In fact, any time anybody asks you for information on the net, or asks you to sign up for anything, it's best to check with an adult to make sure that it is safe.

9 Works Cited “Online Safety Rules." 7 Nov. 2012. PDF file. “Internet Safety Pledge.” 7 Nov. 2012. PDF file. "Online Safety." BrainPOP. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2012..

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