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Tools for Impacting Homeless Students’ Lives Lorain County, OH September 2012 Christina Endres

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1 Tools for Impacting Homeless Students’ Lives Lorain County, OH September 2012 Christina Endres

2 Today’s Blueprint Identification Enrollment Considerations Data: The “Now What?” Factor

3 Legal Basis Subtitle VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act A copy of the law and USDE Guidance:

4 Homelessness Defined Lacks a fixed, regular, & adequate nighttime residence Doubled-up Motels, hotels, trailer parks, campgrounds Emergency or transitional shelters Abandoned in hospitals Awaiting foster care

5 Homelessness Defined Public places not meant for habitation Cars, parks, bus or train stations Abandoned buildings, substandard housing Migratory children in the above Unaccompanied youth in the above

6 Identification Liaisons must: Ensure students are identified ◦Through coordination Post notice of rights ◦Where students receive services

7 Team Effort Enrollment Staff Student Services Staff Teachers Special Education Personnel Truancy/Attendance Officers Transportation Staff Cafeteria Staff

8 Team Effort Shelters Soup Kitchens & Food Banks Transitional Living Programs Street Outreach Teams & Drop-in Centers Community Action Agencies Welfare & Housing Departments Homeless Coalitions/Continuums of Care (CoCs) Public Health Departments Faith-based Organizations Low-cost Motels

9 Common Signs: Academic Attendance at many different schools Lack of personal records needed to enroll Inability to pay fees Gaps in skill development Mistaken diagnosis of abilities Poor organizational skills Poor ability to conceptualize

10 Common Signs: Health Lack of immunizations and/or immuniza­ tion records Unmet medical and dental needs Increased vulnerability to colds and flu Sleeping in class

11 Common Signs: Attendance Erratic attendance and tardiness Numerous absences Lack of participation in after-school activities Absences on days when students bring treats

12 Common Signs: Space Issues Lack of shower facilities, washers, etc. Wearing same clothes for several days Inconsistent grooming Consistent lack of preparation for school Incomplete or missing homework Unable to complete special projects

13 Common Signs: Behavioral Refuse invitations from classmates Constantly lose supplies, homework Worry about safety of possessions Parents avoid school Parentification Anxiety late in the school day Marked change in behavior Difficulty trusting

14 Enrollment Questionnaires Can be used to screen for eligibility May be incorporated into eligibility questionnaires for multiple programs Any that suggest homelessness can be directed to the liaison

15 Other Enrollment Tips Keep a list of shelters and low cost motels near the registration desk that can be discreetly checked against enrollment forms Host cooperative enrollment events with Head Start and other similar community agencies

16 Tips: Beyond Enrollment Provide regular trainings on recognizing common signs Involve school personnel and community agencies in the identification process Make personal contacts with staff at motels, low-cost health facili­ties, police stations, and other public ser­vice facilities

17 Tips: Beyond Enrollment Assist with attendance reviews Engage youth in awareness activities Review mailing labels and transportation logs Use the district website

18 Tips: Youth Administer surveys to youth Accept referrals from other students Provide outreach to areas where students might congregate Incorporate homelessness into lessons Hold a school convocation on homelessness

19 General Tips Keep an eye out for social cues Offer to talk to families privately Avoid the “H” word Get to the concern beyond the stigma Tailor information to audience Consider MOUs, release forms, newsletters

20 Identification Liaisons must ensure hcy: Enroll in, & have a full, equal opportunity to succeed in schools Receive educational services for which they are eligible & referrals for other services

21 Enrollment Defined The terms enroll and enrollment include: Attending classes and participating fully in school activities

22 Enrollment Considerations Homelessness can last a day or many years. Determinations for school placement are based on the best interest of the child. Transportation services must be offered to homeless students.

23 Enrollment Considerations Transportation for extra-curricular activities should be comparable to what’s offered to other students. UHY are a legally recognized subpopulation with full rights under the law. Districts and states are required to revise and remove barriers for homeless students.

24 Enrollment Considerations In addition to general enrollment, students have the right to: Title I services Free school meals Vocational education Special education Early childhood education Any other program offered by the district such as alternative education

25 Data, Data, Data Required to participate in CSPR collection Districts enter info into EMIS States enter it into EdFacts or CSPR Each year, NCHE releases data summary

26 What do you want to know?

27 Got Data? Got Answers! Suspension Rates & Reasons Academic Performance School Stability & Assessment Participation Academic Services General Trends: Enrollment Graduation Rates Data is a tool to improving student outcomes

28 Community Impact Data gives credibility ◦Vigo County Data can help schools get resources ◦Mesa County Data can help programs get resources ◦Montgomery County

29 Considerations Use comparison groups: subpopulations as required by law Use comparative data like unemployment rates Keep in mind group sizes and data quality

30 What do you want to know?

31 For More Information NCHE Website  NCHE Helpline  800-308-2145 or State Coordinator  Tom Dannis, 614-466-4161

32 NCHE Briefs Identifying Students in Homeless Situations Determining Eligibility

33 NAEHCY Toolkits

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