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Emily Dickinson Poem 341 After great pain, a formal feeling comes.

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Presentation on theme: "Emily Dickinson Poem 341 After great pain, a formal feeling comes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emily Dickinson Poem 341 After great pain, a formal feeling comes

2 After great pain, a formal feeling comes -- The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs The stiff Heart questions, was it He, that bore, And Yesterday, or Centuries before?

3 The Feet, mechanical, go round – Of Ground, or Air, or Ought -- A Wooden way Regardless grown, A Quartz contentment, like a stone --

4 This is the Hour of Lead -- Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow – First -- Chill -- then Stupor -- then the letting go --

5 The nerves, she says, "sit ceremonious like tombs." ► Nerves are compared to two things: ceremony and tombs ► People dressed in black sit around a room after a funeral may be said to be like tombs ► Tomb has the qualities of deadness, quietness and stillness ► Overall symbolizes someone who suffered great pain

6 Common quality, of stiff lifelessness Examples: 1. the heart is "stiff" 2. the feet walk a "wooden" way 3. the contentment is a "quartz" contentment 4. the hour is that of "lead. 5. feet move mechanically and are "regardless" of where they go

7 "A quartz contentment like a stone” ► stoniness with the numbness of grief ► a "quartz contentment" could mean her contentment has been crystallized ► The author has become so numb from the pain she doesn’t feel it anymore

8 ► Few outlive the experience to be able to remember and recount it to others "Remembered if outlived"

9 As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow -- First -- Chill -- then Stupor -- then the letting go -- This experience of grief is like a death by freezing. 1. Chill 2. Stupor or daze as the body becomes numbed 3. Body finally gives up the fight against the cold, relaxes and dies

10 Tone/Mood Tone- “attitude of poet toward their subject, and also their audience” (Drachler and Terris 1). Subject of this particular poem is undefined Reacts to audience in a very real, humble manner

11 After great pain, a formal feeling comes— The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs— The still Heart questions was it He, that bore, And Yesterday, or Centuries before? The Feet, mechanical, go round— Of Ground, or Air, or Ought— A Wooden way Regardless grown, A Quartz contentment, like a stone— This is the Hour of Lead— Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow— First—Chill—then Stupor—then the letting go—

12 After great pain, a formal feeling comes— The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs— The still Heart questions was it He, that bore, And Yesterday, or Centuries before? The Feet, mechanical, go round— Of Ground, or Air, or Ought— A Wooden way Regardless grown, A Quartz contentment, like a stone— This is the Hour of Lead— Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow— First—Chill—then Stupor—then the letting go—

13 After great pain, a formal feeling comes— The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs— The still Heart questions was it He, that bore, And Yesterday, or Centuries before? The Feet, mechanical, go round— Of Ground, or Air, or Ought— A Wooden way Regardless grown, A Quartz contentment, like a stone— This is the Hour of Lead— Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow— First—Chill—then Stupor—then the letting go—

14 After great pain, a formal feeling comes— The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs— The still Heart questions was it He, that bore, And Yesterday, or Centuries before? The Feet, mechanical, go round— Of Ground, or Air, or Ought— A Wooden way Regardless grown, A Quartz contentment, like a stone— This is the Hour of Lead— Remembered, if outlived, As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow— First—Chill—then Stupor—then the letting go—

15 Sources ► f/dickinson/341.htm f/dickinson/341.htm f/dickinson/341.htm ► Drachler, and Terris. "College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | The University of Florida." College of Liberal Arts and Sciences The University of Florida. 25 Oct. 2008.

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