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Day 25 Things are heating up with the Linley Valley issue. Save Linley Valley West has gotten media coverage (see,

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Presentation on theme: "Day 25 Things are heating up with the Linley Valley issue. Save Linley Valley West has gotten media coverage (see,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 25 Things are heating up with the Linley Valley issue. Save Linley Valley West has gotten media coverage (see, has started an ongoing petition ( CA/petitions/city-of-nanaimo-council- stop-development-plans-for-linley-valley- west 2?share_id=uWRjPJvfbv&utm_campaign=s hare_button_action_box&utm_medium=f acebook&utm_source=share_petition), and is planning to address Council on April 15 th at 4 p.m. in the council chambers at the Conference Centre. CA/petitions/city-of-nanaimo-council- stop-development-plans-for-linley-valley- west 2?share_id=uWRjPJvfbv&utm_campaign=s hare_button_action_box&utm_medium=f acebook&utm_source=share_petition

2 ALL GEOGRAPHY STUDENTS WELCOME Department of Geography Vancouver Island University End of Term Gathering! Thursday, April 11th, 2013 4:00 p.m. Building 370 Room 242. Presentation of the Geography Out- standing Student Service Award. Announcement of new Geography Scholarship Awards. Review of Geography course offerings for next year. Saying farewell to our international exchange and graduating students. Reconvening afterwards at the pub to celebrate the end of another successful academic year! “Come join us and say farewell to your geography friends!”

3 The Sustainability Advisory Committee at Vancouver Island University provides advice to the Infrastructure and Ancillary Services office on issues related to sustainability on our various campuses. As of our last meeting in March the committee gained the right to make our own proposals on sustainability projects. As a student representative on the SAC, I’m asking you to get in touch with me directly ( with any sustainability ideas that you think VIU should be considering. For your idea to be considered by the committee it would be need to be feasible to fund with the amount of money that we have available (contact me for details regarding the amount of funds potentially available). The scope is wide: anything from greening the campus, to reducing water consumption to reducing the amount of fuel consumed in vehicles coming to

4 I put in the folder last week some articles about Save-On Meats, owned by Serena’s friend, Mark Brand. Despite being a socially and ecologically conscientious enterprise, they are caught in the middle of a fierce debate on gentrification of the Downtown East Side, leading to their sign being stolen and displayed with a masked figure on an anarchist blog. Here is Save-On’s response:

5  Today we will have the remaining presentations (Cara, Drissa, Linda, Kim, Barb, and anyone else who hasn’t gone).  If time permits we will also do an evaluation of the course. I will pass out a form for evaluating the course, along with a section for self-evaluation. If we don’t have time to do it in class, fill it out and bring it on Thursday.  Any announcements?

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