Employment Fair Purpose of the Fair Decide your purpose Preparation Stage Employment Fair fives At the Fair What if …? Do’s and Don’ts The Fair is a one.

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Presentation on theme: "Employment Fair Purpose of the Fair Decide your purpose Preparation Stage Employment Fair fives At the Fair What if …? Do’s and Don’ts The Fair is a one."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employment Fair Purpose of the Fair Decide your purpose Preparation Stage Employment Fair fives At the Fair What if …? Do’s and Don’ts The Fair is a one day event where over 100 employers and 400-plus corporate representatives are grouped on-campus to discuss available career opportunities and disseminate information about their companies

2 Purpose of the Fair One of the easiest places to find good job leads: –An opportunity to personally distribute your resume directly to employers. –Make a good first impression with a personal touch. –An excellent chance to learn about different careers. –A challenging networking hub with over 400 corporate representatives.

3 Decide your purpose Before the Fair, decide what you want to get out of it. Do you wish to learn about different companies and industries, apply for a specific job, network, or all? Plan your career fair accordingly.

4 Preparation Stage Review booklet and decide which companies/opportunities you are interested in Research companies Prepare good questions to ask Develop a one-minute commercial

5 One-minute Commercial “Good afternoon, my name is ……, I am graduating next June with a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and a specialization in TV production and I have internship experiences with two TV stations. I am very much interested in the TV Coordinator position announced in the Fair booklet.”

6 5 Things to take to the Fair Copies of your resume (25 to 40 depending on the number of companies you are interested in). A smile, a strong handshake, and a positive attitude. A 30-second/one-minute commercial/sales pitch. Information about the organizations which will be attending. Energy! Career fairs require you to be on your feet moving from table to table for an hour or so. Each time you meet someone, be at your best, as refreshed as possible!

7 5 Things not to Do at the Fair Don't cruise the booths with a group of friends. Don't come dressed for rugby practice (or any other extremely casual activity). Semi-casual is the key. Don't come during the last half hour of the event. Many employers leave early. Plan to spend 2-3 hours at the event Don’t answer your cell phone while standing at the company’s booth. Turn your mobile ringer off during your interaction with employers. Don’t monopolize employers’ time.

8 5 Things to Take Home from the Fair Business cards from the employers you have met. Notes about contacts you made and companies you applied for. Information/corporate material about organizations you have contacted. A better sense of your career options. Self-confidence in interacting with employer representatives.

9 At the Fair … Tips for success Maintain good eye contact. Indicate your knowledge of the organization, obtained through research and available opportunities. Enthusiastically communicate your related interests, skills, strengths, and experience. Ask questions, but not about salary and benefits. Be courteous; you are not only representing yourself but your campus community Practice your approach. Visit your lower priority employers first; but don’t loose too much time with low priority employers

10 What if...? I am interested in two positions in the same company? I am interested in a career other than the ones advertised in the booklet? I have military service? I want to apply for a job that does not match my academic education? My GPA is low? There are no vacancies matching my academic education? What if I do not have internships and/or extracurricular activities?

11 Do’s and Don’ts Do know what you want to get out of the fair Do select several companies you’d like to talk to before you go to the fair Do practice your one-minute commercial Do wait for your turn in line and take notes Do ask about timing of recruitment process and the best way to follow up; don’t forget business cards Don’t just drop your resume off and walk away; learn what the company is looking for Don’t ask “Do you have any jobs?” Don’t cruise tables with groups of friends Don’t assume you made such a great impression that you don’t need to follow-up Don’t overdress and don’t under-dress

12 Final thought Enjoy the day and your interaction with corporate representatives. Let your positive attitude show !

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