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The Event Sponsored by the Office of Career and Transfer Services.

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Presentation on theme: "The Event Sponsored by the Office of Career and Transfer Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Event Sponsored by the Office of Career and Transfer Services

2 The Event Registration Dates: November 15 th to December 12 th ‘The Event’: January 6, 2011

3  The Event is a Career Day where a number of employers and recent /pending Harcum graduates come together for the purpose of interviewing and/or networking for current position or obtaining future information on a career field.  Defined more precisely, a Career Day is an employment strategy to fast-track the meeting of job seekers and employers.

4 There are many reasons or goals for attending ‘The Event’:  Networking  Find Local/Distant Employment Opportunities  Get A Job!  Develop Interviewing Skills

5  Pre-register  Identify and research prospective employers  Have a clear career focus  Prepare resume(s)  Rehearse elevator speech *  Practice typical interview question responses  Develop list of questions to ask employers  Decide on proper career day attire *  Get organized the night before *

6  This is typically a 15 to 30 second commercial that briefly tells the person you are talking to who you are, what makes you unique, and the benefits you can provide.  Basic structure:  Hi, my name is ___________. I will be graduating/I just graduated from ____________________with a degree in _____________________. I'm looking to_____________________.

7  ‘ Hello my name is Jane Smith and I’m graduating in May from Harcum College with a degree in nursing. My goal since childhood has been to be a nurse. Right now, I’m currently a part-time assistant at a hospital and I volunteer in their pediatric unit as well. My eventual career goal is to work in pediatrics, preferably with cancer patients, but I’m open to other assignments as well. After researching your company, I am excited about what you are doing relating to my interest. Would you tell me more about opportunities in this area with your company?”

8  Creating A 30 Second Commercial Creating A 30 Second Commercial  Another 30 Second Commercial Another 30 Second Commercial

9  It's a wise idea to prepare and practice responses to typical job interview questions. Common interview questions:  What do you really want to do in life?  Why did you choose this career?  What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?  Describe the best job you've ever had.  What makes you qualified for this position?  What’s the most recent book you’ve read?  What can you tell us about our company?  What interests you about our products?  What do you know about our competitors?

10  Can you describe a typical day for someone in this position?  Why did you choose this career?  Can you describe the company’s management style?  What are the traits and skills of people who are the most successful within the organization?  Is travel expected for this position? If yes, how often and how long.  What is the hiring process for your company in my area of interest?  What is it like to work for your company?  What is the opportunity for your company for advancement?... growth?  How might I make myself a stronger candidate?  How do you choose one candidate over another?  Is there someone in your company I may contact who can tell me more about this particular area of work?

11  Dress for success for all interviews, including career day.  Cover all visible tattoos and display minimal piercings.  Keep jewelry to a minimum.  Polish those shoes.  Wear little or no cologne/perfume.

12  Gather all your materials the night before the event to help make the time before the event less stressful.  Resumes  Portfolio (or at least a folder to hold everything)  Pens  Notepad  Breath mints (not gum)  Plan your attire  Get a good night's sleep

13  Arrive early, get your bearings  Review list of attendees for last-minute additions  Implement your career day strategy  Make a good first impression  Be courteous, polite  Don't leave without getting contact information  Ask about the next steps in hiring process  Jot down interview notes after you walk away from employers  Network with other job-seekers and professionals  Always stay positive

14  Write thank-you notes to all the employers you met  Write notes to anyone else you met that you want to keep in your network  Organize all your contact information, notes, and literature from the Career Day  Devise a follow-up plan

15  Job-Seekers:  Your goal should be to get to the next step with as many prospective employers as possible, either testing or an interview  Follow-up is essential; be professional, but do the follow-up  Networkers:  Don't leave the Career Day without a fistful of business cards and the sense that you established solid rapport with a number of people  Remember that making contacts and building relationships is your mission  There's less pressure on you, so you should be able to get more accomplished at the event to help you achieve your goals

16  Do keep an open mind about career opportunities with companies you had not originally thought about speaking with.  Don't be afraid to walk right up to a employer and introduce yourself. Have confidence, but don't interrupt a conversation the employers having with another job-seeker.  Don't ever say anything negative about yourself, your former employers, or your school.  Do ask questions about the organization, but don't ask about salary or benefits.


18 Make an appointment with a Career & Transfer Advisor Mr. Graham Bottrel Director of Career &Transfer Services The Academic Center Phone: 610-526-6047 Email: or Ms. Ketsia Cherubin, Intern Phone: 610-526-6177 Email:

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